I thought the relaxin from your pregnancy fixed all this?
I talked to two gynecologists about it way back in June and I was told that it might not last my entire pregnancy. Even though I am stretchy, that doesn't mean that I'll keep the depth advantage I had before. I can tell that the relaxin is still working because even when we don't have sex for a while now, his girth never makes me feel sore any more. Ever. There's no need to keep me stretched out girth-wise using sex toys.
As the womb grows, women's back become swayed and her hips become tilted downwards, in order to accommodate the growth. Eventually the womb isn't just growing upwards, pushing all the organs above and to the back and the sides of the womb, it will also start sitting lower eventually, and I believe that's what that gynecologist meant when he said that any vaginal depth changes may be temporary during my pregnancy.
I've also wondered if some of the depth changes might be related to how TheBaby is positioned in my womb. He's been hanging out a lot in the birth position, which is head down, and it's very uncomfortable when I walk, his head bumping against the inside of my cervix. You can actually see a major difference in my gait from when he's breach, which is far more comfortable. When he's breach, I can usually still walk like a lady, feet together, and I can even swing my hips, which makes me feel like I'm not so pregnant that I can't be sassy. When his head is up against the inside of my cervix, I walk like a duck, feet pointed outward, knees an unladylike distance apart. Sometimes I'll use my hands to move him into breach position, but the stubborn kid will move back sometimes!
Have you tried or even found those jelly rings to put on his base so he doesn't penetrate so deeply?
I found two brands and I made a thread asking members if they had tried either one. I was also concerned about girth, since he's bigger around than average. No one ended up being able to give me a first hand account of how comfortable either one was, or give me the internal diameter of either one.
I should try one out. TheBF really wanted to try them, even though I told him that I thought it would look a little silly. It would solve the problem, I'm sure of it!
I love the fact you already have a username picked out for the kid!
LOL! I thought it was too cute to resist. :tongue:
Even though I love the backstop grinding, I've always found it difficult to orgasm in that position. My whole cock has a lot more pressure longitudinally so I have a hard time letting go when that pleasure/pain cycle starts (yes, it does hurt in a very very good way). I have cum a few times, but like your boyfriend, I need the long strokes from doggy to actually orgasm.
Interesting! I hadn't realized how much I miss when I'm in the moment. I was worried that watching us have sex on video would be disappointing, but on the contrary, I thought it was really hot. At least, I thought TheBF was really hot to watch. :tongue:
That's the spiral I was talking about in another thread when I go limp and need to take a bit of time off to unravel my brain. I'm sure it's also the physiological response to stress that activates the catecholamines which in turn ruins the erection until the body gets rid of it.
It's so rare for TheBF not to have an erection and be ready to go when I am that it didn't even occur to me that he might not be able to after I freaked him out. That idea didn't even cross my mind.
The only other time I think he's ever lost his erection was when TheBaby would freak him out by kicking him in the middle of sex, which started around the end of July. The first time that happened was the only time I've literally felt him go soft while inside me, right in the middle of sex. At least he didn't have to explain to me how he felt about the baby moving around during sex. I could read his body language.