Anterior or posterior fornix?

I suspect this is one of those anatomical differences between women.

I can't find the image for the life of me, but it showed an example of the CDS being reached and had a pretty clear depiction in it also of a cleft cause by the spinal chord. The ridge made by where the spinal chord terminate + the correct position might be what causes the "pop" sensation as the penis passes by it and the cervix on the opposing vaginal wall.

Than, or maybe I have bomb hidden somewhere within my body :biggrin1:
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I'm having trouble imagining what this popping could be if it isn't the penis passing the cervix. Could it be the region that I have encircled in the picture below perhaps? Just behind the uterus.

Sorry, I couldn't see anything circled in the attached pics. I'm guessing that the walls of the vagina are quite close together at the entrance to the posterior fornix, even when tented. This is probably where the pop stems from.

I have noticed a sensation when he passes my cervix if I'm not as aroused or if I haven't had sex in a while (pre-pregnancy). There is sometimes a very distinct feeling when the head of his cock goes past the cervix and into the cul-de-sac. It doesn't hurt, but I can see how that sensation might be described as a pop. However, that feeling is the exception and not the rule.

As far as any other area of my vagina, I don't notice a popping sensation there either. I asked TheBF and he said that he hasn't noticed one.

I suspect this is one of those anatomical differences between women.

Thanks for normalising me Petite! I was beginning to think I was the most unobservant woman on the face of the earth - then again, I still might be :redface:.
The back wall of the vagina is known as the posterior fornix and it's past the cervix in an area called the cul-de-sac or The Pouch of Douglas.


1. "Douglas" must have been quite a guy to get a part of the vagina named for him. Wouldn't he be a cool dude to have a beer with?

2. I am going to learn an instrument just so I can start a band and call it "The Pouch of Douglas."

3. Can I change my username to "Douglas Pouch"?
I've experienced a "popping" sensation with some partners and believe it to be an issue of anatomical differences. The cul-de-sac is sometimes like an antechamber attached to the end of the vagina. If it is narrower or angled significantly different from the rest of the vagina, there can be a noticeable transition when entering. It can feel like a pop or it can feel like slipping into the finger of a glove. This is usually delicious but can be jarring if you are expecting to go deep but get hung up on the ridge at the entrance to the cul-de-sac instead.
Thanks for normalising me Petite! I was beginning to think I was the most unobservant woman on the face of the earth - then again, I still might be :redface:.

I didn't ask TheBF if he felt a "pop" with me until yesterday (and I didn't tell him that I don't before I asked him, so I wouldn't bias his answer) but I've been thinking the same thing. It was him telling me that he doesn't feel a pop that made me feel better about not feeling it either. :smile:


1. "Douglas" must have been quite a guy to get a part of the vagina named for him. Wouldn't he be a cool dude to have a beer with?

2. I am going to learn an instrument just so I can start a band and call it "The Pouch of Douglas."

3. Can I change my username to "Douglas Pouch"?

LOL! You are so funny! :lmao:

I'm guessing that Douglas discovered it so he got to name it after himself? Maybe he had a long penis. :tongue:

The Pouch of Douglas is an awesome band name! That's great! I'm not so sure about using the name Douglas Pouch, though... although I'm sure that almost no one would understand it. Then again, maybe you'd attract size queens like flies!

I've experienced a "popping" sensation with some partners and believe it to be an issue of anatomical differences. The cul-de-sac is sometimes like an antechamber attached to the end of the vagina. If it is narrower or angled significantly different from the rest of the vagina, there can be a noticeable transition when entering. It can feel like a pop or it can feel like slipping into the finger of a glove. This is usually delicious but can be jarring if you are expecting to go deep but get hung up on the ridge at the entrance to the cul-de-sac instead.

In one of the threads a few weeks back about gay men who are curious about vaginal sex, one gay man wrote about having sex with an attractive pre-op FTM and how much he enjoyed the sensation of his cervix (a phrase I never thought I'd write, "his cervix") against the head of his penis while he was having sex with him. He's obviously still strongly attracted to masculinity, but he gave the vagina high marks for producing physical pleasure! His description sounded similar to yours.
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Sorry, I couldn't see anything circled in the attached pics.

I've thickened the outline for you. I thought that perhaps rather than the penis entering the white tissue, it might just push it back and increase the size of the cavity. Does this look like the region that you're all feeling this pop in, or is it too far up?


Also, in what way do orgasms generated from this area differ from other areas? Does it cause the uterine or cervix to spasm more than orgasms from other areas?
My favorite post (reply) to this thread so far.

Funny you mention the "pop" thing. I feel almost this exact sensation about an inch before he fully enters. It starts like a little twitch of my vaginal walls, and then it is as ifs something bumped up and down (he commented on it as well). I would normally shudder as he entered this far, and then it was as if he found a whole new chamber within my vagina. Penetration at that point feels spectacular: very intense with a sensation of vigorous "heat" and stretching. Blissful to continue stimulation there for as long as I can endure.

Actually just wanted to say also that as an observer I've enjoyed reading this thread so far.
Funny you mention the "pop" thing. I feel almost this exact sensation about an inch before he fully enters. It starts like a little twitch of my vaginal walls, and then it is as ifs something bumped up and down (he commented on it as well). I would normally shudder as he entered this far, and then it was as if he found a whole new chamber within my vagina. Penetration at that point feels spectacular: very intense with a sensation of vigorous "heat" and stretching. Blissful to continue stimulation there for as long as I can endure.

Awesome description and accurate in every detail from my perspective when MrsR and I are doing it. I read your description to my wife and she said that was really accurate. Good job!

Okay, I'm beginning to feel left out. I have NEVER noticed the pop. Maybe I'm just too sex-stoned to notice (seriously, the sky could be falling in and I wouldn't notice). Or maybe I have no pop. Strange.

Sometimes it's less dramatic than a "pop" but it is the whole plugged into the Matrix docking feeling you and I talk about.

1. "Douglas" must have been quite a guy to get a part of the vagina named for him. Wouldn't he be a cool dude to have a beer with?

The pouch is actually that space "behind" the cds/posterior fornix.On a sidenote, my wife called Douglas the Ponce de Leon of pussy.

I've experienced a "popping" sensation with some partners and believe it to be an issue of anatomical differences. The cul-de-sac is sometimes like an antechamber attached to the end of the vagina. If it is narrower or angled significantly different from the rest of the vagina, there can be a noticeable transition when entering. It can feel like a pop or it can feel like slipping into the finger of a glove. This is usually delicious but can be jarring if you are expecting to go deep but get hung up on the ridge at the entrance to the cul-de-sac instead.

That is an amazing description!!!

Also, in what way do orgasms generated from this area differ from other areas? Does it cause the uterine or cervix to spasm more than orgasms from other areas?

Not sure if anyone's mentioed this, but you asked the damndest best fucking questions.
The pouch is actually that space "behind" the cds/posterior fornix.On a sidenote, my wife called Douglas the Ponce de Leon of pussy.

This is what I thought as well. the pouch isn't synonymous with the cds or pf, but rather a zone beyond seemingly reserved by a benevolent creator for potential stretching. I like your wife's conquistador metaphor. The magical pouch has all the enchantment and allure of an el dorado, a promised land, or an 'i looked up her dress and saw a new dark continent,' except that it's right there.
Are y'all sure that the "pop" you're mentioning is not simply passing by/over the cervical "stalk" itself? I mean, depending on arousal level and physique, the cervix may have jutted a bit into the vagina (the "stalk" I'm referring to) and would create a narrowing, depending on angle and position and such. The "pop" might then just be sliding the glans into/out of the posterior fornix, "over" the cervix, with no deeper target needed as seems to be indicated in some of the posted diagrams. No two women are alike on vaginal sensation but I could easily see the "pop" feeling being vaguely enough located that the woman might not be sure what's involved. From personal experience doing manual exploration of my gf, she's often surprised and very delighted with what I'm doing around the cervix, but I think half the time she doesn't know that that's precisely what I'm landmarking.

Are y'all sure that the "pop" you're mentioning is not simply passing by/over the cervical "stalk" itself? I mean, depending on arousal level and physique, the cervix may have jutted a bit into the vagina (the "stalk" I'm referring to) and would create a narrowing, depending on angle and position and such. The "pop" might then just be sliding the glans into/out of the posterior fornix, "over" the cervix, with no deeper target needed as seems to be indicated in some of the posted diagrams. No two women are alike on vaginal sensation but I could easily see the "pop" feeling being vaguely enough located that the woman might not be sure what's involved. From personal experience doing manual exploration of my gf, she's often surprised and very delighted with what I'm doing around the cervix, but I think half the time she doesn't know that that's precisely what I'm landmarking.

Nudge my cervix, and I'll know. So will you, and so will the downstairs neighbor when I reflexively shove you to the floor. I do not like to have my cervix touched, especially by the tip of the head. For me, it's incredibly painful. It sends what feels like a strong, electric shock up into my ovaries, and along my vaginal walls. There can be no more sex after that, because after that point I'm too tense and fearful of feeling that again. That's not to say I don't think your points are valid. It's just that I think that's unlikely to be what's happening to me. I feel the head cramming into a small space. Usually, I can tolerate the shaft sliding against my cervix, but the head itself causes pain.
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Perhaps it's just a direct hit that is painful? Couldn't the head be just squeezing past the cervix without a direct, head on collision?
Kevbo and gunnaknow:

The popping sensation I experienced has nothing to do with the cervix. The cervix is on the ventral side of the vagina and feels hard -- kind of like the tip of a nose. What I felt was on the dorsal side. the sensation of popping was caused by the penis pausing at a ridge where the vaginal cavity narrows into the posterior fornix before suddenly sliding in with a "pop."

One partner's pf/cds was very long and narrow. so narrow that it took some force to squeeze my cock up into it. and this created a vacuum effect that was at times pop-like. the main thing i remember, though, was that it just felt ridiculously good working my cock up in there. so good that we both managed to ignore for months our fundamental incompatibility.
Perhaps it's just a direct hit that is painful? Couldn't the head be just squeezing past the cervix without a direct, head on collision?
I know where it is. It's very sensitive to touch. There is no touch that feels good, only tolerable, and terrible, with no in between. The shaft sometimes contacts my cervix when my husband is angling around to get into the cul du sac, and slides along it for a bit, and the pop is not in the same spot. Listen to Mr. Sensitive. He knows.
Also, in what way do orgasms generated from this area differ from other areas? Does it cause the uterine or cervix to spasm more than orgasms from other areas?
It feel like more of a relief than any other kind. After, I feel so satisfied (though sometimes simultaneously hungry for more. To me, the most significant difference is the way I feel right before orgasm, and how much longer I feel like I'm still building up to something, but already beyond the point of no return. When I get close to my cds orgasm, I feel like I have to have it. I really can't move much in the 45 seconds or so before it hits. After, I feel like I fought for something with my whole being, and got it. Right before, the need to come is so urgent. I think this urgency is the source of my relief when when do climax.

I'm exhausted. SO, I hope this is easy to understand. If not, I'll try to clear it up later
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AE and Mr. Sensitive described it best. I can attest to the fact that the constriction before the pop is felt on all sides of my cock, not just the top.

If the women paying attention to this thread can do me a HUGE favor, let's try this experiment; Have your guy's cock go all the way in, and then retract for an inch. Once he does that, squeeze the hardest kegel you can squeeze aroung his cock, and then tell him to slide in that last inch.

I have a theory that the last set of muscles prior to the very deepest region is being flexed involuntarily and the penis forcing it open is sending something of a feedback loop. The deep vaginal muscles are clamped shut, the cock comes in tries to pry it open but the canal stretches back, tries to pry it open the canal stretches back, tries to pry it open --then-- *pop*, it opens up the space, the deep muscles grasps the cock in a tight embrace around the shaft as the head further penetrates deeper.

The inner muscle now having been pried open sends a signal to your brain that something's been worked free inside and new sensations from deeper inside start registering. Maybe this is why the shorter of us (~7") that can reach it, but have to work at it have that pop where the behemoths like petite's BF and subgirrl's FB don't register that pop is because they've pried it open on the first thrust deep inside?
OK, thanks. Based on your answers, I've looked for natural narrowings on the MRI scan and can see two. The first one is a narrowing before the cervix and the second one is behind the uterus. Is it either of these two regions that I have encircled? If so, which one? Does the popping still occur after you're fully tented or could this be down to the walls still being contracted? Thanks.


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RawDog, I'd love to try an experiment! Any excuse to have sex with TheBF will do! :biggrin1:

Gunnaknow, my doctor told me a few years ago that the tilt of my uterus has changed, which may make my experiences slightly different than those of other women. I don't have a totally retroverted uterus, but mine is (was) no longer in the "normal" position any more.

Here's a visualization illustrating how the uterus can be at a different angle in different women.