Be honest: do you check the dick of other guys in the urinals?

In Australia, I've almost never seen dividers at urinals. I reckon the position of quite a few public urinals here inevitably makes you glance at a cock pissing when walking in or going to wash/dry your hands. Sometimes when the person shakes their junk after peeing, that gets my attention as a side glance.

This is very accurate in aus yes. If the guy is a shower and he is nice and long you can often see it in your periphal vision whether you want to look or not.

I have had a few looks my way but not that many as I am more short and fat the handling long when soft
Always. Ive found a slight turn of the head to look, let’s say 45 degrees lol, is fine with most guys. If you turn your head fully to look over.. 90 degrees, ya I’m a very analytical guy lol, it freaks out guys and comes off as creepy. It seems you aren’t just taking a glance like most guys, but cruising. Even if the guy is many urinals down which means u need to turn your head fully to makes the guy cover up.
I always have a look. Don't stare but glance around. Tend to find if you hold boxers under your balls (i undo my trousers), hold your cock with your other hand, and scratch your chin on your shoulder its slightly discrete...try it, it works lol
I'll look if invited to. There have been times where eye contact is made and it seems the guy will step back or move their hands down to their sides but that only happens when it may just be the two of us at the urinals. A lot of hung guys love to show off and compare. I'm never one to turn down a discreet glance.
I'll look if invited to. There have been times where eye contact is made and it seems the guy will step back or move their hands down to their sides but that only happens when it may just be the two of us at the urinals. A lot of hung guys love to show off and compare. I'm never one to turn down a discreet glance.

Yeah . Very true. I always use the railway station urinals to show off and take a peek.
In a bar i go to bathroom evey 10 min to check other guys, sometimes just few guys sometimes full. Some guys even in a gaybar, hide their cock not to be watched.
Me too. I try to drink as much as I can so I can go to the bathroom many times. Even if I don't have the urgency, I still go. Especially if the toilet your in has a trough or no dividers and with guys heading in it. The trough urinals is a best male bonding experience.
Yes even in my middle ages, nice sharing the camaraderie and bonus to see how we compare with fellow guys. Went to a bar recently and caught a few slight glances my way (and I returned the glances too, haha) as the fellow attendees and I pissed at the 6 or so urinal row which are the low cup shaped ones so sightings inevitable anyway.
I'm visiting some friends in SF and we went out for drinks down in the Castro. If you're familiar with the bars there, you'd know the one I'm talking about across from the theater. It's a nice pub atmosphere. The only odd thing is the bathroom if you can call it that. Basically, one step in the door opening (no door) and you're at the trough urinal. But it's the length of the closet size room so you'd have to step behind someone pissing to get a spot. Interestingly, there's a low mirror on the wall just above the trough so you can get a good look at your neighbors. It's usually dark but if the light is right.... I didn't know about this set up so I went with one of the guys to take a piss. (I would have waited until he was done if I knew, not that I'm pee shy or anything.) It was a bit crowded so we needed to wait our turn. Two spots opened up so I stood next to my friend's friend. I let my cock flop out and let out a powerful stream. It didn't take me a minute to check out his cock. It was pretty dark but it was a fat one. I jokingly (drunkenly) crossed streams with him and we laughed and swayed our hips to keep doing it. I could tell we were both starting to get hard. He tucked his cock in (much longer by now) and I thwacked my pretty stiff cock on my hand a few times to shake off the last drops. Of we went back to drinking.
Went to a nicer scale restaurant in Baton Rouge for the first time today. Enter the men’s room to find two urinals, in extremely close quarters, without a divider. Started the stream and stood back a bit in hopes of being joined. No one entered. Even waited a bit bit no one showed. Thought it very strange for this type of establishment.
I hear this too... Went to a department store on a Sunday and its restrooms have three urinals with no dividers and I took slow piss and took time washing hands and had a slight disappointed feeling no one else came in to relieve self and possibly show off whether on purpose or not. Hopefully next shopping trip.
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