Being Thin, Exercise, Less Masturbation And Sleep Erections: Best Way To Increase Size

I am thin, I exercise regularly, I am doing NoFap right now (to stop watching porn and improve my free time) and I have erections in my sleep.... My penis size is the same it has always been.
Yeh it is gonna take at least a year of being thin with a non-broken dick so sleep erections will take effect - plus you have to be really thin not just thin.
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Some guys that make me think the theory is true:
Pics in order
joe brady (2 pics)

But unlike other methods this requires patience for the sleep erections to take effect - so months years. If you think someone like danny D was thin from age 14-21 - thats 2500 nights of sleep erections at their most powerful. Also I think people underestimate how damaged their penis is from the pressure of the hand in masturbation so your penis doesnt fill with blood properly so sleep erections arent effective. A lot of guys masturbate for an hour a day. This is main cause of erectile dysfunction imo. Ideally you should rest it for a few months - no sexual usage including masturbation - just to make sure it is working at 100%. Avoid exercise during this time so all your energy can go into fixing your penis. Anyone age 18+ want to try this method? As I say it will need a year or so of being thin to determine the effect of the stronger sleep erections. Other advice would be to eat watermelon and beetroot - as well as ginkgo biloba tablets to increase blood flow and therefore power of sleep erections. Sleep naked so sleep erections arent restricted.


Some guys that make me think the theory is true:
Pics in order
joe brady (2 pics)

But unlike other methods this requires patience for the sleep erections to take effect - so months years. If you think someone like danny D was thin from age 14-21 - thats 2500 nights of sleep erections at their most powerful. Also I think people underestimate how damaged their penis is from the pressure of the hand in masturbation so your penis doesnt fill with blood properly so sleep erections arent effective. A lot of guys masturbate for an hour a day. This is main cause of erectile dysfunction imo. Ideally you should rest it for a few months - no sexual usage including masturbation - just to make sure it is working at 100%. Avoid exercise during this time so all your energy can go into fixing your penis. Anyone age 18+ want to try this method? As I say it will need a year or so of being thin to determine the effect of the stronger sleep erections. Other advice would be to eat watermelon and beetroot - as well as ginkgo biloba tablets to increase blood flow and therefore power of sleep erections. Sleep naked so sleep erections arent restricted.
Why aren’t these erections getting fully rigid? I have been noticing I am less rigid the more I do edging clamping and jelqing
Why aren’t these erections getting fully rigid? I have been noticing I am less rigid the more I do edging clamping and jelqing
Well if you follow the logic of this method - then any pressure applied will have damaging effects on the penis - so less blood flow.
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If you wish to follow this method, please state this info:
1)Your weight history from when younger to now. I believe being thin during puberty probably has most beneficial effect. (Maybe because testosterone is highest and I have read studies which say that higher test means long lasting sleep erections. Obv thinner guys also have higher test.)
3)how often you masturbate in past and now
4) Erection function
5) whether you have tried other enlargement techniquesNote this be thin/sleep erection method is critical of jelqing and would undermine progress if theory is correct due to pressure in hand damaging penis and therefore effecting sleep erection blood flow/power.

The nature of this method is that progress will be slow. You will need to achieve very skinny status and wait and be patient for the sleep erections to take effect. So maybe a few years.

Instructions :
1) lose weight and be as thin as possible. Best done by eating less and doing exercise you enjoy. Fat loss is mainly down to reducing food as exercise doesn’t burn off many calories.

2) Ensure penis is at 100% health. To do this cease all masturbation for a month - maybe even up to 3 months if you have been an excessive masturbator and your penis is severely damaged. Also cease exercise (see reason below).

3) Any supplements and food that promote blood flow. So watermelon and beetroot and ginkgo biloba tablets. I believe this is least important part of method but can’t harm.

I believe penis health should be viewed from a spectrum perspective/paradigm rather than a binary (healthy-not healthy) one. So as a percentage. I would say most guys who masturbate excessively (eg. Once a day for over 10 minutes) have a percentage lower than 90%. So this will detract from penis growth progress as sleep erections won’t be as strong or vigorous. The body may even limit sleep erections so that repair can take place. So first priority is to ensure good penis health. I would stop all exercise until this happens as exercise drains energy and resources from the body especially if you are doing it daily. So energy will go into repairing damage done by exercise rather than repairing penis. This also means stopping jelqing and other pressure based techniques.

Quote this post if you like so people know what you are referring to with you ur answers.
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I think the current thinking around jelqing as main way to increase size is false. I think jelqing is likely to reduce size. I believe the way to increase size is to have a healthy penis and let sleep erections do the work. Sleep erections last 2hrs each night. This is due to changes in the nervous system during sleep. I believe sleep erections increase size due to a study about a guy with sickle cell whose sickle cell disaese caused him to get priapism ( a permanent erection). He ended up with a coke can size cock. You can access the study by going to Sci-Hub and entering the DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12767. Sleep erections are only time that mimics priapism. Sleep naked or in loose clothing so that sleep erections arent restricted.

So, to maximise size we should maximise blood flow during sleep erections. You will notice the biggest pornstars such as Danny D, Chris Diamond, Vlad from bangbros, John Holmes are all very thin. Plus if you go to the reddit subreddit r/massivecock nearly all the guys are thin and the biggest guys are really thin. You rarely see a fat guy. I get people say it is because of the fat pad but I dont think so - and the fatpad wouldnt affect girth either. I believe the thinner you are, the less fat clogging arteries, the stronger the sleep erections, and this is what stretches it out and leads to a bigger dick for thin guys.

I also believe that masturbation is damaging to the penis and can limit penis size. Young guys particularly masturbate way too much. If you look on the subreddit r/nofap you will find thousands of guys complaining of erectile dysfunction. I believe the penis is more fragile than people think. Masturbation isnt natural - the penis was designed for the foreskin to just glide up and down without any pressure applied by the vagina. So if your penis is damaged, there is less blood flow - every night when you get sleep erections for 2hrs, the stretching process isnt maximised. Obviously this is the reason why i think jelqing is counterproductive. A test to make sure your penis isnt damaged: do you get morning wood? Can you move your penis up and down without touvhing using your kegal muscles? If not, your penis is likely damaged.

People incuding doctors, have just assumed penis size is genetic. There is no scientific study showing that penis size is genetic. There are studies which show certain genetic diseases lead to a micro penis but that doesnt explain the differences between most males with normal penises.

So to summarise I believe to achieve maximum size:

Be as thin as possible and exercise.
Dont masturbate too much or with too much pressure
Avoid Jelqing
Sleep naked/loose clothing so sleep erections arent restricted

Sorry, but you’re wrong about jelqing. It absolutely works 100%. That and the right pump and regiment will get you the gains you want.
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Wow. So much authoritative nonsense here. :joy: Penis length is determined by the the amount of dihydrotestosterone circulating in the body during puberty, not the frequency of nocturnal erections or body mass index.
"Obv thinner guys also have higher test." Nooo, while higher test does equate to better fat metabolism it more obviously results in greater muscle mass. (Hairiness and aggression, as well) Number one for bigger muscle, not bigger dicks. The penis is not a muscle.
Not considering following the method but here's some info:
"Your weight history from when younger to now." 165-180 lbs until age 35, got up to 238, down to 200 for ten years, been in the youthful range again since 2019. The difference between bone-pressed and non-bone-pressed only varied a quarter of an inch.
"height" 6'1"
"age" 59
"how often you masturbate in past and now" Seldom less than twice a day since puberty. Often for 90 minutes or more. (Sometimes a few minutes, before doing things better done without a hard dick!) No breaks longer than a couple days. (it was still highly functional without my attention!)
"Erection function" Multiple spontaneous erections daily, can achieve erection by imagination alone.
"whether you have tried other enlargement techniques" Tried pumping briefly, too many negative side effects and risk. Wet and dry jelq, and some hanging. I finally settled on manual stretching, and variations of the Uli technique, alternating two days on/one day off with one day on/two days off. Without being obsessive or sore I gained 1.5" bp length, and 1.5" girth erect, similar flaccid gains. I used testosterone boosting and circulation increasing supplements No PE for almost fifteen years with no loss of gains. I maintain supplement use for general health.
I believe most amazing gains in size and performance from over-the-counter dick pills occur for those with depressed testosterone production and poor circulation.
Do NOT cease masturbation or exercise. If you don't use an inkjet printer enough the nozzles will clog up so much it's best to just buy a new one. Can't do that with your dick. Definitely do not stop exercising if thirty or older. It becomes much, much harder to regain capacity after inactivity.
Eat foods and take supplements that increase testosterone and blood flow. Don't waste your money on watermelon and beetroot, ginkgo biloba or L-Arginine tablets. The concentrations of therapeutic elements are far too low. L-Citrulline Malate 2-1 powder is what I recommend.
My friend and I were both thin growing up, he's three inches taller with a lower BMI, 25 years younger and always horny. But he's got a skinny 4.5" and I have a fat 8.5". ;)
Wow. So much authoritative nonsense here. :joy: Penis length is determined by the the amount of dihydrotestosterone circulating in the body during puberty, not the frequency of nocturnal erections or body mass index.
"Obv thinner guys also have higher test." Nooo, while higher test does equate to better fat metabolism it more obviously results in greater muscle mass. (Hairiness and aggression, as well) Number one for bigger muscle, not bigger dicks. The penis is not a muscle.
Not considering following the method but here's some info:
"Your weight history from when younger to now." 165-180 lbs until age 35, got up to 238, down to 200 for ten years, been in the youthful range again since 2019. The difference between bone-pressed and non-bone-pressed only varied a quarter of an inch.
"height" 6'1"
"age" 59
"how often you masturbate in past and now" Seldom less than twice a day since puberty. Often for 90 minutes or more. (Sometimes a few minutes, before doing things better done without a hard dick!) No breaks longer than a couple days. (it was still highly functional without my attention!)
"Erection function" Multiple spontaneous erections daily, can achieve erection by imagination alone.
"whether you have tried other enlargement techniques" Tried pumping briefly, too many negative side effects and risk. Wet and dry jelq, and some hanging. I finally settled on manual stretching, and variations of the Uli technique, alternating two days on/one day off with one day on/two days off. Without being obsessive or sore I gained 1.5" bp length, and 1.5" girth erect, similar flaccid gains. I used testosterone boosting and circulation increasing supplements No PE for almost fifteen years with no loss of gains. I maintain supplement use for general health.
I believe most amazing gains in size and performance from over-the-counter dick pills occur for those with depressed testosterone production and poor circulation.
Do NOT cease masturbation or exercise. If you don't use an inkjet printer enough the nozzles will clog up so much it's best to just buy a new one. Can't do that with your dick. Definitely do not stop exercising if thirty or older. It becomes much, much harder to regain capacity after inactivity.
Eat foods and take supplements that increase testosterone and blood flow. Don't waste your money on watermelon and beetroot, ginkgo biloba or L-Arginine tablets. The concentrations of therapeutic elements are far too low. L-Citrulline Malate 2-1 powder is what I recommend.
My friend and I were both thin growing up, he's three inches taller with a lower BMI, 25 years younger and always horny. But he's got a skinny 4.5" and I have a fat 8.5". ;)
I don’t believe it is nonsense. It won’t be nonsense unless it is disproven. Currently there is no proof genetics affect penis size. Yes it has been proven that if you cannot produce testosterone you end up with a micro penis but we aren’t talking about that - we are talking about why some guys have 5 inches and some have 8 inches.
Thinner guys do have more testosterone (as being fat reduces test) and have longer sleep erections so yes indirectly that does affect growth. Maybe your friend masturbated a lot - that damaged the penis and therefore sleep erections weren’t as effective at stretching it out.

You get sleep erections 2hrs per night - so no you don’t need to masturbate for your penis to be used - the pressure of the hand is likely to damage it.

I am sceptical of your gains - pretty sizable - a lot of time guys delude themselves with different angles of the ruler etc.
Why aren’t these erections getting fully rigid? I have been noticing I am less rigid the more I do edging clamping and jelqing
I know some guys will say jelqing is the way but if my theory is true then it will be a hindrance and will cause ED. Just based on the precautionary principle - try to be as thin as possible . Some may think that counts against you but it has been shown that women dont really like muscles .
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I haven't had any luck gaining size using pump, stretchers, jelq, but I think it is because I didn't have the persistence. However, my girth has increased from 4.5 to 5.25 during the pass 15+ years. I think it's from erection during sleep.
I think the current thinking around jelqing as main way to increase size is false. I think jelqing is likely to reduce size. I believe the way to increase size is to have a healthy penis and let sleep erections do the work. Sleep erections last 2hrs each night. This is due to changes in the nervous system during sleep. I believe sleep erections increase size due to a study about a guy with sickle cell whose sickle cell disaese caused him to get priapism ( a permanent erection). He ended up with a coke can size cock. You can access the study by going to Sci-Hub and entering the DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12767. Sleep erections are only time that mimics priapism. Sleep naked or in loose clothing so that sleep erections arent restricted.

So, to maximise size we should maximise blood flow during sleep erections. You will notice the biggest pornstars such as Danny D, Chris Diamond, Vlad from bangbros, John Holmes are all very thin. Plus if you go to the reddit subreddit r/massivecock nearly all the guys are thin and the biggest guys are really thin. You rarely see a fat guy. I get people say it is because of the fat pad but I dont think so - and the fatpad wouldnt affect girth either. I believe the thinner you are, the less fat clogging arteries, the stronger the sleep erections, and this is what stretches it out and leads to a bigger dick for thin guys.

I also believe that masturbation is damaging to the penis and can limit penis size. Young guys particularly masturbate way too much. If you look on the subreddit r/nofap you will find thousands of guys complaining of erectile dysfunction. I believe the penis is more fragile than people think. Masturbation isnt natural - the penis was designed for the foreskin to just glide up and down without any pressure applied by the vagina. So if your penis is damaged, there is less blood flow - every night when you get sleep erections for 2hrs, the stretching process isnt maximised. Obviously this is the reason why i think jelqing is counterproductive. A test to make sure your penis isnt damaged: do you get morning wood? Can you move your penis up and down without touvhing using your kegal muscles? If not, your penis is likely damaged.

People incuding doctors, have just assumed penis size is genetic. There is no scientific study showing that penis size is genetic. There are studies which show certain genetic diseases lead to a micro penis but that doesnt explain the differences between most males with normal penises.

So to summarise I believe to achieve maximum size:

Be as thin as possible and exercise.
Dont masturbate too much or with too much pressure
Avoid Jelqing
Sleep naked/loose clothing so sleep erections arent restricted
if erections in our sleep made our cocks bigger we would all be walking around with 15inch cocks
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Remember everyone… you don’t have to stop looking at porn even though you are on a no-fap regimen. In fact some porn intake without fapping can enhance the process. We are trying to drive our hormone levels up not become asexual.