believe men with over 13 inch!!!

spike: -right on ali-

just wanna put in my own 2 cents...yeah...i think that there are a small number of people that probably do have dicks that are larger than 13 inches, however most of them are NOT in the 16 to 21 age group, true.

When i see a picture i don't know if is has been altered or not, so therefore EVEN WITH PICTURES YOU CAN'T BE SURE whether someone is really hung or not....i guess that the only was to be sure of this is to see someone in person and measure their dick. That would be impractical.

for me, i tend not to question the sizes that people tell me....thats just me...
tigerwolf: Uh. Just because you don't want to show other guys your cock isn't a very valid excuse for not backing up ridiculous claims in size and whatnot. If you're that big and too afraid that another man might see it, might as well lock yourself up in your basement.

Sorry. The "i'm heterosexual" excuse doesn't float with me. I agree with the other posters in the put up, or shut up point with these ones who claim to be over 11 inches.
[quote author=Duo187 link=board=youth;num=1082643994;start=0#18 date=04/27/04 at 12:47:49]

Well, incase you cannot read I hadn't posted on this dumbass topic for 3 days. I personally could care less about you or your little "royally rumbled" crap, is that new slang in the city? Oh and one other thing, if you are going to try and insult or "attack" me on this forum in any form or fashion, i sincerely request you learn proper English.
Oh and one other thing, as soon as I get the pictures back from the beach I will put up my "proof" for my ava, happy you ignorant bafoons?[/quote]

As an English graduate, I should point out that "in case" is two words. You also cannot spell "buffoon". I was not "attacking" you, merely pointing out that you had been exposed by other correspondents on this board as a fraud, or "rumbled".

Can I suggest two items to add to your shopping list?
1. An imperial tape-measure - i.e. one with inches clearly marked on it.
2. A dictionary, so you can look up words like "rumbled".

Oh, and "pictures from the beach" - you mean the ones with your pants on fire?
Duo, keep up the posts - they do amuse us... ;D
Duo187: I removed the post, no reason to continue the argument with thickheaded people.
shiznittallbhang: dick longer than 11 inches=never getting full pleasure from your girl, unless she can deepthroat like a mother fucker.
and also impossible to keep hard.
joeybehr46: most of the people on this site don't believe guys which say that they are , let's say over 13 or 14 inch , my question is WHY DON'T BELIEVE THEM?
I agree, there are not a lot of guys with big ones like that, but they do excist. It's to easy and cheap to say i don't believe you, why it's so difficult for some guys that there are men who are much bigger then you?
When a guy said to me ; my cock is about 15 or 16 inch ,then i believe him!! Most of the guys on lpsg won't believe it!! WHY ???????

well sometimes a photo speaks louder than words. You dont need to show your face, just put your email address or name on a card and show a pic of your cock soft and hard and I personally will give you a big I am sorry.

However, I doubt you will ever post anything like that and continue on your merry way with life.

And if I told you that I fuck women everyday? Would you please me? How gulliable are you? oh wait, you are very young and dont know better.

LoveGirl: This thread should have been deleted at the 1st post. Extremely-Huge is simply a trouble maker, nothing more. He spreads rumors of deception where there is none. Even if someone is lying about the size they should still be allowed on here and accepted just as everyone else. This site should not be discriminatory and once the person who (may or may not be lying) realizes that we are NOT discriminatory then they may let us know the truth, that they may or may not be overly endowed. I find it hard to believe that one (perhaps extremely-huge) who spells like a second grader, can possess a penis that of a large adult. I do believe that there are many 13+ inches in the world and I also believe that at one point in their life they MAY find their way here. If someone says they are 13 inches I will trust them until they give me reason to believe they are lying, i.e. agressiveness. I do not ask that you blindly believe them but I ask that you do not judge before you have seen evidence that dictates near to a conclusion. I also ask that you keep an open mind once you have judged. I for one do not want to post my Michael's penis pictures (we have none at the moment) over the internet where anyone can steal them or doctor them or masturbate to them **shudders**. I have a picture of myself that I am willing to share but only to an unlucky few who give me no reason to believe that they have ^naughty^ intents.
rainsfletcher: I am reminded of a couple of posters from a long time ago who had pictures up on the old Yahoo group site. ANyone else remember the guy who had a wrist watch strapped around his dick? And the head of his dick in a drinking glass, and the glass was holding on all by itself, or the picture of a guy with 3 quarters side by side on his dick head?

I read about a guy once who used a copier to shrink a cloth tape measure, so his 6 incher looked like a 9 incher in the photo....

This is not a complicated subject.

If you brag alot, people will tend to question you. Then, they will disbelieve you if you don't produce some sort of validation of your claims. If you have a humble, helpful tone, peopel will tend to accept you more, right?

If you are threatened by people questioning your claims, then validate your claims. There are a hundred ways to decieve with pictures, but there are also ways to prove it if you are serious. You say your dick is as big around as a coke can? Sure, man. Send a picture of your dick next to a coke can. I've seen those pics, so I know it can be done. Otherwise, be quiet!

So much time and energy wasted on whether someone is telling the truth or not....Sheesh. Let the children be children, eh?

And to LoveGirl's point, there have been several people on this site post mea culpas because they lied about their size. A concience is a beautiful thing....
Originally posted by LoveGirl@Jun 9 2004, 10:54 PM
I find it hard to believe that one (perhaps extremely-huge) who spells like a second grader, can possess a penis that of a large adult..
I've never seen anyone claim that literacy was an indication of endowment. What is the rationale behind it?

I don't believe extremely-huge's claim for a few reasons. One of the reasons is his photographic 'proof'. In addition to his ridiculous posting of G. Simpson's morphed photo, I've seen the photo he's currently distributing as 'proof' of his endowment. Fuck it; I never made anyone any promises about sharing it with the board, so if you want a good laugh, check this out!
so if you want a good laugh, check this out!

Dear DMW,

I have no idea why you think the picture above is suspicshious (sic). This looks entirely reasonable to me, in fact it looks a little small compared to me.

I'm actually TONS bigger (and I mean that dick weighs 1.284 tons fully erect).

Just so you all know I'm not exagerating (sic), I've attached a picture of me with my dick.

I posted this once before, but you all who have joined resently (sic) may have missed it.


okay, I finally stopped laughing long enough to post some thoughts.

1) I am glad EH is here because this is a funny thread

2) Duo IS that big, trust me, as well as being a nice person.

3) You all made a good point that a lot of the very young ones are claiming to be huge, well that might account for the attitudes as well. I have spoken to several younger members who do not want to share their pics for gay men to j/o to. That is their right. There has never been a requirement to prove anything to be a member of this site, so why worry about it. We should all try worrying about ourselves.

4) Intelligence and typing skills are two different things

5) Intelligence and endowment are two different things

Since being on this site I have seen a couple very large penises that I may not have believed otherwise, but it is their right to show their bodies to whomever they please. Some guys use a penis pump, does that give you a clue? I don't know how much that can add, but might account for some of the very large ones. What about PE? We talk about it on here, maybe a few have had it done. I'm with Lovegirl on this- I believe people until their character belies qualities that would cause me not to. There, I don't have a male ego to overcome so I'm not jealous. Thanks to everyone who saw fit to share photos with me, they will remain private.
Well, the term for him is "troll". Some trolls are starved for attention, some are crazy, and some are just plain evil.
jonb, I am a little unclear as to whom you were responding. I would add "immature and insecure" to your list of explanations, but who should really be surprised when a young person is any of these things? Since I'm posting here right now, it will invalidate my point, but I think maybe there should be a forum for just the young people to converse, because we who are older and more mature easily forget what it was like to be that age and expect them to react like we do now. I am not even very surprised at Horsehung's posts, sure he has a short fuse, but several of his more recent posts have been insightful and even sensitive, so there are many sides to a person's character. I wouldn't wanna throw out the baby with the bathwater. And as for ppl not posting pics, I think it's inappropriate for us to pressure young ppl to expose themselves before that decision is comfortable for them. I am sure this is the mommy in me coming out, but I don't like the tone this thread took in trying to strongarm young people into posting pics for others' voyeuristic pleasure. Sure it could be passed off as "just wanting them to prove what they got", but that's bullshit and we all know it. It's really a matter of ppl just wanting to see it, whether it's out of curiousity or lust, it is what it is. I don't mind picking on adults who have had time to adjust to their size and circumstances, but the under 25 set should be able to deal with it at their own pace if this is truly a SUPPORT group.
:lol: I agree with horsehungshowoff .If you got it show it !!
If not go and play with it you might reach average size when you grow up!! :lol: :p
well, i decided to believe only what i can feel :) The biggest one I met in real life was 11 inches. More than 13 seems to be quite unbelieveble. Maybe there are a few dozen on earth...not much more. And nobody of them wants to proove it with a Photo. And when someone send a Foto to me who told he is really enormous hung, I could be 99,5% sure that I will find his Foto somewhere in a Yahoo-Group or at
And something I found out too :) . A big cock is not all what you need in your life....