believe men with over 13 inch!!!

No matter how things seem here with so many hung guys in one place, 13+ is a relatively rare size. But they do exist. I've seen the guy that lurks at airports that a couple of other guys in the group have seen. Had to be at least 14" long semi-soft.
joeyeight: > most of the people on this site don't believe guys which say that they are , let's say over 13 or 14 inch , my question is WHY DON'T BELIEVE THEM?

Well, because average penis length is generally in the 5.75 t0 6" range with a 1" standard deviation. So it is kind of like height, average is 5' 10".... so when people come on here and claim to be 13" long, it is sort of like someone claiming to be 12 feet tall. In the real world, a 7 foot tall man would be considered exceptionally large and an 8 foot tall one a giant... B)

As I have said before, the average length of a man's forearm from elbow to wrist is 9 inches, so these chumps who get all carried away, should bear that in mind when pulling their supposed penis measurements out of the air. So many of these outrageous claims get so tiresome. :wacko:

In (her?) response, Lovegirl says we should accept liars and hyperbole artists at face value...... sorry Lovegirl, I have little patience for liars. Nor does the real world have much use for blowhards. Now go have a bowl of Campbell's soup with your "sweetums"... he needs to replenish his fluids. :D
8 feet tall does occur. However, no one on record's over 9 feet. The tallest man on record was Robert Wadlow, at 8'11" or 2.72 m The tallest woman on record, Zeng Jinlian, was 8'1" or 2.46 m
LoveGirl: The percentage of body mass you have to have extra to have a double average length penis is significantly less than the percentage of body mass you would have to have extra to have a double tall body. I know I'm being redundant, sorry I'm really tired.
To believe that LPSG would be a focal point for a majority of larger penis sized guys is rational. To believe that all that come here and state they have a large penis isnt. I have been dealing with my size for years, I do not post my pics or video openly for obvious reasons. I do not want people to have it who I dont know. My ex boyfriends, my friends, my co workers know about me....thats enough to deal with. I talk to a lot of people on LPSG on AIM, Yahoo and MSN. I have no problem being asked questions or talking about what my size has meant to me over the years. If anyone from the internet gets a picture of me, I trust them. Not to say I dont trust any random poster, but I have no reason to give pictures of my size to someone who I do not know especially when so many people pass out pictures that arent theres.

You can make the argument anyway that you wish in regards to whether a picture is you or isnt you. Whether it is fake or isnt fake. Many people have told me not to post my picture online and I agree with them. If someone wants to get to know me then eventually they will have the opportunity to see me first hand. So in sumation, if people on the internet believe I might be exagerating my size or do not believe me, so be it. If I was here seeking everyone's acceptance my attitude would be completely different. My everyday life doesnt revolve around my acceptance on the internet.

Whether someone tells me they are 10" or 14", I have no reason to doubt them. Even if I was sent a picture of them, my perception is irrelevant. If you want to lie, tell it anyway you want. I am not going to think any more or less of a person because they dont back up their claims. Its a place to post and talk about size related issues, if you want to make it all about "backing" up your claims thats your choice.

Just as this post will probably gain me negative feedback from some. Thats fine, I do not expect people to just take me at my word.....the point is, I do not care if they do or not. I know who I am and will contribute from my own point of view regardless of whether my penis size is believable.

Ok this post went a little more off course then I wanted it too but I probably got part of my point across.

Hi for those who dont believe guys have dicks 12 or 13 inches in length you will be amazed they do exist.look as a white male i have been fascinated with huge dicks all my life,especially black ones. In the past i went on yahoo chat to the romance room and clicked on worlds biggest dicks.When i got in i saw just what they guy name biggielong who was black sported an 11 inch dick which he could do all these things with it.He would bend it backwards and there was more dick size than a normal guy would have.He did measure it on cam and the tape went to 11 inches in length.One other guy named hugecock have pic sported get this a 14 inch dick.he could reach his mouth with it and suck his own dick which he did.Man was i jelous of this guy felt very insecure at this point im half his size yikes.So i knew a paper towel roll is 11 inches in length so i asked him to go get one.he had some still in the package and took a roll out,he knew what i wanted him to do,well he did and put his dick right through with inches to spare.He was what he said he was 14 inches long.He would sway his dick from side to side it was so great.I told him if i was there i would let him try to stuff every inch in me and gag me with it if he had to.Another guy who i loved is called niftyblaze with a full 12 inches of dick.This guy sat on a chair and his dick hung to his knees.I was thinking how do some guy get all the luck.i had a foot long ruler in front of me and was gawking at the size he was so long and shiny i wanted it in my mouth to taste all his juices too.over the years i had always knew there were guys so huge but thought no it cant be,well it is right and they do exist.There were other guys on chat that were big too and trust me i have all of them on chat freind.When ever i have a craving for huge dick i go online a feast on some foot long dongs and thats the truth.
Originally posted by pantangs@Jun 28 2004, 05:18 PM
So i knew a paper towel roll is 11 inches in length so i asked him to go get one.he had some still in the package and took a roll out,he knew what i wanted him to do,well he did and put his dick right through with inches to spare.
He was 14" in length, but of a girth that would fit through a paper towel tube? That would have to be a very disproportionately skinny cock. Many dudes here on this site ... myself included ... have considerably less than a 14" length, but are too thick to get it through a paper towel tube.
Ya know I was thinking this guy was full of it, but wasn't sure. I mean, why bother if you're not even talking about yourself. Then I got to the paper towel roll line and just laughed. I mean I'm not the thickest guy on the planet at 5.5 around, but there's no way I can get through a paper towel roll. So either we have a 4 inch circumference on a 12 inch cock, or the guy is full of shit. Ah well...
maverackstud8: If it's 12 or 13,it is rare.
Shit,I got 8 ,and rarely believe guy with that saying they do.7 or 8 is supposed to average in huge sized,.but you never know-Not saying,those sizes can be found,but one wonders about cock size claimns.Guy join mY GROUP saying.''I GOT A BIG ONE,BUT NEVER POST PROOF.
So I am skeptical,but open to proof or truth.

I did see one guy at a chat claiming a 3 incher-not sure if he meant 3 inches

hard or soft.

Of course,now that I said this ,some guy sign on to my group or here,with a gigantic dick-proving me wrong.

Originally posted by pantangs@Jun 28 2004, 05:18 PM
Hi for those who dont believe guys have dicks 12 or 13 inches in length you will be amazed they do exist.look as a white male i have been fascinated with huge dicks all my life,especially black ones. In the past i went on yahoo chat to the romance room and clicked on worlds biggest dicks.When i got in i saw just what they guy name biggielong who was black sported an 11 inch dick which he could do all these things with it.He would bend it backwards and there was more dick size than a normal guy would have.He did measure it on cam and the tape went to 11 inches in length.One other guy named hugecock have pic sported get this a 14 inch dick.he could reach his mouth with it and suck his own dick which he did.Man was i jelous of this guy felt very insecure at this point im half his size yikes.So i knew a paper towel roll is 11 inches in length so i asked him to go get one.he had some still in the package and took a roll out,he knew what i wanted him to do,well he did and put his dick right through with inches to spare.He was what he said he was 14 inches long.He would sway his dick from side to side it was so great.I told him if i was there i would let him try to stuff every inch in me and gag me with it if he had to.Another guy who i loved is called niftyblaze with a full 12 inches of dick.This guy sat on a chair and his dick hung to his knees.I was thinking how do some guy get all the luck.i had a foot long ruler in front of me and was gawking at the size he was so long and shiny i wanted it in my mouth to taste all his juices too.over the years i had always knew there were guys so huge but thought no it cant be,well it is right and they do exist.There were other guys on chat that were big too and trust me i have all of them on chat freind.When ever i have a craving for huge dick i go online a feast on some foot long dongs and thats the truth.
That can't be! I went to Yahoo, and I did every you wrote, and there the
forums don't have any specific names, they are numbered.
Either be more specific, or don't post at all. You information is unreliable.
Banez: While those penises over 13 inches are indeed rare, they do exist. I know a man who has over 15 inches, and while it's hard to conceive of, it is nonetheless a true fact. But, if I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't have believed it either, But since I did it has opened my eyes to the possibility of the sizes that do exist out there.
maverackstud8: While those penises over 13 inches are indeed rare, they do exist. I know a man who has over 15 inches, and while it's hard to conceive of, it is nonetheless a true fact. But, if I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't have believed it either, But since I did it has opened my eyes to the possibility of the sizes that do exist out there.
sure,but thats still a fake plastic dick-dosen't change that.
of course,I believe is a woman running around in Great Britain with an 84 inch bust so-there.
maverackstud8: I hear the Incredible Hulk has one 25 inches long.

Ohh,wait'he's fiction,but god dam-at over 7 or 8 foot,maybe 9 or 10,the Hulk either really big or really tiny.Now,if's tiny,then Bruce and David might be freakly huge-which explain how he grows body mass.

still,ya got to wonder,why he is so mean and green.
now,the unimagitive normals post a dum reply.
Originally posted by Banez@Jul 4 2004, 01:43 PM
While those penises over 13 inches are indeed rare, they do exist. I know a man who has over 15 inches, and while it's hard to conceive of, it is nonetheless a true fact. But, if I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't have believed it either, But since I did it has opened my eyes to the possibility of the sizes that do exist out there.
Well, since you wouldn't have believed until you saw it, would you expect us
to believe it? Well, I DO NOT!!!
So, since you know this 'person', why don't you post some pictures here so
we can 'believe'!!!
Originally posted by Robert Fish@Jul 5 2004, 06:44 AM

Well, since you wouldn't have believed until you saw it, would you expect us
to believe it? Well, I DO NOT!!!
So, since you know this 'person', why don't you post some pictures here so
we can 'believe'!!!
"Wow, your cock is amazing! Mind if I violate your privacy by snapping a few Polaroids to distribute on the Internet?"

Robert, you should not expect Banez to be so inconsiderate to his friends and acquaintances, merely to satisfy your skepticism. If you choose not to believe his story, that's your right.
Well, the Hulk's pants never rip off.

As for skepticism, all I can say is that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This isn't to say I won't help such a man, but some of these really stupid "I use my penis as a lasso" posts we get from trolls are laughable.
Originally posted by jonb@Jul 6 2004, 12:48 AM
Well, the Hulk's pants never rip off.

As for skepticism, all I can say is that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This isn't to say I won't help such a man, but some of these really stupid "I use my penis as a lasso" posts we get from trolls are laughable.
Look, if you want to be a totall idiot to refute this guys claims (which I'm sure
he CAN'T), then be my guest! I'm not stupid enough to buy into that type
of garbage!!!
Oh, and since we're at it, I'll wager he has been here, posting as
"JimEllsworth5", now, hasn't he?? Cliaming to have 15-1/2" and using a
vacuum pump to get to 18"??????
I wonder if anyone really notices the dates on these things... :blink:

Okay, I know that this isn't going to be the be-all and the end-all of this argument, especially since it will appear as though I'm a completely new member (even though I'm really not... except on the old board, I still don't think I topped even ten posts :ph34r: ) and even moreso that this issue itself has been raging forever, it would seem... but I'd like to offer my two cents, whatever it ends up being worth after going through everyone's own personal exchange rate.

First of all, not all young people on this board are agressive, or immature. (Hell, I'm only 18. And a half. :huh: ) But we do go through all kinds of issues with insecurity and self-worth, which brings me to my main argument: this is the Large Penis Support Group. Note, however, that having a large penis was never a prerequisite for membership. Note also that the title of the group includes the key word "support," in regards to the issue of "large penises."

Sure, I don't doubt that some people may be lying, that's inevitable. But regardless of who's telling the truth, the people who feel like they need to lie about having a large penis (but aren't physically inadequate so as to seek membership in one of the online small penis support groups) are in need of support too. But even if choosing to be helpful is so difficult, why isn't being indifferent an option? Pat the alleged liars on the head, give 'em a cookie, and let them figure things out on their own; getting on their case about proving themselves is only going to make them lie more with stolen or doctored pictures, or else feel worse about themselves, lie more, and... well, you get the idea.

Then again (and I know I'm kind of hypocritical for saying this) why did anyone even respond to the E-H post in the first place? Though I haven't posted in forever, I have been keeping up with things a bit, and am roughly up to speed with his antics... LoveGirl had the right idea a month ago.

And speaking of which, although not entirely surprising, it&#39;s kind of amusing (and just a little disappointing, guys <_< ) that the women seem to have the calmest, most rational posts in this thread on average.