believe men with over 13 inch!!!

in defence of some of us younger ones:
Since the 1980's the amount of artifical hormones and other additives injected into our meats, and other foods even, has drastically increased, many of these act as growth hormones, causing an increase in all forms of growth. A study was done referring to the increasing breast size and earlier puberty for women, but no one has done one for men, I think they should.
Thank you, Lilaznguy! There is an obvious reason why the women are calmer- many of us HAVE seen these guys! I have seen a guy who is about 13" but can pump to 16". Don't care what anyone believes. I have also seen Duo and his specks are correct. I even have one guy I know who is not on this site who is 17"! There are several others who may or may not want me to post about them, but any pics given me in private STAY PRIVATE!! They don't owe it to you to let you inspect them in order to get your respectful treatment of them as human beings. Now if someone is being a bragger, then they are fair game, but that is not often the case. Usually, I get the feeling the skeptics are either insecure in themselves, or they are "a little too interested" which can turn straight guys off to posting pics.
Whatever the reason, perhaps it is as Duo says, some of the very large ones are younger guys and they may not be at ease with themselves yet enough to want to be "poster boys". Calm down. If you don't want to believe what you can't see- don't, but I don't think it's in good taste to be rude about it to anyone.
Originally posted by madame_zora@Jul 9 2004, 09:20 PM
Usually, I get the feeling the skeptics are either insecure in themselves, or they are "a little too interested" which can turn straight guys off to posting pics.
You said a mouthfull there! :)
maverackstud8: Boy,Madame-your giving an inferiority complex.So do I need to now buy a big dick pump?I can understand the not wanting to be a poster boy.Not easy to get time to get hard,take a picture,load it into the computer,then download.

As for the Hulk comment-hello.Robert Fish-get a sense of humor.God,I hate people sticks up their rear.It was a joke-Ever hear of a jokes ?You'd think with the comedians on Earth,people on the net would not so uptight.

As for somebodywith a 13 incher,who knows ?13 is the biggest recorded.I am skeptic when it depends on who is telling the tall tale.After,I know a woman an 84 EE bust,who is said to a rare medical condition,since 1973 or something,that make her tits way too large.I know of people skeptic about her,but I also a million guys signing on my site to look at her pictures,just as many of you joined my site,hoping to stair at or hear about big cocked men,on my sites.And sorry to say,I got lots of evidence,this Tina Small and other like,who suffer virginal hypertrophy,and do exist.Sure,Zena Fulson and Dixie Dynamite is bullshit,just Long Dong Silver is fake,but the worlds full of unusual people.Some are here.Some not.
13 inch penis maybe-maybe not.
Well, I would sure hate to think my word was in question, I've never lied to anyone on here. I'm sure it does make guys who think they're the biggest on earth feel bad to find out someone's bigger, but bigger isn't always better after a point. The one and only thing that I am disappointed in this site for (and I love so much about it) is that we lose focus on the "support" in LPSG. This is not a women's issues group, although I've gotten a lot of support here. This is not a "I had a bad day" group, although because we are friends we support each other there too. This is the LARGE penis support group, because men with LARGE penises have issues with them! Maybe the largest one on record is 13", I don't know about that, but I damn sure know they haven't gone to every house in America and measured every adult man's penis! Because of male egos, very little research has been done in this area because NO ONE wants to know about it!! Even here, I have not encouraged anyone to post pics until they are feeling strong because I know how some of you vultures will react. Some will hit on them, some will say the photos are morphed, etc. Gee, I wonder why on earth they's hesitate? Maybe they are tired of feeling like they have to apologise for their body just because most men see them as a threat. Many have been turned down for sex because of their size, some may have ed problems. Come on folks, let's get back to the supportive environment this site was founded for. We can do without the whole "I'm gonna call you a liar if you say your dick's bigger than mine" attitude, it doesn't become anyone. If you're in the 7" to 9" group, count your lucky stars! You would not want to deal with what a lot of the 10"+ group has to put up with if you were there. We can do better than this, I am sure of it.
maverackstud8: madame_zora
Yeah,you said something I've thought about lots of times.
I have thought of myself as biggest on Earth,but certainly compared the average guy,you do feel bigger and better-more masculine.I've guys wish they what I had.Think because of such,I am some sort of big dick fuck machine or I put it somewhere else-some of big dick fuck cyborg.-go around like the Terminator,knocks on doors,looking to shoot Sarah Conner,I'm supposed go around knocking doors-saying to every female''Guy with big dick-wanna fuck.''-''''Guy with big dick-wanna fuck.''-''-''I'll be back.''
I don't go around,like some of rude black guys,you see-holding pants and shaking it,saying hey,babe you at this-got a big one here.''.I've seen this on street corners-buys bragging,they big ones to strangers-women,they don't know.And usually,they get cut down-told to fuck off or drop dead.
Stuff I've said online,is most likely,stuff I'D NEVER EVER SAY TO MADAME,IF I WAS WORKING ON YOU AT THE SAME JOB AS YOU OR SAY LIVED NEAR YOU.Chance are,I'd have be a bit more friendly,before I told things about me-you know more private stuff.We'd have maybe in a private situation-together a park,room or somewhere.But would not come to on your job or street,bragging my pants and say eat this babe.Depending who you are ,you might want or might go ahead-show me,or you say.''Fuck you,moron.Take a dirt nap loser.''
Sure,there has females I flirted on jobs or other situation,but I'd have understand,you welcome the talk.I'm not stupid like some of these guys you meet,that think they a chance a woman,glaring across a table and say something like.''Hey,asshole-why don't you just kindly shut the fuck up and please die.''
I've around long enough to know,when your not wanted,but I've guys around-guys in chat rooms-where ever,that don't have a freaking clue.
And I think,it is good people are honest-well,some anyway.I certainly like your honesty,Madame.-but there are guys and girl,that think,whether here,on the street,on jobs or other,that think they bullshit there way through.Tell some huge Paul Bunyuneques tales and fool the dimwits with their lies.
Personally,I think liars never are believed.Everyone knows the story of the boy that cry's wolf.Well,big bullshitters in time,never are believed after a time,even when they are telling the truth.

Sure,bigger isn't always better.You guys wanting more your average,should listen to this,more than anyone.Sure,it's nice to a bigger dick-give a bit of confidence,a sence of pride,but it dosen't get you every woman,you want.Sure,Madame is a Size Queen and certainly,I 've encountered a few others,but you don't become the big dick James Bond automatically.Some women want-but other do not.Bottom line.End of story-case closed.
I don't understand why there are some guys and girls coming here,to tell there stories of why like a small penis or torture themselves worrying about having a normal size or small one.Sure,if you improve yourself,but understand,just as Ben Parker tells Peter Parker-''With great power,also come great responsibility.''you might also realize with a bigger penis,also become the difficulties of being larger.You have find a female accepting of you,as such.If a woman cannot even handle 5 inches,anything over 6 inch is not going to fit-whether grease it up,use a shoe horn or something to help get it in.
Sure,tell you the truth,I like watching my cock get hard,all fat and veiny.I like knowing it's big.Sure,bug cock porn turns me on.Big cock fantasies.Yup,bet it turn Madame here-certainly imagine it does,by her comments.But I am not turned on because,I'm small or average,and desire a larger one,but just I discovered I have a big one.Just a big tittie women or large pussy chick say like Madame,might turned by thinking their bigger parts.Believe or not,guys and gals,there women with big boobs,who are turned by their tits,just as much the guys are.I'm Madame will tell something herself,about self she turned about self.I'm not going even try and speculate on her opinions-being they hers.-not mine.
If you're in the 7" to 9" group, count your lucky stars! Yup,sure.Me worrying my big penis isn't big enough,yup.I should not be worrying about,but I guess a beautiful woman not thinking she hot enough,big enough-whatever when there are guys that would love to fuck the shit out of her whatever she looks like.Yup-we all are dum sometimes,but seems I'm not alone-if I read some thing I've read.
I guess,we all get intimated by stuff we see.
But I see Madams point.Worry about not measuring up
is dum.
That’s like the guy with the 9 incher,worrying his big cock isn't big enough,when some gals might have default time handling 7 or 8 inches.
Thanx, Mav, you're a gem. It's very important to get comfortable with what you have, and allow others the same. I am learning so much about men and how your minds work, it is really exciting for me to be here. Women have different issues with self-doubt and ego. Our vaginas are internal and therefore not apparent, we don't know what makes them appealing to a man. We don't know our depth, width, how it compares to other women...nothing! All we know is what feels good to us, from trial and error. With men, your penises are right there- you see them several times a day. You see what other men's penises look like in gym class. You can measure the size, length and width to compare yourselves to others, but that knowledge is not always a good thing. From what I've read here, many of you use that information to hurt yourselves and each other with. I wish it could be different for you, so I'll just say this: most women are not like me! If you read my posts and think I represent most women, that would surely be a false impression. Most women are more reserved, even shy. They are not thinking about your dick size, they are wondering if you like them. They're wondering if you think they're pretty, if their vagina will be pleasing to you, if their breasts are big enough! They like seeing your dicks, but most women do not watch porn. They don't have much of a basis for comparison, and we just don't think in those terms much anyway. For most women, sex is an emotional experience and that's the aspect we are concerned about. Like I said, this is not me, but it is about 90% of women. The reason you are hearing so much from me is because most women don't like to talk about the graphic details of their sex lives! They consider it personal and private, so believe me when I say, you are usually not being compared to a porn star when you undress in front of a woman. Be proud of what you have to offer, and be giving sexually. Ask her what she likes, you'll be a great lover if you think more about her pleasure and less about your dick size.
maverackstud8: From: JOSEPH
To: hunglikeahorse ; hunglikeahorse ; SIZEQUEEN8 ; SizeQueens
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: Topic Subscription Reply Notification ( From LPSG.ORG )

Well,Madame -I was sort of bummed on several.some things,some I said you in letters and on this board.I wasn't maybe I crossed some unspoken boundary,that shouldn't but since your answering me,I guess it's in my imatigation.

The thing I was trying to say,is guys aren't just about the sex-not me anyway.Too many guys,because pre-occupied on getting laid and a woman,come across as thats all it,that matters.And sure,I bet there are some guys where thats all that matter or at least come across that way.Sure,there is the side of guys,that like to brag and wow,if I her,I'D fuck her brains out.Thats male machismo.But I'm sure are who think the,if I had him,I 'd make him very happy.if you know what I mean.I've heard this called female machismo.People say sometimes or least ways,think it to themselves.
But you say,on women thinking guys,think the same stuff.Does the woman like my looks,like my size,and so on.I don't believe a guy,should say or do anything to get a woman,thats dishonest.I didn't in the end,that gets you anywhere and in the end,people hurt,people begin to mistrust each other or get confused.If I like somebody,I say so.If not,well,sorry.People used to tell opposites attract,well,male or female,opposites usually don't attract-not for long anyway.Some people fall in love for all sort of dumass reasons-mostly loneliness and convenience or they think it is high time to get married for some such reason or other.Sure,is many couple are genuinely in love,but I;ve people not suited for each go right up that isle.because of Hollyweird romantic notion,this is the special one,they are with.
I see,stupid young guys going to chat rooms and saying,''Any girls from Port Zeebee,New York here ?''No,but there 50 gals here from all over the globe.Maybe Port Zeebee,is an all male community and there is no women there.or there is not girls or none suitable for you,there married,dating or other.You see the same with some young women,too.
My point is,not the one on my head,but here,I can't just fall for somebody just because they there geographically or socially speaking.That often leads to falling someone often very wrong for you.Romantic Love is a recent institution,with in the past century or more.Ages ago,like the Middles Age,our romantic movies,soaps and fiction,might have ben looked on as a kind of madness,if they were sent back in time for those people to veiw or read.I often wonder in the past few years,right or wrong,if romance was a creation of Hollyweird to sell movie tickets,publishers like Harlequin Romances to sell books,Hallmark to sell greeting cards and so forth.And yet we all keep hoping,despite doughts-well some of us.I can't speak for Chat room flasher Sam or Samantha,that only goes there to perv the room.
Sure,I tell you,maybe say Hugh Heifer,deside to give crash prizes to the guy,who can fuck the most playmates in a row,I might try my hand at screwing as many women,but for guys,despite what people,it isn't a bunch of horny dogs over a fence,to fuck the first bitch in heat.We got to have something there-homely love-least ways like.Never yuck,but I'm horny anyway,I'll ware a close pin on my nose.
I hope,I am gem,Madame,because I often just think I'm an oddball.Which is why Maverick or Maverack.I know,I've never done things the orthodox way,like the Colonel,who name the term is coined from.Sure,I am special,but it's nice to have somebody other that himself or the few appreciate,the rebel outlaw.
Maverick, you are so silly! Why on earth do you always think I'm mad at you? I reply to your posts more than just about anyone's, sometimes I think we are the two biggest post pigs on lpsg! If I ever come across bitchy, that's just me being myself- it has nothing to do with you.

I never said you're not an oddball, I like you that way! Why on earth would the world need more of the same old guys, we already have plenty. I am a complete social misfit and it doesn't bother me one iota, at least not anymore. I used to hate not fitting in, but now I don't understand why I wanted that so much to begin with. To quote John Malkovich from Dangerous Liasons (a great movie) "I have no romantic notions, I lost them on my travels." I know what you mean about the chatrooms, people seem so desperate, it's a real turn-off to me. I am far more comfortable not feeling pressured about such things.

I have no idea what it's like being considered "hung and dumb" but I would guess from men's insecurities about themselves, seeing a hung guy would make them so jealous they would feel compelled to put you down, and that's a shame. I have had women give me glares about my breasts, but no one has actually ever said anything to me, women are usually not that bold. It's a shame it took me as long as it did to get bold! But, better late than never.
maverackstud8: I know what you mean.I never you said I said you said-wait back.I never said you said I was an oddball.I was just people live their rules are oddballs.
I don't what make me this way-maybe I watched much Jim Kirk as a kid or James Bond,in the movies.both sometime irreverant to authority,when it suited them.Kirk insult an offesion.if he thought he was an as,like in the tribble episode.Bond,often made smart ass remark in front of his boss M-which annoyed him forever.I 've picked both their habits,from time to time.Sometimes my humor goes simular to either character.
I got hooked Han Solo,in the Star Wars movies,because his roguest style,Conan,because of his billybilly barbaric nature.who walked civilation,as an outsider,occasional,making comments about civilization folk and ways.Starbuck on Galactica-who is now a she-was an oddball,alway getting into trouble.Wolverine and so on.I could go on.
There somethings that not oddball,that are strait and narow,no way will be picked for the this month yuppie playgirl centerfold-unless the female member want to see my hard on and pick me as their charity pin up model.
I'm attratched social misfits-it seems you and a favorite extralarge british model such-you two might be more alike you might want to think.,but I'd not call either of you that.I prefer the word rebelous.,spirited or maybe call a female maverick.I don't care the word ''freak'' or ''misfit'' because they can used to put down someone.Plus the Murdering Misfit was a weird,evil blue face troll in a Kamanddi comic,I read years ago.I am glad you understand yourself.Believe it or not.comics prefered the fun,flitious,outgoing Mary Jane Watson,over the white bread ,bitchy ,dull Gwen Stacy.5 to 1.Which is why Gwen is dead and MJ survives to into malke into a movie.I think guys always like comic artist Will Eisner calls the bad girl.Sure,a good girl is fun,but a good with bad girl tendecies is far better.
Which is why I talk to you.flirt with you and so forth.And you thought it was just about big weeners-well,yeah,but there are other things.little princess.
maverackstud8: Boy,just looked the page,we commanded this page.If this keeps up,they be renamed the site Maveric/Madame LARGE PENIS SUPPORT GROUP.
maverackstud8: You Are the Goldilocks of Cocks
You're a bit picky when it comes to the size of your man
Too small? You won't feel a thing. Too big? You'll feel too much!
Luckily, most guys fall within your acceptable 5 to 7 inch range.
Just watch out for the Justin Timberlakes and Tommy Lee's of the world

Want a perfect fit without having to find the perfect guy? Try the Jack Rabbit - the perfect size for you - and designed to get you off.

Show the world what size you take. Just cut and paste this code into your online journal, web site, or blog! (Hint: Use Select All, Copy, and then Paste)
I try to answe it,as if I was a female,but not having a pussy,well,not sure my answers sincere enough.
maverackstud8: You Like Them One Way... Hung!
Oh my... You're a total size queen, where all your subjects are well hung
Seven or eight inches may be enough for you, as long as the girth is there too
And you know that "Size Doesn't Matter" was a phrase invented by small men
And while size isn't the only thing that gets you off, you need it to be satisfied

Want a perfect fit without having to find the perfect guy? Try the Jack Rabbit - the perfect size for you - and designed to get you off.

Show the world what size you take. Just cut and paste this code into your online journal, web site, or blog! (Hint: Use Select All, Copy, and then Paste)
Banez: HI Madam Zora,

I am intrigued by your mention of a guy you know with 17 inches. I've heard of this rare occurence before, and they do exist, although very infrequently, but I'm interested in knowing more about this, can you email me?
seventy some replys to a post by a unknown guy who just likes to fuck with people and sit back and read and laugh..........

add one more
Banez, sorry, but I don't want to get into any private emailing with newbies in light of what I just went through, but to answer your question, the boy I mentioned is not from this site. I met him from another method, and I would never consider turning him over to the hostile environment he would inevitably find here. Being very young and having issues with being different are hard enough. If I am defensive about the young ones, that is why- they don't need or deserve shit from anyone who just wants to oogle their genitals. Just because they are larger doesn't mean they owe anyone a free show, IMHO. Many people on here don't post pics, but let someone mention their size, and good lord, everyone thinks they have the right to see it. I know you weren't asking for pics, but I just wanted to get that off my chest.