Big Cock Big Law

Chapter 46

I caught up with Sean and Mark and Mark asked, “So, how are you doing?” I smiled, “great,” thinking about George’s ass around my cock. “Alvaro got detained in Japan and needed me to bail him out and I made a deal with the firm to release me from the stupid contract in return for my statement on Alvaro’s behalf.” Sean was dumbfounded. “That’s amazing,” he said. I looked over at Mark and said, “you remember what Ron said to us that one afternoon? Never let a good crisis go to waste.” He nodded. “Well, I didn’t, and I went right up to James and bartered for my freedom.” I had a flashback to my William Wallace thought with my cock thrusting into the firm in the form of George. Sean said, “you are lucky.” I nodded, “and relieved. I can go back to school and have a normal life.”

I returned to the office after lunch with the boys. Todd was there, and I waved. He was on the phone and waved back. The travel admin was back and when I passed by her desk she averted her eyes at me. I kept walking. I was nearly done with the firm, so I could be a little carefree about the whole thing. I opened up my email and saw three emails. One, from the HR person, in response to my initial reply letter, was sent a more threatening letter, with litigation in mind and George’s name as the plaintiff. The second, was a copy of the Japanese transcription. I printed out the document, signed it and scanned it back into the computer. I emailed it to George and cc:ed Jason and Todd. I wasn’t sure what to do, but that seemed appropriate. Then the third, was an email from James thanking me for my discretion. I thought about the mess George and I had made on the floor of the steam room and thought, sort of discreet perhaps? A little while later, a fourth email arrived; George replied thanking me for the signature. I scanned a copy of the document that George had drafted, with James’s and my signatures, and I sent that back to the HR person in response to her second inquiry. I got an email back about an hour later saying, “thank you this matter is now closed.”

The rest of the week was uneventful. Jason and Todd asked me to help walk them through the fraud claims with the documents, and the three of us spent a couple of days in the vault file room together during my last week. Nathan asked me if I was holding court, and I said no, just handing off some of the work I had done while I was here. I told him I was going to have a going away party if he wanted to come. He nodded and said sure. I smiled and said that I would see him there. Alvaro returned to the office on Tuesday and he came over and gave me a hug, throwing caution and protocol to the wind. I didn’t think he had heard about the devil's bargain I had made to get him back, and to get me out of there. It didn't matter, life in tax land was back to the pleasantness I remembered when I started.

I invited Todd and Jason to my going away party. They weren’t bad people, they were just caught up in a bad situation I thought. I felt sorry for Jason especially. The firm catered in a lunch on my last day and I finally had a chance to try the food that they used to blackmail interns into staying. I had avoided that trap, and was glad to be heading out. It had been a wild summer. I thanked Martha, Todd’s admin for everything and she wished me luck at school. There were lots of hands shaking and back slapping. I left at 2:30 that last day, the earliest ever, even on the weekends. It felt surreal to be leaving after only ten weeks. I felt like I had been there for years. I was ready for retirement! I never did talk to the travel admin again. I think it was just too awkward for her. I was fine with how we ended things. And after I had my cock in George, he faded away as well. The world of litigation is a faraway place from tax land where I was. I didn’t hear from Ron or Jeremy again. And I didn’t visit the glory hole again, although I thought about it fondly from time to time when I was back in school.

I returned to the apartment and began getting ready for the going away blast. I made a grocery list and I decided to pack up everything I didn’t immediately need. I wasn’t sure what to do with myself on a school day in the middle of the day. It felt unusual and a little risque. I had a moment to finally slow down and reflect on the last few weeks. I had gone from church mouse to slut, to world traveler slut, to master negotiator with regulators, and international secret agent, to master lawyer negotiator and fuckmaster stud. I was really full of myself and yet, I did feel a bit empty. I didn’t have time for love, or even dating. I did match make a bit, and brought Sean and Mark together. They were holding strong, and Mark did decide to stay on with the firm, and finish school there, with Sean’s help I imagined. He had come into his own too, becoming more a man, but still yet very boyish. I was thrilled for him. And glad I had gotten the chance to be the meat in that man sandwich between him and that cock of Sean’s. I can still feel it even now.

As evening approached, I headed over to the pollo ala brasa place, my casa away from my casa. I ordered my food to be eaten there, and watched a couple of soccer games for old time’s sake. I was drinking a beer when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was my neighbor with his family. He shook my hand and introduced me to his wife and kids. I asked them to join me and we had a fun evening, speaking in broken Spanglish, and just laughing and talking with them and the kids. It was the closest thing I had had to a family experience this summer, and I was a little bit surprised that he had decided to bring me into his fold. It was nice though, the kids climbing on me, and the parents, relieved to have someone else to be climbed upon. I stayed until about 9 and then bid my farewell. I told them about the party that I was having and they promised to come by. At least I think that’s what we said to each other. I hugged his wife and patted their kids on the head and shook his hand. He pulled me in and hugged me briefly and I nodded as if to say, thank you. I waved as I left, and I walked back to the apartment. It was getting dusk but pleasant. The fireflies were out, and there was a feeling of calm in the air.

I turned on the TV and had a thought. I opened up my school email and sent Eddie a quick note. Not sure you’ll remember me, but I was in DC and we had a chance to talk a bit. I’m done with my summer job and I’m heading back to school but if you wanted to stay in touch, I’d be in to that. I hit send and closed my laptop. We’ll have to see. DC is only a couple of hours away by train, but it is a lifetime away in terms of lifestyle and culture. The delta between law school and law life seemed too big to jump, and I was still reeling from my own leap of madness between the two this summer. I fell asleep on the couch with the TV on, dreaming about my future life, the one with the big fancy house, car, and job, where I came home to Eddie and we snuggled in flannel pajama pants and watched reruns of anything but Friends! I just wanted to kiss him again. The images faded and swirled in my mind as I dozed on the couch. I was startled awake by the end of the TV broadcast, and I got up, turned off the lights, and headed to bed.

The next couple of days were spent getting ready for the big blow out party. I felt like I was both hosting a party and preparing for a hurricane. I was battening down hatches, and planning cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. In the end it was a nice garden party feel with people coming and going and snacking and chatting. Sean and Mark came by and gave me a fancy pen (all the lawyers have them Sean said) and I smiled and thanked them both. Todd brought his wife and kids for a bit, and his kids played with my neighbors kids, as they also dropped by in the early afternoon. As the day turned to evening, Jason arrived solo, Nathan visited for an hour and left, and then the crowd started to thin out more. To be honest, my iPhone music selections were only really set up for about five hours of music so I began to hear the same sounds from earlier this afternoon. I started to pick up dishes and move them to the sink and put paper plates and plastic cups in the trash. Jason was the only one remaining and he pitched in to help me clean up.

“You know you don’t have to do this,” I mentioned. He nodded, “I sort of feel like I owe you. I didn’t want to try to tie you to the firm but Alvaro made us do it, Todd and I. I do feel bad about that.” I stopped and put the trash bag down. “I see,” I said. “I didn’t realize how much you were involved in that whole escapade,” I answered evenly. He nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t know how to get out of it, and you were enjoying the work so much, I had half convinced myself that you wanted to stay.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I think it would have been different if I could have had the choice to stay,” I explained. He nodded. “Yes, that does make sense,” he offered. “Can I ask you something,” I inquired. He said yes. “Were you supposed to close the deal with me in DC?” He nodded yes. I then dug deeper, “why didn’t you?”

He took a deep breath and said, “I think I was in love with you.” He got quiet. I didn’t say anything for the moment. The silence got awkward. “Really,” I finally offered. “Yes,” he exhaled. “I was so attracted to you. I knew you were having a wild phase, and I also knew that Alvaro and Barty were after you, so I pulled back. I was hoping you’d see me and choose me out of the crowd.” He took a deep breath, the confession of it all hitting him hard. I was a little taken aback too. “Did Todd know about it?” I asked. He said, “no I never said anything to him, but he can read me like a book after so many years of working side by side. He is my closest relationship right now.” I nodded. “Is that why Todd was trying to get me to slow down and focus on work?” I wondered out loud. He nodded. “Yes, I think he was trying to see if you were able to refocus and see me for who I was.” I nodded. It was a careful dance. I didn’t say anything for a minute. He turned to me and said, “I’m sorry, I am being stupid about the whole thing.” I shook my head no. “Thank you for telling me. Do you feel better?” He shrugged his shoulders, “maybe a little.” He seemed so small at that moment, so lost. It was up to me to be the adult.

“Jason, I think you are an amazing man. You have a lot going for you, and you are very handsome. But you are also twenty years older than me, and more settled in your life than I am. I am just starting out, a kid, and while it was a great summer, it was my first real summer of legal practice. You have a lot more of that under your belt.” He nodded. I looked down to see if his cock was showing just how much was under his belt exactly. The zipper was keeping his secrets, at least for now. I continued, “you deserve someone special, but you have to make time in your life to welcome that special person in, and working the way you do, you are locking the door to any type of love that might knock. I don’t think you want to be alone, but you seem happier being alone.” He nodded. “I don’t want to be alone. I don’t really know what to do.” He had a tear stream down his cheek. I left the trash in the kitchen and walked over and hugged him. I was torn. I could fuck him. I could suck him off. I could cuddle with him. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I just held him for a while. He held onto me tightly. His arms cradled me and I held him, rubbing his back gently and putting my head on his shoulder.

After about five minutes he backed away. “Thank you John, you are a nice man. I am so glad I got to know you.” I smiled, “I’m glad I got to know you too. I really enjoyed working for you.” I stuck out my hand and we shook. He turned to the door, and walked over. I followed and patted him on the back as he opened the door to go. “Take care of yourself,” I said to him. He smiled and turned to me and said, “you do the same.” He then walked over to a beautiful Mercedes coupe, got in and drove off. And that was the last of the firm I saw that summer, and actually for a long while. I turned back to my place and continued picking up plates and glasses and taking bags of trash to the dumpster. I finally went to bed around 1 am.

I had a couple of more days in the place, and I spent them packing and getting ready for school. Sean and Mark came over the last night I was here and brought take out, a numero dos for me, my favorite! I returned the keys to the owner, and signed some paperwork that morning. I had my car completely packed with stuff, everything from my new ‘gifted’ clothes to some trinkets from my travels. I drove back toward law school and away from the city. I was sad to leave, but as I approached the exit for school, I was elated again. It was coming home to a familiar place. I was different, but this place felt comfortable like an old pair of shoes that I hadn’t worn since the previous winter, but the first touch of fall I brought them out and they felt amazing all over again. I put on my turn signal, and headed back to my old life.
It is nice I am still in the beginning but this is awesome work. By any chance you have PDF of this?
Absolutely great storytelling man. Thank you so much! Please consider taking us along for the next phase of his life. I’m hooked!
Thanks Brett- I have a few more chapters to go. It's a total of 50. It'll wind up this week, but I'll be curious to hear how you think the ending went. I guess this last chapter seemed like the end already, so maybe the next few are a coda of sorts.
Chapter 47

I moved back into a one bedroom apartment in the same building in which I had lived from the previous school year. That seemed like ages ago after the wild summer I had just experienced. I pulled some stuff out of storage and after a week I was back to normal again. Boring John Richmond, the quiet guy in the back with all the answers. But maybe not so boring after such an international summer of sex and fun. But back at school, I was reminded of the lingering question from the summer, solo, solitario? Alone, lonely? I wasn’t alone per se, and in fact as I walked around campus, I was surrounded by people. I saw friends from classes, and we were catching up about the summer. I was back in a groove of walking to classes and getting lunch in a cafeteria. But perhaps a little lonely though. I was many miles away from pollo ala brasa. I was many miles away from my summer life. And I was also many miles away from DC, and a cute little regulator named Eddie, that was still very much on my mind.

On the first day of classes I showed up at Mr. Jacob’s office in the afternoon and he was on the phone, but motioned me in. I sat in his student chair, a wing back designed to put them at ease before he grilled them on what they hadn’t yet read but should have. I enjoyed the comfort of the tweed fabric, the feel of a Victorian parlor, and the class of it all. I wanted an office like this. I wanted a house that felt like this. Classy, and comfortable. He was winding up his call. I drifted back to the office with the books and the smell of his coffee on his desk. My stomach growled as I hadn’t yet had lunch. He turned to me after placing the receiver and said, “welcome back there, Mr. Richmond.” I smiled and said, “thank you sir.” He smiled and said, “Are you ready for a fun semester?” I nodded, “yes sir, I am. So, how do we begin the international tax work?” He chuckled, “anxious to get back into the thick of things so soon, I see?” I grinned, “yeah, I am raring to go.” He said, “there’s a bit of admin we need to do, but for now, I’ll let you know that the grant has to do with developing a model law for multinational tax investigations. Given your recent experiences, I think you may have some really deep insight.” I nodded, and shrugged my shoulders.

He continued, “The condition that the government gave on this, however, is that we would have oversight, and with that an embedded overseer. I’m not happy about it, but I think it will help highlight our tax program in the school rankings.” I nodded. “The Fed will be here next week so you and I can get settled in, and the real work will begin on Wednesday next week,” he concluded. I said, “Ok, that’s fine. I have met a few of the DC regulators, they seemed reasonable.” He looked at me and said, “they all do. Be careful.” I thought about Jason’s warning, and then Eddie’s smile. “But, we are in an academic context,” I argued. He said, “I respect the government, as a lawyer, but I don’t trust them.” I nodded, there was so much yet to learn. “Anyway, I should let you get back to your studies. Let’s meet Friday at 3, and we’ll go over the plans before he arrives.” I nodded and stood up. “Thank you again sir, for the opportunity.” He chuckled, “you might not be thanking me later, so I’ll take that for now.” I turned and left the office.

I went over to the library and opened my laptop. There was an email reply from Edward Smith. “Hey, John, great to hear from you. I hope you are settling into school again. Things have been hectic in Washington. I hope you can get back here soon. I will let you know if I have a chance to get away. Best, Eddie.” It was sweet, but noncommittal. I was back in my world, a world or two away from his. But, Eddie did reply. More than I had gotten from other “real lawyers” I had tried to contact earlier, when I was looking for a summer job. I think he was playing by the “rules.” I realized he would always be a little bit beholden to his job. I was certainly in that same position with mine, even though it was only a summer internship. I was warmed but also a little bit sad. What really surprised me was the email that followed, the one from Jason. It was from his gmail account, and I guess he didn’t want the firm to know that he had reached out to me.

He said that, “I had found your email address in some of your paperwork as I was finalizing your last check. I thought I would send you a goodbye note. I am glad you came to work for us, and I am also glad you found a way to leave. Alvaro got demoted from Senior Partner, after being detained by the Japanese authorities. He left and moved to England where he and Barty could run amok together. I think that they were always destined for that type of roguish life. I am up for the Senior Partner role, but I did think about what you said, about needing to make room in my life for someone else, so I told James that I would need a few months to consider it further. I am acting right now, and Todd is acting in my stead. I do miss you now, more than ever. You were able to deftly jump in and manage that multinational matter. I do apologize for leaving you to fend for yourself with Alvaro and Barty, without Todd and myself to intercede. I wish you well, John Richmond, you certainly made a mark on this place while you were here, and certainly with me in particular. If you ever need a recommendation, or even just want to chat, here's my cell. Feel free to call anytime. Jason.” His phone number followed.

I closed my laptop. It was a nice end to a chaotic summer. I was back to being a boring law student. In t-shirts and shorts, and not standing out for my youthful exuberance, or the massive cock between my legs. I was just just another guy in the class, bookbag and glasses, and lots of potential. I slid my computer into the sleeve of my bag, and zipped it up. I left the library, it’s quiet comfort, and I returned to the midday sun. I ran into friends, and we talked about the summer. You know, it’s a job, but I did go to London, and Tokyo. They were impressed, I was still an international traveler. I returned to my apartment after the first day and made some spaghetti. From a jar. Yes, I was back to being a student, no more pollo ala brasa numero dos to go for me. At least not every night. I turned on the TV and found a soccer game in Spanish playing for some reason. I left it on for old time’s sake.

I missed my latin familia, especially the padre with the curved cock. My own cock started to crow, and thicken as I thought about the last blowjob I gave him, in the doorway of the summer apartment. I could still taste his funk. I was getting harder as I thought about it. I decided to launch Grindr, just to see who was on. When the windows emerged, I had a message from Gary, the penguin aficionado, and he was checking to see if I was up and around. It was from several days ago, and I didn’t bother responding. He would figure it out soon enough when he saw that I was nearly 300 miles away.

The phone rang about that time, and I picked up. It was my Mom. “Hello, dear. How are you doing?” I replied, “I’m doing fine, just getting back into the swing of things at school.” She replied, “that’s nice. By the way, the ladies at Church were just gushing about the pearls you got me in Japan. They were so impressed. I was definitely mother of the year.” I smiled. “Well, you are to me,” I said. She laughed. “That’s too kind, but I do appreciate the thought. How are things now that you are back in the grind of studying?”

I nodded and said, “they are fine, just a lot of getting ready at this point. Classes have started, but the real work will come later as the semester progresses.” She was uh hmmming along and said, “Well, don’t forget to take time to smell the roses.” I thought about the assholes I had licked while I was at the summer job- the steam room ones, the guys in London and Tokyo, and even Mark. It was a veritable bouquet of ass blossoms. I sighed and said, “yes, I’m trying to keep that in mind. It’s been a busy summer, and now I’m back into the crucible of law school.” She chuckled, “it will all be worth it I am sure.”

I nodded. “I think so, I’m looking forward to this tax seminar I’m doing with Mr. Jacobs.” My mom finished with, “that sounds nice.” She didn’t really understand what that meant, and I was fine with that. “Well, let me let you go,” I said. “Yes, dear,” she said, “well, I love you. Study hard.” I returned with, “I love you too, and I will. Good bye.” She said goodbye and hung up the phone. I got a call from a classmate from last year who was going out for a drink on a Thursday night. I declined, deciding to finish my spaghetti and watch the rest of the soccer match. I felt like I owed it to my casa away from my casa.

The reality was that I didn’t feel like being a kid in law school anymore. I had grown up over the summer and the antics of the school life I had been a part of before seemed so juvenile now. I wanted to be a real adult, go on real dates, and have a real boyfriend. I then had a real pang about what I had missed out on with Eddie, not having a chance to really go out. And the reality was maybe it was just a passing fling for him, ships that passed in the night. I thought about Jason, about whether I should have fucked him that last night after the party. He needed it badly. But I was afraid that it would be too weird. I couldn’t explain it, but I think he just needed a hug, and after the fuck with George, where I was literally fucking him in exchange for my freedom, I think that I didn’t need another sexual entanglement with anyone at that fucking firm, nice cock or ass or not.

I finished my dinner and turned off the match. I felt like the whole world was turned upside down in the previous three months. I was here last May perfectly chaste, a monk in the books, learning the law and being a good boy. Then the summer hit and I was such a whore, cocks out every day, sucking and fucking. I was feeling oats, and sowing seeds, and notching bedposts. I wondered how Sean and Mark were doing. Their introduction was one of my better moves. That and the three-way we had after the one dinner party I hosted.

I thought about the glory hole in the basement of the firm. My reprieve from the stress of a job so chaotic, and the strange mix of blue collar workmen, sweaty, jeans, hair, and funk, and the white collar world of wool slacks, ties, and cocks that tasted of Ivory soap. The gym steam room and the number of occasions where I left it disheveled. I was quietly proud of that pseudo-vandalism. I certainly had my fun there. But I didn’t know most of those guys' names. Well, except for Ron, and Alvaro, and of course George. George was a two time competitor at the least.

Would I ever be happy back on the farm after I had seen Paree? I didn’t know. I was having more of a crisis than I wanted to admit. I needed to get out and shake off the whole shift of life from the past few days. I put on sweats and decided to take a run before bed. It was dark, but there were lights in the subdivision where I lived. I put on shoes and locked the door. I was down the street before I knew it and heading toward campus. I started to sweat as I headed up a hill toward the library. I never really explored the “scene” here, whether there was a glory hole set up, or some foot tapping under the wall stall action in the bathroom. I was too busy making outlines and cramming for finals. I think that there was a time and place for fun, and for studying, and maybe I could find more of a balance between the two and not the extremes.

I continued across the quad, and down toward the dorms. I passed by frat pledges in various states of disarray, genuflecting toward their upperclassmen, and my dirty mind turned to fantasies of the asses up getting pummeled by the brothers’ cocks in dark basements of the frat houses. My cock started to grow and bounce furiously in my boxers, as I began to signal to passersby what I was wielding in my sweatpants. I thought about my prison neighbor, Alvin, I often wondered if he was an Al, or maybe some kind of cool moniker like switchblade or assbandit. That cock was such a missed opportunity of mine. Even though he may have ended up back where he didn’t want to be. His story was my cautionary tale. Or to throw caution to the tail? I laughed at my own dirty Dad joke.

I did a loop around the edge of campus and turned back across the tennis courts. The lights were on and there were still late games being played by coeds, all kinds of balls bouncing in the lamplight. I just kept running, getting out the cobwebs from the summer and trying to wear myself out so I could sleep better later that night. I passed the library with the international students afraid of life in America and afraid of disappointing their family back home. I kept on going. I started running down a gulley where the path led over to the student center. There was a candlelight vigil for someone, and a guitar playing and people singing. It was oddly joyful in a time of someone’s grief. I kept on running, like Forrest Gump, and passed by the law school building, with folks already arguing about cases that wouldn’t matter once they graduated.

I do think that part of what I had gotten from the summer was perspective. I used to think that all I wanted was a nice car, a big house, and a powerful job. After seeing remnants of that in my firm job, all I wanted was the happiness of being able to have a life without having to sell too much of my soul to do that. I suppose that was my main thing. To have a life without having to sell too much of my soul. I think that Mr. Jacobs had that, and I think his healthy disrespect of the government was part of that retaining of soul that he had. I don’t know, all lawyers are a bit fucked up. And liked a bit of fucking up as I had also learned.

I continued back down the road and toward my apartment block again. I felt winded and sweaty, and maybe a little better. Not completely resolved but certainly worn out enough for bed. As I approached my door, I reflected on the main thing for me. I didn’t really have a guiding star for my life at the moment. It was more a pulling back, a retreat into the life I knew from a life I didn’t want. Or, at least, didn’t want under those terms. I could fuck all I wanted, but would I end up like George or Alvaro. I could focus on work to the exclusion of everything else and become Jason. Would I be the one pulling my dick out of a guy’s ass and saying, “that is all.” I was trying to figure out how to be me, here at school, after a taste of the afterlife. It’s like the folks that come back from the dead saying that they saw a light.

I got in and took a hot shower. I soaped up my chest and then my hand trailed down to my cock. I hadn’t had to jack off much this summer, there was always someone else around to do it for me. I started to slowly pull at it, and it happily responded. I started to imagine myself in the steam room, the towel unfurled, the calves near my arms, the furtive touches, the connections made, the grand unveiling of the cocks. The various shapes, long and short, fat and thin, rigid and soft, and how they would get more rigid in my mouth, the taste of their sweat and the steam in the room. My hands trailing underneath their balls, and tickling their asshole. The way the guys would adjust to get a better position in front of me, while I worked their shafts. Their cockheads at the back of my mouth, looking for my throat, and their balls swinging under my chin, their hairiness and their fragility.

The thigh muscles of these guys, flexing to lower their cocks into my mouth, and their asscheeks tightening to thrust their cocks further in. The natural flow of energy as they found a rhythm to sliding their cocks into my mouth, over my lips and the shaft hardening as I used my tongue to massage it to and fro. The point where the playful sucking became more urgent, more rhythmic and more determined. The cock became demanding, urging the hips to fuck the mouth with more passion and drive. The pace quickening as the breathing became more hurried and the grunts became more audible. Then the moment of no return, as the cock began to spasm and jerk in my mouth, the warm stickiness of cum filling the back of my mouth, and the pace slowing as the cock softened in my mouth.

I was shaking from the images and the cum I had just shot thinking back over all of the sexcapades I had had, over the past few months. I soaped up my hands and washed off my spent cock, now waning too, after completing its mission. I turned off the shower, and stepped out. I dried off and put on pajamas and headed to bed. I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue my sluttiness back at school, but I also wasn’t sure what I did want. I suppose that was the end result of my run, was that I didn’t know what I wanted my life to be. I crawled into bed, turned out the light, and drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 48

The rest of the first week was about the same. On campus during the day and settling back into a rhythm of studying at night, and the occasional run. I was looking forward to Friday and hearing more about my job. Friday afternoon I walked up to Mr. Jacob’s office and his door was closed. I waited out in the hall, the rest of the professors gone because this early in the semester, nobody else was holding office hours on a beautiful Friday afternoon, when all could be outside enjoying the last days of summertime. I would be lounging on a bench watching the young boys walk by in their shorts going commando with their cocks and balls all on display bouncing around. I slightly regretted agreeing to this meeting time especially when I was having to wait for Mr. Jacobs anyway.

It felt weird to be working for Mr. Jacobs, he had always been such a different teacher, kind and encouraging, so different from my bosses this summer. I never really thought about him sexually though. He was like a fatherly figure for me I guess. A guy that wore cardigans and corduroy jackets with patches on the elbows, the quintessential academic. Guiding young lawyers. But also single, at least unringed, and I thought about Jason a little; is the path of law one that guarantees solitude? Solitario. I never thought about the lives of the people around me, the adults where I was still a child. I was no longer a child though. I had joined the ranks of the adults, had I become my parents? I don’t know that I’m there yet, but I am no longer without the knowledge of the world, not carnal, but certainly some carnality- a hard cock and a hairy ass- but also the opportunity and the fragility of making dreams happen and how it can all get confused and taken away.

His door opened. “John, please come in,” Mr. Jacobs said, smiling and waving me in. I smiled back and walked back into his Victorian sanctuary. I looked him over as I followed him in. His slacks were loose, and he hunched over a bit. His hair was salt and pepper, with less pepper and more salt. He had a short sleeve shirt on but no tie. And you could imagine him with a pipe. For the life of me I couldn’t imagine what his cock looked like. He was like a religious figure to me, free of the sin of a hard on or an ass grab. We sat, me in his wing chair, him behind his desk. I glanced at his crotch. The fabric folds yielded nothing about what he was packing. I didn’t want to linger there. I looked over at his bookcase. Law books and no pictures, as if his private life was indeed private. I had never asked him about his world outside of the classroom. Who was he, Samuel Jacobs, professor of law, when he was in a bar, trying to catch some tail? I couldn’t really see it. Were those days behind him?

“So, we need to get a jump on this work before the fed gets here next week.” I nodded, opening my notebook and finding a pen. “We’ll start with the major players, the US, the UK, and Japan of course. But there’s the EU and Australia, perhaps even Canada.” I took notes, and started to outline the plan. I asked him, “so, what is the intent for this model law, to consolidate the best of the systems into one, or to harmonize across the systems, or is it to resolve conflicts between them?” He looked at me and said, “yes.” I gave him a puzzled look, and then he smiled. He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. “I’ll send you the electronic file, but this is the statement of work for the project.” I reviewed it, and indeed it listed those three elements as goals. “Aren’t they contradictory?” I asked. He shrugged and said, “that’s why we get an overseer. They’ll have to sort out what is in scope or not for the work.” I nodded.

“Can I ask why you are reluctant to have this person join us?” I asked. He sat back for a moment and said, “I have had some difficult conversations with regulators over the years. I had a client that was dealing with a fraud claim, where there wasn’t any fraud, but because the laws were different in different jurisdictions, the client ended up having to pay a lot of money. I guess I felt like I let them down. That's why I started teaching.” I nodded. “Do you feel like the experience is going to be the same?” I asked. He shrugged, “I don’t know, I think that I have been able to make a new life here without having to wrangle with the government directly and it feels like they are invading my space, my life again, I suppose, like I can’t get away from it.” He seemed to be lost in thought about it. I wanted to ask him about it, but I let the silence settle in the room for a minute.

“Do you think it might be different this time?” I asked a little tentatively. He looked over with a solemn expression and said, “perhaps. I suppose we will find out. Together.” I nodded, and smiled a little. He nodded and returned the smile for a second. “So, what shall I do in the meanwhile?” I changed the subject. He returned to the conversation at hand and said, “you have some experience now with the multinational jurisdiction of tax claims, can you document the legal connections that you have made without the client information. I would like to have some ideas ready for the first meeting, and I would like to demonstrate that we are capable of original thought,” he said, assuring himself more than I of the goal. I nodded.

“You should also familiarize yourself with the resources in our law library as you will be the head gopher in all the research and book pulling. I don’t know exactly what the government wants from its money.” I nodded and asked, “do you think they do?” He laughed, “maybe,” he said, “or maybe not. I want to be ready. That’s the litigator in me.” I thought about Ron. The killer instinct. That ass. My cock started to jump in my shorts. I shifted in my seat. There was a wave of horniness that flooded over me. I needed to get some action at some point, or I was going to explode. Jacking off in the shower to summer memories would only hold me for so long.

“I should let you get to work,” he said, signaling that the work discussion was over. I put my notebook and pen away, and stood up. “Thank you sir,” I said. He smiled and said, “thank you John. I’m really glad you’re back with us.” I nodded, “me too sir. Me too.” I walked over and opened the door. “This could be a lot of fun I think,” I said to Mr. Jacobs. He waved to me, and I left, shutting the door behind me. I thought about asking his view on work life balance, and why he was so ascetic. But the mere fact that he was so private seemed to indicate that he did not want that rock overturned, and part of being a good colleague, as we now were, was knowing what to leave unsaid as much as what needed to be said.

I wandered out of the teacher’s offices and down the hall. It was the end of the first week and there was a feeling of quitting time around the school. I didn’t see any classmates or really anyone in the building. There might be a law student or two in the library trying to get a jump on everyone else, or maybe hiding from their real life. I was disconnected from it all. I was really wanting to find a cock to suck, but also feeling like maybe I needed to just slow down. The reality from this summer is that I learned I needed to get some action, but maybe in more balance than what I had found. Feast and famine was my summer and previous spring- I was ready for a more rationed meal on a regular basis. A boyfriend perhaps? Fuck buddy? Neighbor to netflix and chill when his girlfriend is out with her peeps. My cock stirred and started growing down my leg which made steps a little more awkward.

I left the building, and there were a few law students gathered around picnic tables. I saw a blond headed guy with glasses trying to read a casebook. I sauntered over to him. “Hey, what are you reading?” I asked. He looked up, with green eyes and beautiful cheekbones, and full lips that would look great around my cock, and he said, “oh, just trying to get the hang of the classes and all. It’s my first week.” I nodded, “I see.” I thought, oh, fresh meat, the 1L class has arrived. I was now the upperclassman, a 2L with experience to share. Maybe sharing a little bit of saliva along the way. Or a little cock sliding in an asshole?

“Maybe I can give you a hand with that,” I suggested. Or something else perhaps. I smiled at him. He looked at me a little confused. “Well, it’s just a little bit confusing, contracts and how consideration works.” I nodded, “well,” I said in my deepest sage voice, “you have to consider it a deal where each party wants something, and they settle on terms. Consideration ends up being what the other party gives up to get what they want.” He nodded. “It’s not that complicated, but then the legal analysis part of this then tests the boundaries of the challenge. That’s the whole point of the first year of law school- to take a legal concept and apply it to various situations and then show you how the law changes as the situations change.” He nodded, and said, “geez, you are really smart. That was helpful to hear. I wish you were my teacher.”

I gave him a Ron and Jeremy smile. The hook was in, now to reel him in. I said, “well, I’m a 2L so I’ll be around, and if you want to talk I’m happy to make time. Why don’t we get dinner tomorrow night and we can talk a little more?” I waited, seeing if the boy would take me up on it. He nodded and said, “sure that’d be great. I don’t know a whole lot of people here, and I have been feeling lost.” I gave him my best smile and said, “you’ll figure it out soon enough. Besides, it’s good to have a friend that has already been through it.” He nodded, “ok, that sounds good.” I said, “let’s exchange numbers and we’ll make a plan tomorrow afternoon.” He took my phone and I took his. I was tempted to look through his pictures, but didn’t. I entered my number and put my name in. “Well, I had better let you get back to your reading,” I said. He nodded, and waved as I got up from the picnic table and walked away, jutting my ass out to give him a show. I looked back and he was still watching. I smiled and waved again and he did the same.

So, I had a date, or a “something.” It wasn’t clear what this was- a dinner engagement, or a prelude to a fuck? He seemed so cute and innocent. I had a flash of him tied up with a ball gag in a leather swing. Hm. I wonder if that milky white skin of his extended to his butt cheeks. I couldn’t wait to see his legs up and his asshole in my face with my tongue exploring it. I really had an evil string of thoughts about corrupting his angelic face. I looked at his phone, it said, “Michael Jones.” Mikey it is. He needed a nickname, and a gentle bit of teasing. I wondered how I’d crack that nut. Or actually coax it out of him, maybe with a little stroking of his balls. I wondered if they were hairy, or smooth, or perhaps lightly downy and soft.

I decided that my next sexual conquest was perhaps sorted, it was time to get to work on international tax research. I walked back to my apartment, so glad that I had opted for a 1 bedroom without a roommate this year. One of the summer’s best learning lessons was the need to have my privacy. I trudged up the hill toward the apartments and thought, this will be a pain in snow. Ah well, I had a couple of months before that was an issue. I walked in the door and decided to make some dinner. I had the fixings for tacos and decided that might be a good thing to have for tomorrow with Mikey. I made some of the ground beef with the seasonings and had one this evening, and saved the rest for the evening. I also sauteed some mushrooms and onions to have a vegetarian option in case Mikey is like Marky. If the ass is half as nice, I’ll be in good stead for the semester.

Otherwise, I might have to road trip to Sean and Mark’s for another threeway rendezvous. My asshole puckered from the thought of Sean’s intrusion back there only a few weeks ago. But that seemed like a lifetime ago. Before Eddie came into my life. Came and went, without even coming once. I did have to say that I had a great summer. It was perhaps the best summer I had ever spent- between the fun sex, the weird situations, and the legal experience, I was different, more my own man, more ready to take on the world. Less afraid, more confident. Swaggery. I missed the steam room though. And the glory hole. I was afraid to find one on campus. Did I need to continue that sluttiness? I was hoping if I starved that wolf, and fed the good one, that the good one might prevail. But the thought of getting my cock sucked was getting me hard again. I was trying to decide between jacking off again, or waiting for tomorrow. I decided to wait, and instead turned off the TV and tried to meditate for a while and let the horniness settle.

I decided to clean up the kitchen and head to bed. I was feeling like a caged animal, a little pent up from the lack of sex and the return to a smaller life I had shed this past summer. Only to return to the shoes, now a size too small, for feet that have grown. And in so many ways. I had tasted life beyond school. And now, I was back and I had real misgivings about not staying at the firm, and continuing that journey. It was like I was downshifting a car with my foot on the accelerator. I was raring to go still in a world that was not ready for me. Or maybe I wasn’t ready to be the me that I discovered I could be. What was the best me, the sex god or the kind soul, could I be both? I brought my laptop with me and watched some dating reality show as I drifted off to sleep. The guys were both hot and vapid. I wanted several of them, and I dreamt about them sticking their cocks through a glory hole for me to blow. I woke up in the middle of the night with a hard on, and had to get a glass of water.
I have two more chapters to post. I should finish tomorrow. I will look forward to hearing whether the journey was worth it for you all. I have enjoyed writing this very much, and it has taught me a lot about myself.