Big Cock Big Law

Chapter 15

I walked across the street and back toward the path. My car was on the far side of the park and I had at least a mile to cover in my own afternoon shame walk. I was hurt actually, and I don’t know what the whole scene was about. What did I do wrong? I couldn’t find anything. But, I did learn that no matter how big a cock is, it’s more about the chemistry between people. I felt dirty, and I was grossed out by Nathan. I can see why people who saw his cock were not able to get him off. It wasn’t the size, it was the smell of it. I was turned off. I needed a shower. It was still sunny out and there were kids throwing frisbees as I was trying to put myself together after that surprising experience. I found my car and got in and headed back to my place. I was disappointed that I was not able to make a date work. I think it might be a funny story one day. Maybe. One day.

I drove home without the radio on. I just wanted to get clean. I ran into my apartment and headed to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and grabbed my toothbrush. I squirted a big mound of toothpaste on the bristles and went to work on my teeth and tongue. I must have covered the top and bottom teeth about three or four times each and was foaming at the mouth when I finally spit. I got a swig of mouthwash and swished it around my mouth holding it in. I then disrobed and stepped into the warm steamy shower. I turned and spit the mouthwash into the drain, my tongue burning but minty now. I put shampoo on my hand and worked it around my balls first to get the dog off of me. I then shampooed the hair and then washed the rest of me all over a couple of times. I wanted to be clean. Maybe it was overkill, but that whole mess was just weird.

After about ten minutes, I got out and toweled off. I found sweatpants from yesterday and put them on with the t-shirt from yesterday as well. I got a beer out of the fridge and opened it. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but I thought I might need to regroup. I turned on the TV and tried to focus on the sitcom rerun that was on the TV. I just sat and let the TV wash over me. I wasn’t sure what I felt. I felt frustrated, but also like I was mad at myself. I can’t even handle a date with a guy. But then, I thought, he should have at least showered for me. It was just a bit off putting. I want a guy that is put together. One thing’s for sure, he wasn’t the black adidas guy in the bathroom blowing me. He couldn’t get his mouth around my cock. So much for his complaints about other guys. I wonder if I’ll be another story for future dates about how the past guys couldn’t take him. I shook it off. That was crazy. The dog blowing me. I was glad he didn’t find my cock too!

I shut off the TV after a while. I sat at the dining room table and opened another book I had checked out. I realized that there was a clue in this new book to what I was seeking. I needed to compare some of the filing to the stock indices to make sure that the deltas year over year in the filings matched the industry performance. I made a note about it and dug in further. The time passed and I looked up and it was already 9:30. I had been doing this for over six hours. It was time for bed. I didn’t even eat dinner, unless you counted the beer as dinner. I didn’t even finish it. It was left on the side of the table half full still, but now warm. I closed the books and took the bottle to the sink to dump it. Then I headed back to the bedroom. I turned off lights and set my alarm before rolling over and off to sleep.

I got up at 4:30 unable to sleep any more. I was sleepy but not really tired. I didn’t know how I felt. Ready to go to work. I got a shower, and then got dressed, and headed out about 6:00 am. I walked over to the office, and took the elevator up to the law firm office. I sat at my cube and took out my notebook from my bookbag and turned on the laptop. Sean had sent an email about my relativity password on Saturday, so I was ready to go. I followed the login instructions and pulled open the tax files. I was able to cross reference each box in each filing, and was able to do the rest of the auditing tasks I had been reading about this past weekend. I started to pull the information together into excel and in about two hours had a couple of spreadsheets that made sense. I started drafting a memo about the inconsistencies I had found. There were people filing into the office, but I was so focused on the work, I didn’t really pay attention to them. Todd stood in front of me for a full minute or so before I even saw that he was there.

“Good morning there John,” he said. “Good morning, Todd, I was deep into the case,” I replied. “I see that. That is a good sign. Jason will be in today and wants a status. Are you ready to provide him one?” I nodded, and said, “let me show you. Here’s the cross references of the filings here, and the patterns of the numbers here. Over here I compared the company performance to the nikkei and the ftse. So what I did is draft a memo for you and Jason to use in reviewing my work, because that would be easier to follow the logic.” I took a breath. Todd nodded, and said, “good work as always. I think you are on the ball so I’ll let you continue. We’ll brief at 1 for the case.” I nodded and he turned and walked away. I turned back to my computer and continued writing up my analysis. I didn’t stop until my computer alarm went off at 12:45. I hadn’t really eaten much today, but I was so focused on this project that I didn’t want to stop. I also didn’t want to face the vault again for a while.

I printed documents out and saved them to the firm’s share drive. I took my research and my notes over and waited at Jason’s door for it to open. Todd came up behind me and said, “are you trying to show me up.” I shook my head no, “never. I was just making sure I wasn’t late.” He laughed, “you are fine. You may need to relax a bit.” I laughed, but was still tense. This was my big break. My chance to show them what I was made of. I was also a bit on the ropes since the dating scene had sort of thrown me. I wanted one sphere of my life to work out. Jason’s door swung open. “Gentlemen,” he said, “please come in.” I stood back and let Todd go in first. Jason turned to us and said, “I trust you had a productive week while I was gone.” We nodded. Todd spoke first, “I think John has some interesting insights to provide about the big tax matter we are working on.” Jason smiled and said, “oh really. Do you John? Pray tell us,” he quipped with a smirk.

I smiled. “Well sir, er, sirs, I started by looking at the organization of the boxes. I then looked at each filing year over year. The first thing I noticed is that there were preparer-specific discrepancies in the filing documents.” I handed him my notes of the repeated patterns of the numbers. “Then I began to see common declarations of income numbers across jurisdictions, and I tried to cross reference them, but there wasn’t a legal reason to do so.” I handed him another spreadsheet. “Finally, there were numbers in the fillings themselves that were just repeated with no reference in support of those numbers, like they were making it up.” I handed him my final document. “I think there’s something fishy here, and depending on what the client wants, we have legs to stand on.” I got quiet, and waited for Jason to respond. He looked back and forth between the spreadsheets for a couple of minutes, and then stood up and walked over to his desk. The office remained silent for nearly five minutes, which at that moment seemed like an eternity.

I looked over at Todd. He smiled and motioned for me to stay calm, everything was fine. I smiled back and took a deep breath. Jason returned to the conference table with a book opened. “John, did you consider the various accounting systems that could be filed.” I nodded. “ I looked at the GAAP for the US, and the IFRS for the UK, and the Japanese GAAP was tough, but I ran it through Google translate as best I could. None of them authorized the type of declarations that were made in the filings.” Jason nodded, not looking up from the pages, and consulting his tome on his lap occasionally. I took another deep breath. It was like the worst oral exam I had ever had. My hands were sweaty. In the past few days, my cock would get hard at the slightest wind blowing, but right now, I was under pressure, and it was thankfully, soft and hidden away in my pants, not distracting me.

Jason finally looked up from the pages and nodded. He looked right at me, peering into me, and said, “this is exceptional work young man. I am quite surprised you covered as much as you did in a week.” He turned to Todd. “You didn’t help him at all?” Todd shook his head no. Todd then said, “no sir, he was focused on his own, and I did as you asked. Just let him run with the case. And run he did.” He smiled at me. I blushed. It was so rare to get accolades for this type of effort. Jason turned to me, “so the big question is for you, how do we make money from this?” I furrowed my brow at him. That wasn’t part of the assignment was it? I then remembered he mentioned it as an offhand comment, but I didn’t really take it to heart.

I started with, “well, given that we are attorneys, or at least you both are, I would start with the fact that we could or should represent the client in any legal proceeding or government led audit of their work. I suppose that’s a given. I haven’t considered whether there’s a case against their accountant preparers because of the negligence in their filings yet, because I suspect the standards of what their duty to report accurate numbers are, and there may be contributory negligence if the company failed to provide them with the numbers they needed. So, I think there’s at least a call with the company to inquire both about the process and given what we found, was there interest in even pursuing the accounting firms or not.” Jason then responded, “what if there is interest and there turns out to not be sufficient evidence for the case to proceed? Shouldn’t we dig a little more first?” I took a beat and then said, “well sir, if they don’t want us to proceed then we would be wasting our time heading down that path. If they do, we can at least caution them with the fact that even though this is potentially a lapse in their work for the company, it may not hold up in court. So we offer to dig then, with notice to the company that it may not be a fruitful search in the end.” I took a breath and sat my hands beside me on the chair.

Jason closed his eyes for a moment and then breathed in. “So, what about the money?” I said, “well you have my time invested in the digging now, as billable. I suspect that was ‘small potatoes.’ You have Todd’s and your time already invested in the case, as bigger potatoes, but not enough to put marble in the bathrooms here.” They smiled at me. “I suspect the real money is in what the risk of government action that the company faces, and then the potential to get a payout of any money that might come from the negligence suit, although, that’s probably a wash depending on which jurisdiction. I guess the big question is, it’s a complicated case, how much does the company want to make it go away?” Jason smiled and nodded. So did Todd. “Yes, good man, that is the question,” Jason replied. “The good news is that we are about to find out. There’s a call at 2 pm with the company to discuss just that, and I’d like you, and Todd of course, to be on the call. You aren’t an attorney yet, so you will be there as our paralegal, but you can take notes and listen, and then we will include you in the legal strategy discussion later. How does that sound?” My mouth dropped open, and I nodded yes. “That would be great sir, I would love to see how that conversation goes.” My heart was beating fast and I was tingly all over. A real call, a real case, and me, getting a seat at the table, quite literally. Jason smiled and said, “good. Well, Todd will talk you through this, and just come back to my office at 1:50 so we can dial into the meeting from here. That is all.”

I nodded and we stood up from the table. I gathered my notebook and followed Todd out of the office. I stopped at my desk and Todd hovered. “So, great work. Jason isn’t big on praising especially summer interns, but you have really impressed him. Both of us in fact.” He smiled, and I thought maybe even blushed. “I think you have a bright future here if you want it.” I nodded, “that sounds amazing. I wasn’t sure how this summer was going to turn out, but I’m thrilled that I have had the opportunities I have had.” I was gushing and a little bit lap dog looking for a treat. Todd nodded, “you know what they say- good work begets more opportunities for good work.” I laughed and said, “yeah, the pie eating contest where the prize is more pie.” Todd turned a little stern and said, “well the pie eating is what pays our bills.” I realized I had erred and said, “oh yes sir, and boy do I love pie.” He laughed at that, and I realized I had recovered from the prior faux pas. “Get a fork, we have pie to eat,” he said as he walked back to his chair.
The pie comments made me laugh.
Chapter 25

I felt Mark pull away from my cock and join me at eye level. He leaned in and kissed me and I felt Sean slide down my side. I felt his tongue on my balls, and I leaned over and started playing with Mark’s cock as he laid on top of me kissing me. I opened my legs and felt Sean lick the underside of my balls while he was jacking my cock, now wet from Mark’s spit. Sean kept digging inside further, and I kept opening my legs as he was licking my taint, and heading back further toward my hole. I pushed up my hips and I felt his hands slide under my ass cheeks and he then angled my legs up into the air. I felt his lips graze my asshole, lightly at first. Then he was blowing air into my hole, tikcing the asshole hairs, and then lightly ever so softly licking around my hole. It was subtle at first, but then a little more forcefully as he was teasing me with his tongue. Mark and I were still kissing and I had his cock hard in my hand and then I pushed him over so I could free my other hand and make my way to his ass. I carressed those tight cheeks, furry and I never knew, and then I stuck a finger into his asscrack and he moaned. I resumed my kissing of him, as Sean was working his tongue around my hole, and getting me wetter by the minute.

As I got a finger into Mark’s hole, I felt a finger rub the outside of mine. Sean’s tongue was still darting around, and probing in a little at a time, but then I felt a finger slide in about a half an inch. He was licking me, and pressing that finger then pulling back a touch, and then I felt him swallow my cock. It was amazing. He had no gag reflex, I just felt a warm softness at the head, and then a slide down my shaft. I didn’t notice his finger climbing into my asshole at the same time, but as he slid back off of my cock, I felt the finger dislodge a bit, and then push back in as the mouth came back down. This motion lasted for a couple of minutes, and all the while I was fingering Mark’s hole and kissing him. At a certain point I thought I was going to cum, so I pulled Mark’s mouth off of my cock, and then I flipped Mark over onto his back. I rolled over onto my stomach and aimed my mouth at Mark’s cock. He was already dripping pre cum and he was moaning lightly, an “oh,” or a sharp inhale as I took his small cock and balls into my mouth and at the same time ran my tongue over his sack. I felt Sean’s hands spreading my legs apart as my ass was now in the air. Then I felt his fingers pull my cheeks apart, and then a moist warmness around my hole as he stuck his tongue into it while massaging my cheeks with his fingers. I took a finger of my own, and slid it down the taint of Mark’s toward his hole. I pushed in as I continued to suck him and his “ohs,” got louder.

I moved my knees out to the side and lifted my ass up about six inches off of the bed. I felt Sean’s hand on my cock jacking it while he tongue fucked my asshole in and out and in and out. I lifted Mark’s legs up and pushed them back exposing his dark pink hole, and I aimed my tongue right in there. Mark was holding my head with his hand and playing with his cock with the other. My ass was poised for Sean to get in there with his tongue and we looked like a strange naked man train, tongue to asshole connecting the cars of the train together. Mark’s hole softned as I tongued it, and I stuck a finger into it as I was licking it. About the same time, I felt Sean do the same to me. When Sean stuck a second finger into my ass, I jumped a bit, and he licked my hole then stuck a finger in then licked it, then stuck two in for a bit, and just teased my hole until it loosened and accepted both digits. I licked my second finger and pushed it into Mark’s man canyon no problem. The fingers were solidly in there, and I started to suck just his shaft. He was getting louder and he gripped my hair tighter as he started to thrust into my mouth as my fingers were in his hole. I could feel his ass muscles convulse around my fingers, and his cock jump in my mouth to the same rhythm.

I slid my knees under me a bit more and lifted up my torso off the bed. I then lifted Mark’s legs further, and aimed my dry pecker at his hole. He looked at me and said, “I need some lube for your cock, it’s way too big to just stick in. While I reached over to my nightstand for some lube, I felt Sean reach over and put out a hand for some for him. I squirted some in each of our hands, and I put some on my cock and then on Mark’s hole. I felt the cool sensation of lube on my hole too. I held Mark’s ankles and slid my cock near his hole and the head popped into him. He squirmed and I leaned down and kissed him. As I kissed him I put pressure on my hips and my cock slid in an inch or so at a time until he was full of my cock. My balls hit his taint, and I leaned down and kissed him passionately again. He ran his fingers through my hair, and then spread his arms out wide. I felt Sean press his massive cock into my hole, which was puckering at the intrusion of Sean’s massive head. It was a stretch for me who hadn’t had anal sex like this in over a year. That cock was huge, and I felt his pressure of his purple helmet on my hole, as I had put pressure on Mark’s. I backed up from Mark’s hole and pulled my cock out about an inch, and I felt Sean’s cock go into me about that same inch. I then pushed in, and Sean’s cock slid out and then I pulled out of Mark and Sean slid back in. I realized I was setting the pace for the fucking. I took deep breaths and began to make bigger motions in and out and in and out. I felt Sean’s cock in my asshole sliding in and out, as I slid out and into Mark’s asshole.

My breathing intensified and so did Marks. Then I felt Sean’s breathing on my back as he leaned down on top of me to get more leverage. I was fucking Mark’s hole at a pretty fast clip and Sean was holding onto my hips like he was riding a horse bareback. He started to be more forceful in his thrusts as he was slamming his pile driver into my hole as fast as I was laying my pipe into Mark. My orgasm was starting to build in my feet and legs, I could feel my hole starting to grip Sean’s cock, and then my cock started to grow thicker and more rigid in Mark’s hole. I was getting closer and closer, and I could see Mark with his eyes closed smiling. I knew I was going to shoot soon so I wrapped my fingers around Mark’s cock, and jacked him as I started to fuck him even faster. I felt Sean readjust his grip on my waist and I was just writhing between the hole and the cock. I felt my own balls tighten, and I screamed, “I’m going to blow,” as I started shooting my load into Mark’s warm tight ass. He started to cum in my hand from me jacking him off. Sean was starting to moan too and he was slapping his balls into my ass and then I felt him push in and hold. I could feel his cock pulse in my ass as he shot his baby batter into my poop chute.

I stayed balls deep into Mark as his cock softened in my hand, and Sean was still pumping man juice into my hole. We stayed in place for about thirty seconds, as everyone’s cock finished its unleashing. Sean got off me first, and I pulled out of Mark. Mark held his hand up covered with his spooge. I nodded toward the bathroom and the three of us stumbled naked into the shower trying not to dribble. I turned the water on and we soaped each other down and got ‘cleanish.’ I exited the shower first and got towels for each of us. We got dried off and headed back to the bedroom. Mark asked if they could stay, and I nodded, “sure.” I crawled into the center of the bed and Mark was on my right and Sean on my left. I leaned over and turned off the nightstand lamp and the room fell quiet in the darkness. I felt Sean reach over and hold Mark’s hand. I kissed Mark and then I turned and kissed Sean. The next thing I know, I was out cold. The sun came through the window, and I felt two heads on one arm and the other arm free. Mark had moved in the night over to Sean’s side, and they were cuddling and I was facing Sean’s back. I looked over and smiled. They made a cute couple, with Sean’s longer body covering Mark and holding him securely around the waist. Mark looked peaceful in Sean’s arms, and while I was a little sad that I wasn’t getting cuddled, it was nice to wake up to someone in the bed with me. Or someones.

I wrestled my hand out from under the two of them, and let them sleep. I grabbed sweats and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. About twenty minutes later, I heard them rustle about, the smell of coffee rousing them. “Morning,” they each said as they walked into the dining room area, their hair all wild from the night’s antics. I smiled, “good morning you two. How did you sleep?” They smiled at me and each said, “great. This was fun.” I nodded. “Would you like some coffee?” I asked. They both nodded. I got two more cups down and poured them each one. We sat down at the table and I could still feel Sean’s cock in my hole. Mark looked over at me when he sat down and said, “you have a big cock there cubemate.” I nodded and blushed. “So does your boyfriend, as I found out,” I said back to him. Sean smiled. “You know, we haven’t made anything official yet,” Sean said to me. I shrugged and said, “well, you make a cute couple. Put a ring on it, or I don’t know, at least one of those twisty bread ties!” We laughed, but it was also a little awkward. Mark said into his cup, “it’s just hard to know where you are in this sometimes. I mean, I love Sean, but I’m supposed to be getting ready to leave.” Sean dropped his cup and said, “you love me?” Mark shrugged and said, “well of course silly. I spend almost every night with you even when you are gaming with your friends.” Sean took a sip of his coffee. “Well, uh, I love you too,” he muttered. Mark said, “what, I can’t hear you from across the table?” Sean put down his mug and orated, “I. Love. You. Too. Shithead.” Mark laughed, and Sean blushed. I then piped up, “I now pronounce you, shithead and shithead.” We all laughed.

They finished getting dressed, and headed out about thirty minutes after the mock wedding, both of their heads with hair standing up in all directions. Their drive home of shame, but together at least. I washed up and wetted down my hair. I figured I’d go for a run and then shower after. My room smelled of them, and the sex we had. I didn’t want to clean the room up, but thought I should before leaving for my trip next week. I stripped the bed and put the sheets in the washer. I would run it later, but at least get it started. I sprayed the room with fabreze, but that only mixed the smells, so I opened a window to let a cross breeze in. I got my shoes on and headed out the door. In front of my door I lifted a leg to stretch, and the other one. I looked across the parking lot and my neighbor had a dresser in the back of his pick up truck. I walked over as he was unlatching the tailgate. “Whatcha got there,” I asked. He turned around and said, “oh, it’s you. Hi there. I found a dresser on craigslist.” I laughed, “I’m surprised you didn’t get murdered! There were recent reports of crime involving postings online.” He shook his head no and said, ‘nobody would fuck with me. I am tougher than I look.”

I looked him over. He seemed tough enough, and wiry. His jeans were tight, and I could see the outline of a cock to the right of his zipper. He caught me staring at his crotch and then adjusted his pants to pull the fabric back and show off he cock a little more. I smiled and said, “you need a hand?” He turned to me and whispered, “with what?” I whispered back, “with whatever you want help with.” He smirked and said, “the old lady is home so I gotta be cool, but I’d appreciate you carrying the dresser up with me.” I nodded and moved over to the tailgate. He climbed up and shuffled the dresser over to the edge. “It’s pretty light, but bulky,” he said. I nodded and grabbed the base. “He said, “let me push it down at an angle toward you and you grab the top of it as it comes down.” I nodded and slid my hands up the side, as he lowered it down to me. When the top arched toward my hands I said, “got it.” He squatted down in front of me to climb out of the truck and I saw his cock and balls all bunched into his crotch and it looked very full. He leaned over, “it’s a mouthful, don’t you worry. The wife hates sucking it though. Hurts her jaw. So, I am always looking for a little side action.” He grinned at me. I said, “well, I’m just across the way, we’ll have to check and see if I can do any better with it than she can.” He laughed, “I am down with trying. Let’s get this chest up the stairs for now, before my cock crawls out of these jeans.” I looked down and he was getting hard. His cock now fighting to spring up along the seam of his jean’s leg. As he stepped down to scoot the dresser out, I brushed my hand against it. It felt warm and thick against my palm, and he stopped and let me feel him up a bit before saying, “let’s get this in before I shoot my load right here.” I laughed, “can’t blame me for testing out the merchandise.” He turned to me and said, “I don’t want you to get arrested for shoplifting!” I smiled and nodded, and I moved back to the top of the dresser.

He picked up the dresser from the middle as I lifted from the top and we pulled the dresser almost all the way off the truck. He stopped and then regrabbed the bottom edge of the dresser and we walked back together away from the tailgate. He said, “let me walk backwards, you just keep pushing.” I smiled and said, “oh I’m good at that.” He said, “I bet you are. Come on now.” He walked backwards toward the steps as I kept pace with him walking the dresser forward between us. I said, “stairs,” and he nodded. We walked up slowly, and when we got to the second floor he said, “now straight back to the door on the left.” I nodded and we proceeded again. He leaned the dresser on his leg when we got to the door and opened it. He yelled in, “I got a neighbor to help with the dresser. We’re coming through.” We entered the apartment. I smelled cigarette smoke, and I saw a woman in a t shirt watching TV on a couch as we walked in. I nodded and said, “hi,” and she didn’t even look up.

We walked back to their bedroom and he said, “just let me set my end down, and then I’ll have you bring your end up to me.” I nodded and we did just that. He guided the side down as we turned the dresser right side up. He pointed to a bare wall and we shuffled the dresser over there and centered it between the windows. I wanted to say something, but didn’t. He came over near me and grabbed my crotch, and kissed me on the mouth as quiet as he could be. I grabbed his crotch and felt his cock still hard and thick in his jeans. He stepped back and said loudly, “that looks great, thanks for the help.” I nodded and said, “sure anytime. I’d better get back to my Sunday.” I grabbed his ass silently as we left the room and I sprinted out their door and shut it behind me.
This was so great. Fucking hot.
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Chapter 37

The news was on the TV and I looked down, 6:25, time to head to the lobby. Jason was there checking his phone and still in his suit. I wondered if I should have stayed dressed from the hearing. He looked up and saw me. “Good, John, I’m glad you had a chance to change. I just ran in from another meeting, so I have not. But no matter, we should be off.” I followed him out of the hotel and into a cab. We traveled through DC with the summer sunlight fading into sunset, and the buildings all reflected a warm hue. It was both awe inspiring and spooky, like the world was shutting down. The taxi stopped in a commercial district with a string of restaurants on the street and Jason headed toward a plain unassuming sign on the door. We entered and he spoke to the maitre-d who showed us to our table.

“This is one of my favorite places to go in DC. I was a regulator here myself in my younger days. That’s how I met Alvaro, I was going up against him, like that young one this afternoon was going up against us.” I nodded, and flashed to Eddie’s smile. My cock stretched in my boxers thinking about him again. “Anyway, he said something to the effect of, if you want to make real money, let me know. That was twelve years ago, and now, I’m senior partner, and Todd is partner, and it’s a pretty good life. Certainly better than the GS system of salaries and rules. We get to eat here, and wear nice clothes.” He looked over at me. Yes, this was one of Terrance’s outfits. I was enjoying the experience of being a real adult. “The hard thing about this job is the pace and the demands. My wife had enough of this about five years ago, and I haven’t been able to really make a relationship work since. Fortunately we didn’t have children, but I had wondered if we had, how that might have changed things.” He seemed wistful about it all. “Anyway, Todd has managed to keep a wife and two small children with him, but I can tell the pressure is getting to him. He made partner last year and is still trying to have it all.”

“So what about you, what are your plans after this summer?” I cleared my throat, I hadn’t expected this to be a conversation. They rarely are with Jason. “Well sir, I guess I’m trying to figure that out. Back to school soon, and finishing up law school. Then a job, and maybe some type of settling down. I have been a loner through most of law school, so that is either a feature or a bug in the system already. Maybe I am destined for ‘firm life’? I love the tax world, the intricacies of the filings and problem solving. And the hearing this afternoon was amazing. Better than the UK one which was merely validating the forms and preserving the filings. We actually got into the law of it all today, which I really enjoyed.” I stopped for a moment, as he was checking his phone again. I could see why the wife got tired of it. He was easily distracted. She ended up being the one who said, ‘that is all.’ We sat in silence for a minute and the soup course arrived.

“You were saying,” he returned to the table conversation. “Yes, I enjoyed today’s hearing. That was fun I thought.” He nodded. “Yes, that was unusual for a first hearing. I think that young one was trying to make a name for himself. But you showed him, didn’t you?” He smiled at me, the first in a long while. I smiled back. “Yes, it was a good exchange I thought.” He nodded, “you have the killer instinct. That will serve you well in legal practice. We are hired guns after all. Only we shoot words, not bullets.” I laughed at his comment. “I think that is why Alvaro is so taken with you.” He said sort of offhandedly. I looked at him puzzled. “Well you must have noticed his leers your way. He is attracted to you.” I shrugged my shoulders, as if to imply ‘who me’? I then flashed back to his cock in the steam room and my cock stirred again. “He and Barty have this weird rivalry about men. Trying to bed them. He never did me though. I was always a little reserved for him. You have exuberance. He likes the energy and the taming of it I think. Todd was also too reserved. You seem open, like you’d be willing to entertain his advances.” He looked at me.

I was sort of dumbfounded. I said, “well, I’m not sure that he had advanced upon me,” I said. “Barty was quirky in London, and there was an odd exchange after a couple of beers that I attributed to a lonely guy who was trying to find some moment of joy. I don’t think Alvaro would be suitable for me either,” I finally surmised. He nodded, “yes, I agree. I was surprised when he took Todd and Jason off of this case, so he could spend more time with you though. I thought that there might have been something going on. That’s why I pulled back and let him run with the preparations.” I nodded. “I figured you had rebuffed him which is why I was being called to DC.” It finally hit me that he was probing for answers. “I don’t know sir,” I finally replied, “it was such a hectic time between filing paperwork and scheduling hearings, that I didn’t really notice, all I knew was that you and Todd were busy with a case, which felt a little bit abandoning, but then I thought this was all part of the training.” He nodded, “yes, there can be fast paced decisions, but this was unusual, because most of the time, lawyers finish the cases they start.” I nodded, “which is why I was a little annoyed that I didn’t have the full throughline of your research and issue tracking,” he finished. I nodded.

“Well, sir, I think it worked out in the end.” He shrugged, “maybe, but there is more to go. You have Tokyo next week. Both Barty and Alvaro will be there. A bit of a tag team I think.” I took a deep breath. Great, both of them after my ass. The bet was still on. “What about Todd?” I asked. He shook his head no, and said, “Todd will be with me. At least it is Los Angeles. We get to look at pretty people, even if we can’t have them.” He sighed a bit. I was actually sad for him. He was trapped in a world from which he couldn’t escape. He was also somewhat astute, but not completely. I wondered if he needed a hug. Or a blowjob. I was still very horny. And he was about to fade out of my world again. He was handsome enough. I remembered the slight curve of an ass in his slacks. I wondered about his cock. Was it big or small, cut or uncut, thick or thin, hairy or not? I could blow him I guess. He’d be on his phone the whole time. As I looked over he was already back on the phone again. We finished up dinner and he paid the check. He stood up and I followed. “Back to the hotel I suppose,” he said. “Do you want to stay or maybe get a drink somewhere,” I asked. He shook his head no, “those days are behind me. I want a nice bath and a good night’s sleep.” I nodded, “sure thing, I can appreciate that.” He smirked and said, “you have many late nights in front of you before you get to this level of resignation.”

I shrugged and we headed out to the street. A cab back to the hotel and then a handshake in the lobby. “Thank you for a pleasant evening, John.” I smiled, “thank you for dinner sir. It was great to get to know you a bit more.” He smiled and nodded, then turned to the elevator. I looked at the elevator and then the door and decided to give the bar down the street one last shot. I headed back the three blocks to the gay bar I had found the evening before. I entered into the same din from the night before, and the music and conversation flowed out from the door. I entered again, more confidently, as I had been there before. I ordered a tonic water, and looked around. The reality is that I was looking for Eddie. I didn’t know if this was a wild goose chase, but I wanted that wild goose! I found a place near the opposing wall to scan the room. I didn’t recognize anyone else, just the same sorts of gays from the night before, the drag queens, the leather guys, the fashionistas.

I didn’t know what to do with myself, as I was just waiting and looking around. I enjoyed the music, but didn't really want to dance. I looked around and there wasn’t anyone to really strike up a conversation with. I was getting antsy, and thought that I should just leave. And then, as before, the smile appeared before me, out of nowhere, and illuminated the whole bar. “Hi again,” he said, “I was hoping I’d see you tonight.” I smiled as much as my face would allow. “Hi Eddie, I decided to come back on a lark, just to see if lightning could strike twice,” I replied. He smiled and leaned over to me. His lips met mine for a second, and the electricity returned, like a light being plugged back in. Then he backed away. “How was that,” he teased. I nodded, “not bad, not bad, I might need another test case just to make sure.” He obliged, leaning in and putting an arm around me as he pulled me into a longer kiss, his mouth opening, and his tongue just touching mine. I put my hand around his back and pressed my thumb into his muscles. He pulled away again, and I just made a sound “mmmm.”

“So you were a very bad boy,” he said to me after a second. “I was,” I asked. “Well, yes, how dare you outdo me at work.” I laughed. “I was pretty shocked to see you in the suit as a part of the panel, Edward,” I leaned into his formal name. He said, “well, Jonathan, I was also surprised to see you in your suit as a part of my docket as well.” He grinned at me. I leaned in and put my head on his chest as he rubbed my shoulders. “So this is why you were in town,” he surmised. I shrugged and said, “I didn’t really want to say anything, because I didn’t know what the rules were about all of this. I had been lectured to keep my private stuff private.” He said, “do you keep all your private stuff, private there?” he teased, looking down at my crotch, which was definitely starting to show my interest in him. “I have been known to give a private viewing of my privates,” I replied, leaning in and giving him a little peck on the mouth. “In fact I was ready to give you such a show the other night,” I explained. He laughed, “I know you were. It was very hard for me to resist.” I looked down at his crotch and said, “oh really, how hard was it?” He put my hand on his crotch and I felt a mass of thickness in his jeans. “That must have been very hard then as well,” I responded. I let my hands find his waist, and then kissed him again, slower, and gentle, seductively perhaps.

I pulled away this time. “So, could I have your phone number now?” I asked. He exhaled and explained, “I really shouldn’t. You are working for the other team.” I nodded, and explained, “well, only for the summer, and as a 508. I go back to law school in a couple of weeks.” He said, “well, that’s worse, really for me. How could I possibly tear myself away from DC to visit you all the time, with you studying?” He grinned, and I grinned back. “Well, I would make time for you,” I replied. “And besides, I could study at the Library of Congress!” He laughed, “that beats the law library at school I suspect.” I nodded earnestly, “it’s amazing,” I cooed. He smiled, “yes, it is. You know as a Fed, I get expanded access.” I was amazed at him. “Really, that would be so cool.” My nerd flag was flying and I did not care. “You are a quirky man, John Richmond,” Eddie said to me in a matter of fact way. I shrugged, and snuggled into his chest.

We flirted for a while longer in the din of the conversation and music around us. It was nearly 10 and he finally said, “I hate to break up this party, but this guy has to be in bed. I have other criminals to interrogate,” as he looked devilishly at me. I looked back and said, “well, I could move the party to your bed,” with a bit of side eye and smile. He chuckled, “I bet you could. And I need to sleep more than the latter. When are you leaving town?” I exhaled, and mumbled, “tomorrow.” He pouted. “I figured. Let’s walk out together.” I nodded and put my hand in his. We walked out of the door to the bar and back down the street before where we had the magical goodbye kiss from the other night. He kissed me under a streetlamp, I wasn’t sure if it was the same one from the other night or a new one. It didn’t matter, it was charming nonetheless. “I do need to go. But, you do have my work email address, and when you are back at school feel free to reach out. You won’t be so adversarial then, and maybe we can figure something out.” I nodded. I was hit with a wave of sadness all of a sudden. This was it, the time where our little fling ended. I gave him one last kiss, to say goodbye. I started to tear up. When I pulled away, I saw that he had as well. He rubbed my face with his thumb. “Don’t be sad there, young lad, this is not the end.” I nodded, and said, “it is for now,” and I started to tear up a little more. He smiled in his own tears and said, “it’s not a forever goodbye, just merely a see you later.” He kissed me on the cheek and then turned and started walking away.

I nodded and turned away as well. I had to leave at that point, there wasn’t anything else to say. It was definitely more than a ‘see you later’ to me. And I didn’t know whether I could believe that it wouldn’t be a ‘forever goodbye’ or not. I moped as I walked back to the hotel alone. I was sad, but I was really glad that I went out again and got to at least see Eddie one more time. He was the kind of guy I wanted to be with, to date, to marry. In my crazy game of fuck marry kill I had finally found a potential husband in the mix. And he lived in DC. And I didn’t. Maybe one day. Maybe. But for now, I would head back to the firm, and then back to school. I would email him from there, but long distance never works, and I had been warned that dating lawyers never works out either. It seemed a bit star crossed to me on that street heading back to the hotel alone. A little weepy, and perhaps feeling sorry for myself. I’d give myself tonight to feel sad, but then I would have to move on. I didn’t feel like fucking anyone else tonight, and I was ready for bed. Sadly alone. And yes, to Carlos’s point, a little lonely.
I'm really enjoying Eddie and the character progression in depth and emotion. Also, ick to Barty.
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Good series. I loved it. The ending was kinda rushed, but the rest of the series was excellent.
Good series. I loved it. The ending was kinda rushed, but the rest of the series was excellent.
Thanks... I I appreicate the feedback. I probably rushed the ending- I wanted everything to be tied up. Hm. I'll think about it especially if I rework it for a second story afterward....I"m glad you enjoyed it...
So, the story is finished. What did you think? Worth the time to read it? Are you satisfied with the ending? I'm not sure I had the pacing, because I think it could have ended as he was heading back to school, but he needed to meet up with Eddie again.
Thank you so much for bringing this short to life, I was more emersed in this than many of the novels I've read. Well done! My only complaint is we didn't get to have sex with Eddie after all the kisses and build up. And that you really finalized the future of the characters was very kind of you and truly made me happy.
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Thank you so much for bringing this short to life, I was more emersed in this than many of the novels I've read. Well done! My only complaint is we didn't get to have sex with Eddie after all the kisses and build up. And that you really finalized the future of the characters was very kind of you and truly made me happy.
You are so nice to provide such great feedback. Yeah I struggled with where to end the story. I could have done more with it but I was already at 50 chapters. Anyway, thanks for letting me know!
Chapter 11

I woke up the next morning late. It was after 9:00, but it was Saturday. I got up and assembled some laundry to start, while I made some coffee and started to think about my day. I got a text message from Mark asking me if I wanted to meet up with him and Sean for dinner. I replied, sure, just let me know where and when. Other than work folks, I didn’t really know anyone in the city. I decided to hold off on laundry and go for a run before the day got too hot. I changed into gym clothes and realized I was running out of gym clothes to wear, so I did need to do some wash at some point this weekend. I donned my sneakers and headed out. My apartment complex was a garden style set up with three floors and balconies everywhere. There were trees all over the grounds, and walking paths that extended into a city park. I started down a path toward a creek. I saw a few neighbors walking with strollers and a few older folks getting steps in. I picked up my jogging pace as I left the apartment grounds and entered the park area. There were soccer games being played by children and a couple of families barbecuing early. Then I remembered it was after 10:30 so maybe not so early.

I left my phone at home as I didn’t want to be distracted with Grindr. My phone had been beeping all night with random “you up” and “netflix and chill” requests. The path opened up and there were bikes and walkers and all modes of transportation. It was starting to get crowded, and I thought I would veer off and head over to the street. I ran about a mile down to the next subdivision area, and turned around to head back. I was coming down the next street when I approached another jogger ahead of me. I noticed the calves first. They were big and defined, colonial calves, as in George Washington would have been impressed. I followed him down the street, slowing my pace to match his and staying about 10 yards back. I started to track the shift in his ass back and forth. It was okay for an ass, not as defined as Ron’s, but that was a truly exceptional specimen to be sure. I noticed his arms were thin and smooth and his hair was thinning on top, but he was in good shape overall. He was taller and thin, and seemed to wear a big shoe, but I couldn’t really tell from my vantage point. I kept pace with him and he turned at the next corner. I decided to let him go on, as I wasn’t that interested in seeing if there was more going on with him than met my eye.

I continued around the next few curves on the main street heading back towards my apartment, and I turned into the parking lot. I decided to walk back to my apartment, and saw a few neighbors. Mostly families with small kids. I was a little distracted. I thought about Ron some more, and about Nathan, and Carlos. I was out of control, sucking and fucking at the office. But it was amazing, and I was really enjoying the variety of cock I was getting to taste. The buffet as it were. Life may be a banquet, but I was not a poor starving fool I thought. I was lonely though. I thought about the question Carlos had asked me. Alone, Lonely? I would have to agree yes, in fact. Both. How long had it been since I had a boyfriend? Years, could it have been years? Ben was likely it. He was in fact my whole junior year of college. A nice enough guy. Quiet, and not really into a lot of sex. He liked to cuddle and we would binge watch reruns of Friends. To this day, if I see a clip of Friends, I can still see Ben in his plaid flannel pajama pants snuggled up on the couch waiting for me to bring popcorn back over to him.

I got in and headed for the bathroom to shower. After I got clean, I started the laundry and finally checked my phone. Gary had messaged me twice about getting naked, but the fucking penguins were permanently stuck in my head. Mark texted a restaurant address across town and 6 pm as a possible time, and I thought, new, I need to try new. I gave him a thumbs up for the text and set the phone down. I turned on the TV and watched a random baseball game while the washer finished. This moment was the first time I had to really step back and evaluate my life and how it was actually going. I took a deep breath and counted back from ten. I was doing just fine so far. I had a big law job that most of my classmates would have killed for. I had a nice apartment for the summer, and work was going well. But, I was alone, and had been alone for a while. I had friends, but not really close ones, and some days I was feeling better off alone.

I did enjoy having sex. I also enjoyed having a lot of sex. It was a distraction some days, and frankly a way to pass the time other days. I loved the surprise of a new guy, what kind of dick would he have, how was his ass shaped, what did his cum taste like, who would fuck who, and what was the energy like when we were naked together. The office with the basement gloryhole and gym steam room both provided easy access to different dick, but really not for potential boyfriends. I had introduced Mark to Sean, actually unwittingly, but maybe Sean allowed Mark to swallow his cum. Yeah, I was still bitter about that. But Mark was lucky- Sean had a nice thick eight inch piece of man meat swinging between his legs at the ready. Mark had a nice ass though. I was jealous that Jeremy got some of that action, but evidently paid a huge price for that moment of bliss. Thanks to me in fact. I don’t know who actually knew I was the one that ratted them out. The rent a cop did. But, I don’t think he would say much, especially after I blew him. That was a nice dick too. Long and thick and dark- ebony dark. But the cum was tasty. The washer beeped, and it was time to move the load to the dryer. I adjusted my cock in my gym shorts and headed over to the washer.

I returned to the couch and evidently drifted off to nap. I had a dream that I was in my fifties, a rich and powerful lawyer, and I was married. To another lawyer, but he was quieter, cute, and calmer. He wasn’t a sex god, he was just a normal guy. I enjoyed cuddling with him on the couch. And we traveled together. I heard the dryer end with its beep, and it jostled me awake. I was struck by the dream. I think I was in Hawaii or something tropical. Lots of plants. I also think I was wearing a bow tie. Maybe it was tax that I should be doing. I really loved the intricacies. And I do think that Jason and Todd seem to have my best interests in mind. I like them, in a way that I didn’t like Ron or Jeremy. Now I lusted after them of course, but I didn’t really lust after Todd or Jason as much. But Jason sometimes seemed to be quietly attractive, like a lamb in the streets and a tiger in the sheets. But I didn’t fantasize about him the way I would George even. I was comfortable in the tax team. I think I can shine there. I really wanted to do well on this big case, my first big break in the legal world.

I got up and moved the laundry, and started folding. I needed to quit fucking around as much as I was doing. Limit the blow jobs to three a week? Ha, as if. But, focus on the work, and my own development. I had read a bunch of self help books in the past couple of years, trying to get a life direction. I found career counseling in school lacking any personal touch, and I think it’s hard sometimes to know what’s out there in the world for me, and what I really wanted. That’s what I wanted to focus on in the coming weeks, what did I really want. I finished folding and headed to the bedroom to put away. I had a new spring in my step, a purpose. What did I really want? I got out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote that at the top. I went over to the fridge and pulled out a soda, and came back to the dining table where my future plans awaited. I started to just brainstorm ideas, writing out what I thought I wanted. No rhyme or reason, just thoughts. Work, husband, life, family, friends, goals, cars, travel, hobbies. Everything. Then I stepped back and realized that I didn’t have much of any of this in my current life.

I needed a plan. How to get there. I thought about each. Work - I seemed to be on a plan, just needed to do better at the office. Husband was tough. Would I find a husband through a glory hole? Maybe not. But I was attractive and I could turn on the charm. One of the things that Ron did for me is to awaken my own inner swagger. I could meet the challenges of life head on, even when it was the head of my dick. But really, I stood up to their slings and arrows as it were, and I was better off than they were. Life would come. I want to do well. That was my goal. I thought about the game of life as a kid. A guy and a wife and a couple of kids. Not for me. I wanted to be the gay uncle perhaps, but not ‘daddy.’ Unless I was in a leather harness getting called Daddy by a hot slave in a trashy dive gay bar. I returned to the list. Family is easy, I had mine, but I could call them more often. Friends, ditto, and perhaps make a few new ones.

Goals, well, make a lot of money and have a great life. But, I think maybe I needed to be more specific. I put a question mark beside that one, and moved on. Cars, I wanted a Benz. The classic symbol of wealth. I remember a friend of my Dad’s having one and we rode in it to dinner one time. I didn’t want to get out of the car; his was so nice. Like a mouth on my dick soft. Travel everywhere - Europe, Australia, Japan. Everywhere, and anywhere. Maybe not a war zone, but good food and history, sign me up. Hobbies were also a big question mark. I wasn’t much of a crafty gay. I wasn’t really much of anything. I was a blank slate, just a law student who knew his way around a library. I liked to read, but was that enough. What else? Oh a good run, and I did like to play chess. But that was in high school, when I was too pimply to get laid, or be the BMOC. I was in the bleachers like Taylor Swift sang about. No hot neighbor, no romance. Just a lot of late night jacking off to the football players in my class.

I looked at the clock and realized that it was 4:30 and I needed to start getting ready to meet the boys for dinner. I got a quick shower, and dressed in a polo and khakis and headed out. I arrived at the restaurant at 5:50 and asked for the reservation. The waiter pointed to the corner and I saw Sean sitting there. I had an immediate flashback to his cock through the hole and I got tingly. It was now Mark’s cock, so I had to stop thinking about that. So much for goals, I was just interested in getting laid about 80% of the time. I think it was being 24 but I was also about proving myself. That really was my goal for the summer. Proving what kind of man I could be. Certainly I could fuck. And I had swagger when I needed it. But, what about the rest of manhood? Was I trying to be the Marlboro man, lone ranger on a horse, or the sheriff in a cowboy movie, keeping order in a frontier town? Or the farmer raising a family, or the general store shopkeeper? I am not sure why I was channeling the whole western theme. Maybe it was the cowboy hat on the guy at the next table over from us. He had a great handlebar mustache. I wondered what that would look like around my dick.

I sat down across from Sean. “Hey there, red, how’s it hanging?” I joked. Sean smiled and whispered, “down and to the left.” He smirked. I licked my lips in response. He then laughed. I liked his wicked sense of humor. Mark appeared just then and sat back down next to Sean. Mark put a hand around Sean’s back, and said, “hey John, so glad you could make it.” I replied, “thanks for inviting me out. This place is great.” Mark nodded, “it’s a favorite of Sean’s. I think he likes the waiters.” I looked around. This was a turkish place, with yellow and blue decor and scenes of beaches on the wall. The waiters were all dressed in the tightest black pants I had seen on a guy, except maybe Ron where his looked sprayed onto him, and they all were built like olympians. Was that too Greek for the Turks? Anyway, I watched the asses move quickly around the tables and the men all had beards and long hair. It was a sexually charged atmosphere, even if the waiters still had clothes on.

A young waiter named Ahmet strode by our table and said, “Ready?” Sean smiled at him and he smiled back. I wondered if Ahmet and he had exchanged cocks before. Sean replied, “I think we could start with drinks?” looking at Mark and I. We nodded. Sean said, “I’ll take a beer,” and Mark said, “diet coke.” I looked at the drinks list quickly and said, “I’m game- how about a gazoz?” The waiter smiled at me, “very good sir, very good. This come from my hometown.” He seemed to linger at me for a little longer than even Sean. As he took my menu, he let his hand brush the top of mine. I felt my cock stretch against the waistband of my underwear. Shit, he was hot. That was beyond the tension I felt even in the steamroom of the office gym. Sean said, “he has taken a shine to our friend.” I blushed. “I’m sure he does that for the tips,” I coyly demurred. Mark shook his head. “John is the biggest flirt in the office. I think both Ron and Jeremy wanted him. They would stare at your butt as you walked away from them every time. I was chopped liver next to you.” I shook my head no and said, “I doubt that. Besides, you hold your own in the butt department as I recall.” Sean turned to Mark and said, “he certainly does.” Mark rubbed Sean’s shoulders and they were cute in that moment of sexual solidarity. I had a flashback to both Sean’s cock through the hole and Mark’s ass bent over in his cube. Man, I bet their sex is hot to watch.

The food arrived and the banter continued into the evening. While there was a lot of sexual tension in the restaurant with Ahmet, and Sean, and the other patrons, I was finding my groove, making jokes with the guys and relaxing. I did have a flashback to the list from this afternoon. Under the friends category I wanted more of this. We finished up and paid the bill. The boys suggested we walk over to a new gelato place for a little scoop. I agreed, glad that I had my run earlier in the afternoon. We were standing in line when a guy behind us yelled over. “Sean, Sean boy,” he said. Sean turned around and started chatting with this Asian guy. Mark leans over and said, “we can’t go anywhere without Sean running into someone he knows.” I smiled, I bet that dick opens lots of doors I thought. “He’s probably been here a while and has had a chance to mingle more.” Mark nodded. “Yeah, he told me that when he met me he was looking to settle down. I hope I am enough for him to settle down with.” He seemed a little lost at the moment. I turned to him and said, “you are enough, you are more than enough. He’s lucky to have you.” Mark looked over at me and said, “thanks, that’s really nice of you.” He gave me a quick hug, and I patted him on the back.

I left them at the cafe and drove back home. It was strange to actually drive in the city, as I have been mostly a walker since I arrived. I liked the feel of the city at night. The lights, the other cars, the excitement. I thought about finding a gay club to hang out for a while in, but I was thinking it might just lead to a hook up, and in the life goals part of my list I was trying to down select random cocks. To a certain degree I was hoping to be what Sean was striving for. A reformed whore. Or maybe just less whore for sex, maybe more whore for money. Is that what the law was to me, just a casino slot machine? But to me it was more than just whoring for money. It was solving problems for people. That’s what I liked about it. Problems that were hard and complicated. Puzzles that were worth money to solve.
John gets so much action 🤩
There was an office building in Sydney that had a toilet that one needed to go past reception then to the right through a huge waiting area then that doorway then a few steps. Small toilet with two cubicles and a urinal for six guys , maybe, to stand in comfort. There was always action. A cock hanging out pretending to piss. Cubicle with action or maybe not.
I’d gotten some action sucking while others watched. BUT John is charismatic and plays well and way less inhibited than I.
But there is nothing like a Suit unzipping and out flops a thick uncut piece of meat that wants to shoot its load and it’s even better when the owner appreciates a good blow job.
Curved, uncut is best.
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Chapter 14

When I got back to my place I dropped off my books and got a glass of water from the kitchen. I decided to focus on the tax project at hand, and started to read the books I had borrowed. I mapped out a game plan for Monday, where I would look at the filing requirements for each jurisdiction against the forms and figure out what should be there. Then start to see if there were inconsistencies in the numbers that were actually filed. I read through the books and continued to map out a plan. I looked up and it was dark outside. I hadn’t even noticed. I looked at the clock on the microwave in the kitchen and it said 10:30. Wow, I thought, I was as lost in these books as I was in the vault. Maybe I need an alarm clock here at home too. I had a phone though. I picked it up and there was a message. Nathan had sent a pic. I was wondering if I was getting a sneak peek of the man sausage. Nope, just him kneeling next to a fluffy mutt of a dog, both of them smiling into the camera. I tagged it with a heart and sent it back to him. He was a really sweet man. Maybe I was too much a slut for him. We’ll see. I am still undaunted about the challenge of making his massive manpole spit out its juice to me.

I closed the books on the dining room table and turned off the lights as I headed to my bedroom. I set the alarm for 8:00 so I could get a little reading in before heading over to the park to meet Nathan. I was excited for the date. Was it a date? Was I date worthy? I knew I was fuck worthy. But husband material? I had thought more about finding a man I liked, that I didn’t consider much what others would want. I think man whore is probably not on the list. But to some degree this summer was about getting all the wild oats out. I don’t know about sowing my seed, most of the time it was spread on a tile floor somewhere. I looked in the mirror and thought, I’m only 24. I have time. But I started to look at my face and imagine how similar I looked to my father, and how I was going to become him someday soon. What would I want at fifty years old, a string of cocks attached to guys with no last name? Depends on how big they were I suppose. I don’t really know, and what kind of husband I am, nor what kind of marriage I want to have. It was all too serious. Then my phone buzzed. It was Nathan. He sent a pic of him in his underwear. I smiled. Much better view this time around. I sent him back three hearts and a water spray icon. I turned off the lights and hit the sack. No jacking off tonight, I was saving my sperm to feed my date tomorrow at the park.

I awoke to the sun through my curtains, much earlier than the 8:00 I planned. I rolled over and looked at my phone. 7:15. Okay, not enough time to get more sleep, so I might as well get up now. I stumbled into the kitchen and made some coffee. My hard on was tenting the boxers from yesterday, and I had a precum drop at the apex of the tent. I turned on the TV and found some political news show on Sunday morning TV. Talking heads, and infighting. But I loved the drama. Washington seemed a world away, a world of ties and haircuts, and teeth and glasses. Opinions and questions, and lawyers abounding. I thought I might end up there working in the gears of government. I also thought I liked the anonymity of being a guy in the vault peering over numbers and solving puzzles. I looked over at the dining room table and the research from yesterday awaited me. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down in front of the stack of books. I opened my notebook and made a list of non-work related questions for Jason and Todd. Where do you get your haircut? Where do you shop for work clothes? How do I tie a bow tie? Then I added below, how can I become more like you?

I drank a sip of coffee and turned the page. I started back on the forensic accounting books, and began to read about how to do an audit. I turned to my plan for the week on the tax case, and added notes, identifying other questions to ask with regard to the numbers. I then searched online for the requirements for UK and Japanese filings among others. I made notes about the key numbers and where to find them on the filings I had to review. It was 11:00 before I even noticed. I stood up and got a quick shower. THen I put on a polo and shorts and got a bite to eat. I figured the park was about 20 minutes away so I left at 12:30 and drove over. I got there a little before one, and found the dog run. I texted Nathan that I was here and sent him a map pin to let him know exactly where. He acknowledged with a thumbs up and arrived a couple of minutes later.

“Hey there stranger,” I said, and gave him a hug. He was carrying a leash with the aforementioned mutt jumping on my legs tickling me with their claws. Nathan drew me in tight, and said, “you look hot today handsome.” I nuzzled him and said, “thanks I wanted to impress you.” He grabbed my ass and said, “oh yes, you did. You always do.” Then we pulled a part and I looked him over. A t-shirt and jean shorts on, and the same cock bulge snaking down from the zipper toward the right. He called to his dog, Luke, and said go fetch the ball as he threw it out a few yards. Luke came running back with the ball in his mouth and brought it to me. I leaned down and petted him. His fur was soft, surprisingly and he was eager to give me the ball. I took it and I threw it the same distance or so, and Luke took off after it. It was fun and sweet. Normal. Not crazy sexual. We played fetch with Luke for a while before finding a bench and sitting. Nathan gave Luke a treat and he sat between us working on the morsel for a bit.

“So, you understand dogs?” Nathan asked me. I nodded, “I grew up with them, but when I went away to school the last one passed and my parents said no more. So I have to be more of a dog borrower these days since law school is so hectic.” He nodded. “Yeah, you lawyer types are too stressed out,” Nathan said. “I am glad I went to Library school instead. Sort books and come home to my dog.” He bent down and petted Luke on the head. I nodded, “yeah, us lawyer types are awfully Type A. I hope it is worth it in the end.” Nathan nodded, “to what end I guess? Are you happy?” I stopped for a minute. That was the question of the summer I suppose. Am I happy, and what would it take to make me happy if I wasn’t. “Hm, that’s tough,” I answered. “I suppose I am, because I do enjoy the work of law, the research, the analysis, the problem solving. I don’t like the posturing and the arguments and the scheming. I guess that’s why I like tax- there’s numbers and there are rules. Both are pretty clear cut.” Nathan nodded, “I can see that. And I love the tax guys, they all dress so well.” He pinched my elbow with my shirt. “Even me?” I coyly asked. “Especially you,” he said back flirtatiously.

Nathan stood up and I followed suit. We walked around the park with Luke, mostly having Luke drag us around the path as he chased other dogs and explored the world around him. We stopped after about an hour and Nathan said, “are you ready to head back to my place?” I nodded and he turned toward the sidewalk at the edge of the park. Luke seemed to know the drill and trotted next to Nathan. I had to jog to keep up. “Sorry, for leaving you. Luke has the mind of a puppy sometimes,” Nathan said to me. I said breathlessly, “ no. problem. I can handle it.” I was catching my breath and Luke seemed to slow down as we approached a tall modern glass building. “This is home for me,” Nathan announced, as he badged in the door and held it open for myself and for Luke. “Nice digs” I said. “Funny thing, you badge in at work, and you badge in at home too.” He laughed. “Yeah, it’s the story of my life, but there is safety in badges I suppose, somewhat at least.” I nodded as he pushed to call the elevator. The doors swiftly opened and we got in. “Sit Luke,” and the dog sat. “Well behaved,” I remarked. “I run a tight ship,” he said seriously. “I see, will I be disciplined?” I flirted back. “Only if you misbehave,” he snidely retorted. It was all a little bit dominating and controlling, which surprised me from Nathan. Okay, cock man, take me to church then.

We got to his door and Luke was standing on his hind legs waiting to get in. Nathan turned the key in the lock and the door opened, Luke rushing in. Nathan let go of the leash, and said, “we’ll get him settled in a minute.” After I entered the foyer, Nathan shut the door and turned to me. He leaned in and kissed me, gently at first, then with some tongue. I put my arms around him and he held one hand on my back and the other one found my zipper. He was rubbing my crotch while his tongue was exploring the roof of my mouth. I took a hand and rubbed it across his bulge, which was starting to fill out and get hard too. It just got thicker, plumper as it were, like a hot dog, and thick around. My own cock was completely rigid itself, and I felt him breach the zipper and start feeling me up through my underwear. We kept on kissing in the foyer, with our hands now exploring the front side of our body. I had his zipper down but struggled with his belt. I couldn’t get my hand down far enough to unearth that massive dong of his, so I was just feeling around his bush. He had my cock wrapped around my underwear and was trying to free it through the pee hole without any luck. After a couple of minutes of groping to no avail, he pulled away and whispered in my ear, “let’s move this to the bedroom.” I nodded still digging in his underwear for that massive cock through his fly.

I followed him down the hall our clothes half off, and we turned into the first door on the right. His bedroom was simple and plain, a green bedspread and a double bed, with a nightstand and desk with a huge monitor on display. Nathan started to undress me, pulling up my polo, and then licking my right nipple. He seemed totally taken with my chest, the light tufts of fur and his hands returned to my crotch. One undid the buckle and the other dug into the fly for my cock. My dick sprang through my open zipper even before the shorts were removed, and then he unbuttoned the top button and the shorts and the underwear both fell to the ground. There was a rush of a breeze from his AC and I was cold and hot at the same time. He knelt in front of my cock and put it in his mouth. He tried, my nine inches was catching his throat, and then his teeth. I grimaced for a minute and then I pulled him off of me. I put my hands under his arms and pulled him back up to standing. I took off his t shirt, then unbuttoned the jean shorts, and they too fell to the floor. THe underwear was a different matter. The were tighty whitys and they were awfully tighty. I pulled the waistband out and then down.

As I passed the fabric down his thighs, the great white whale came into view. It was easily eight inches long, still soft and hanging but thickening. The head was uncut, and the knob was as big as a doorknob, and I took it in my hand and just held it up in front of my face. The thing I noticed first was that there was a strong smell of cheese. I was afraid to pull the foreskin back. I instead put it in my mouth and tried to suck it. I didn’t get far at all before I started to gag. The smell was all too much for me. I couldn’t get my mouth around it, and I couldn’t even lick it. I pulled back and stroked, but it wouldn’t get hard. I finally after a minute or so looked up and crawled toward his face and kissed him. We cuddled on the bed for a while and Luke jumped up to join us. I was fine with that until I felt a tongue licking my balls and realized it was Luke. I jumped back and screamed before I could catch myself. Nathan said, “what was that about.” I said, “sorry, I wasn’t expecting Luke to be licking my balls.” Nathan laughed, “he thinks we are playing.” I pulled the covers over me. It was all a little off. The cock smell, the dog spit on my balls, the vibe was just not there. I just wanted to go.

I turned to Nathan and said, “why don’t we get a shower and maybe have some dinner.” He looked at me and said, “no, I think you upset Luke. I think you should go.” I nodded and jumped off the bed. I found my underwear and put them on, and then my shorts. I figured my polo and shoes were at the door. Nathan wasn’t getting up out of the bed, his cock, just laying there limp. Still huge, but also a huge disappointment. Luke was standing on Nathan’s bare chest, and glaring at me. It was different now. I walked out of the room, and headed back to the foyer. Ten minutes ago it was all sex and fireworks. Now it was like the show had been rained out with no reschedule. I put on my polo and slid my shoes back on. I turned toward the bedroom and said, “I guess I am going.” Nathan said back, “pull the door closed behind you.” I opened the door and left, pulling it closed. My mouth tasted of his cheesy cock, and I desperately wanted mouthwash. I have had some bad sex in my time, but this might be the worst. I didn’t even want to go back to the vault. Hopefully I would get the computer access set up soon.
But John has Nine Inches 😍😍😍❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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Chapter 24

I woke up at 7:00 and stretched. It was Saturday, and I decided to take it easy. I got coffee going, and turned on the TV. There was news, cartoons, and old movies. I settled for Bugs Bunny and drank my coffee. After the first cup, I got the vacuum cleaner out of the closet and vacuumed the living room and the hall. I cleaned the guest bathroom, and then I got a shower in my own. I put on sweats, and headed toward the door. I grabbed my backpack and keys and started to head to my car, and then realized no, I’m going to walk today. I’ll be home in time. I set out on the sidewalk with a defiant gait and a smile. I was doing things my way. I got to the office at about 9:15 and headed up the elevator. I walked in and Todd wasn’t there. Jason wasn’t there. I walked by Manny’s desk, and he wasn’t there, but Alvaro’s door was open. I said hello, and then walked back to my cube. I turned on the computer and opened my email. I got a note from Jason thanking me for the phone call notes, but no tasks. Nothing from Todd either. It’s as if they were done with me. It was weird. So, I reviewed the files on my desk for our trip and began to make itineraries for me for each of the legs of the journey.

I was ready I thought, but as Alvaro said, there will be a question in the back of one's mind. I started to review the case files and strategy toward a view of what might go wrong. I pulled out some of the legal books and confirmed the case law and theories. I went over to the library and looked at a couple of others. I just wanted to make sure I guess. I made some additional notes, and had them in my own file in case the questions arose. At 3:00 I decided to leave. Neither Todd nor Jason ever showed. I swung by Alvaro’s office and his door was shut. I returned to my desk and turned off the computer. It seemed eerie like standing at the bus stop waiting for school not knowing that it was a snow day. I headed out toward the door. George passed me in the hall. He said hello and then checked out my cock in the sweatpants. I was in boxers and the cock looked twice as big in the folds of the fleece. He said “you should be arrested for dressing like that.” I smiled, “I almost was last night. The night watchman and a police officer were making the rounds in the basement.” George shook his head. “That piece of meat will get you into trouble.” I smirked, “it already has.” He laughed, and I waved as I headed out the door.

I walked back to the apartment my cock swinging in front of me. One of the redneck guys was washing his truck and staring at me. Staring at it. As I walked by him he grabbed his crotch and gave it a tug, and I took my fingers and rocked it back and forth to show that it was all me, and not any air in the folds. He nodded and flashed me a grin that was missing a couple of teeth. I smiled back and he watched my ass bounce up the stairs toward my apartment. I turned back to see if he was still watching me and he was as he slowly soaped up his tailgate. I waved and then opened my front door and closed it behind me. He was hot in a dirty sort of way, like maybe the bathroom glory hole is a necessary precondition for that blow job. Or maybe just blowing him in the dark. Ah well, I have dinner to get ready so that the boys don’t call me out for poor hosting.

I cut up vegetables, diced onions, tomatoes, jalapeĂąos, and shredded lettuce into chiffonades. I covered their bowls with saran wrap and put them back in the fridge. I opened a can of beans and then I pulled out a skillet. I put some oil in the pan, and got it hot. I added some spices, and then the beans. I let the beans get hot and stirred in the spices. They started to boil, and I mashed a few into the side of the pan, to thicken them. I added a spoonful of cocoa, and a little sugar. Then I took the beans off the heat and put them in another bowl. I let them sit for a bit, to cool and then I put those in the fridge, also covered. I put out some rice, and I boiled some water in my last pan. I added the rice once the water was rolling, and then I stirred it a little and added a touch of salt. I turned the heat down and covered, setting the timer for 20 minutes. When the timer went off, I turned off the heat and left it covered. I looked at the clock and it was 4:30. I thought, I have a few minutes. I vacuumed, and spruced up my room and the bathroom. At that point, it was 5:30, and I returned to the kitchen, put some onions in a pan with some tomatoes, and dumped the rice into the pan and cooked the water out of the tomatoes. I turned off the stove and let them sit a bit. I turned on the oven, and put the taco shells on a cookie sheet, and then I pulled out the chicken and mushrooms from the fridge and put them in the microwave. I was basically ready.

There was a knock on my door at 6:05. I went over and answered. There was Sean and Mark, looking sweet in matching polos and shorts. I invited them in and they took off their shoes, just because. I invited them in. I went over to the kitchen and put the shells in the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes and then started the microwave for a couple of minutes to heat up the chicken and mushrooms. “Would you like something to drink?” I asked. “I have beer, soda, water, juice, and I can make some coffee.” Sean said, “I’ll take a beer since I am not driving.” Mark said, “What do you have for soda?” I replied, “Sprite, Diet Coke, and some Lime Seltzer.” Mark said, “Ooh, I’ll take a seltzer.” I got out the beverages for them and took a beer myself. They hung out in the kitchen with me as I finished up. I handed the fillings to Mark to unwrap and sit on the table. “We’ll have to share spoons for some of this. I opened a bag of shredded cheese, and then heated up the rice on the stove. I handed Sean some plates and napkins, and asked him to set the table. “I have to work for this?” he joked. “If you want to eat,” I replied. “Geez, tough crowd. Taco bell doesn’t do me this way.” I said, “well, I hope it’s a little better than that.” He turned and smiled, “we’ll just have to see, won’t we?”

I put the rice in a bowl (I was running out) and added a spoon. I handed that to Mark to set on the table, and I passed napkins over to Mark. We were almost set. I headed up the beans in the microwave afterward, and I then brought them with me to the table with the chicken and mushrooms on a platter. “There, bon appetit,” I said. Mark said, “Bone?” I looked at him and said, “boner appetit?” He laughed, “that sounds better to me.” Mark laughed, “of course it does. He is such a perv.” Mark shook his head no, but I think the glint in his eye told me he liked the impishness of Sean’s humor. I did too. He was a lovable scamp. With a big dick.

Dinner conversation flowed easily. We talked about Sean’s job, and what Mark was doing. They were basically living together, but Mark was getting ready to go back to school, and they weren’t sure what to do. “We’d like to continue dating, but long distance is hard.” I nodded and asked, “what about City u? They have a law program.” Mark nodded, “I’m thinking about that. I’m not sure what I want to do just yet.” I nodded, “yeah, it’s a lot. I had a talk with one of the partners who offered me a chance to stay on, but Manny advised me against that.” Sean looked down and said, “you should listen to Manny. He got screwed.” I took a deep breath. “Really, can you elaborate?” I asked. Sean nodded and then said, “if you get me another beer. This is definitely a full beer story.” I got up and got him a beer, and I pulled out a seltzer from the fridge to and held it up to show Mark. He nodded, so I brought them both over.

“So, Manny was at the firm like you as an intern about four years ago. He was a bright kid, and very eager. He worked for Jason for the summer, and Todd was an associate for Alvaro. The three of them took Manny on and promised him the world. They bought him clothes, and then at the end of the summer tried to make him pay for the clothes or sign a contract with the firm. Once they did, they didn’t get him a transfer to city, and instead just strung him along with gifts, and other things. Then he tried to leave and they threatened to take it all away. He just stayed, because he was trapped. Now he has been out so long he can’t finish, because his old law credits expired. It’s really sad. Don’t let them buy you clothes whatever you do!” I got quiet. I said after a minute, “I may already have.” Sean said, “oh man. They will try to fuck with you.” I nodded, “good to know. That way I can get ready.” Mark said, “what are you going to do?” I shrugged. “I don’t know yet, but at least I can be ready for this if it happens to me.” I turned to Sean, “thanks for telling me that. It helps a lot.” I touched his arm, and he looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back and him and then at Mark.

“More tacos?” I asked. Sean said, “no I have had three. Mark said, “thanks for making the mushrooms, they were amazing. I nodded and said, “no problemo. You will always be my cube mate.” He grinned. “I have to tell you something,” Mark said. “I really thought you were cute when I first met you.” I turned to him and said, “really?” He nodded. I replied, “well, the first day, you bent over to pick up your bag on the floor and I nearly came in my pants, your ass was so hot.” He blushed, and Sean grinned. “It still is,” Sean remarked. I nodded, “yes, it is.” Things got quiet for a bit. I said, “well let me get the food put away. I pulled out some board games, or we could watch TV. What would you all like to do?” They were quiet, but helped me clear the table as I got out the saran wrap. After I got the mess in the kitchen arranged, I turned to the boys. They were both leaning against the counter watching me shuffle around washing dishes and putting food away. I said, “can I get you anything else before I close the kitchen?” They shook their heads no, and I turned out the kitchen light and headed back to the table. Here’s Monopoly and Risk. I’m sorry I didn’t have much else to…” I stopped mid sentence, because Sean had put his hand on my ass. Then Mark put his hand on my chest and leaned into me. I felt Sean kiss my neck and my cock started growing in my pants. I looked over at Mark and he was pinching my nipple through my shirt, and I put my hand around his back and pulled him into me. I kissed him on the mouth. I could taste mushrooms and lime and I slid my hand down to that amazing ass of his, and grabbed his cheek with a strong hand. He jumped and then started kissing me more passionately. His tongue was darting in and out of my mouth and he was rubbing my chest, as Sean was rubbing my ass. Then I felt a hand on my crotch. My cock was nearly hard, and aching to be set free from the pants I was wearing. I felt the hand rub the length of my shaft through the fabric, as Sean was kissing and licking my neck, then my earlobes and then blowing hot air in between his tongue licking me. I put my other hand on Sean’s ass and felt his cheeks through his shorts. He pulled into me, and I pulled Mark closer in at the same time, still kissing him without coming up for air. I felt Sean’s mouth on my cheek heading closer to my mouth, still occupied by Mark. They met at my lips and the three of us intermingled tongues lips and hands. I felt a hand at my belt buckle, and then my zipper opening. I started kissing Sean’s neck as he was kissing Mark, and then Mark was starting to bump his cock into my hip as I felt my underwear drop, and my cock sprang free. I felt a hand on my cock, then two as I was getting felt up. Sean stopped kissing Mark and leaned into me for a kiss. I opened my mouth and his tongue was exploring my mouth. It was thick and warm and strong. I felt the muscles of his tongue and I licked his tongue with mine as I explored his mouth with the same urgency as he explored mine.

Then I felt Mark drop down, and then a mouth of my cock. It was warm and wet, like a washcloth in a bubble bath. I pulled away and gasped a little then Sean put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me back into him. I reached over and felt his waist. His shorts were off already, and I felt the waistband of his underwear. I moved to his center, and then found his cock, still inside, hard and pointing to the right. I was rubbing his cock, kissing him, and Mark was sucking me, all at the same time. I pulled down Sean’s undies, and his cock sprang out. I started to rub it with my hand over top of Mark’s head which was bobbing up and down on my cockhead and shaft. He was working the entire length of my shaft, and it felt so soft and amazing. I just wanted to stay like this forever. Sean pulled my shirt up over my head, and then pulled my pants down to the floor all while Mark kept his lips firmly wrapped around my manpole. I was rock hard and I felt Mark reach around my balls and start fondling them while his lips slid back and forth along the length of my penis. When Sean returned to kissing me, he too was completely naked and I ran a hand across his lightly furry chest and with the other hand on his ass, I stuck a finger in the crack slightly. I felt his cheeks flex around my knuckle, and I increased my kissing velocity with his tongue and mouth. We were now sucking and slapping lips and trying to lick and suck and swallow each other’s mouths, while Mark was giving my cock the tongue bath of its life.

I pushed in my finger about half way into Sean’s crack and he pulled away and whispered, “could we go back to your bedroom?” I nodded and pulled Mark up off of my cock and then I led the two of them back to my bedroom. We got Mark undressed and then they pushed me down onto the bed, and I laid down while Mark returned to my cock and Sean was laying on top of me kissing me some more. I tried to reach back to his ass again, but the angle didn’t work so I just rubbed his back and put the other hand on Mark’s head, which had resumed its bobbing motion on my cock.
so glad to read that Sean tells John about Manny and the 'firm'. John is hot and has a good head on his shoulders (and apparently at the end of his big dick too...) and despite his ability to catch on quick, he needs some good friendly advice and guidance sometimes. I hoped the Professor would mentor him more.. Years ago I heard the phrase: don't piss in your own back yard..
so glad to read that Sean tells John about Manny and the 'firm'. John is hot and has a good head on his shoulders (and apparently at the end of his big dick too...) and despite his ability to catch on quick, he needs some good friendly advice and guidance sometimes. I hoped the Professor would mentor him more.. Years ago I heard the phrase: don't piss in your own back yard..
Thanks, I'm glad you are enjoying it. I enjoyed writing it.
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Chapter 33

I woke up with the alarm at 5:30. Today was the after hearing meeting with the client. I had no idea how that would go after the hearing and my interruption, and then seeing Barty at the sauna. I got a shower and then put on sweats and headed downstairs to get breakfast from the hotel. As I returned to my room, my phone rang. “Hello,” I answered. “This is Barty, I’m wanting to check in before our meeting with the client later this morning.” I replied, “ok, great.” He and I hadn’t had a chance to talk since the hearing. I had interrupted him, and asked the regulators to preserve the fraud claim, which garnered a kick under the table from Barty, and some unresolved tension in the air, even at the sauna. “Look, I put a call into Alvaro after the hearing. I was rather annoyed with you for taking over the hearing, as a summer intern. But, after some reconsideration, I am fine with your recommendation to the regulators. It makes the follow up litigation with the accounting firm a little more complex, because the final judgment will also have to be filed with the regulators, and as such may cause greater damage to the firm than if we had threatened them and perhaps settled out of court.” I nodded.

“So, why is that not possible even with the preservation of the claim?” I asked. He exhaled and said, “well, it could be, but because the regulators are on notice, they will be expecting us to file something in response, and that will have some scrutiny attached.” I nodded still. “I see, so the challenge is that the relationship between the client and the accountancy firm will likely be more damaged with a third party interceding?” I asked. “Exactly,” he replied, “it will strain them more than if we had handled it, let’s say, more discreetly.” I sat down. “I see. Well, there is fraud there.” He replied, “oh I don’t doubt it. The industry is rife with it. But, the client may not want to be the whistle blower in that case. You’ll be back in school and we’ll have to finish the clean up. I just wanted to explain what was about to happen.” I nodded and said, “well, thanks. I’ll see you at the client office later today.” He replied, “cheers,” and hung up.

I looked at my watch, it was only 7:30 in the morning, late in the night back at the home office. I wondered what was going to happen at the client office. Which would occur before any American visibility, because it was all before people were awake, I thought. So, I finished getting ready, and reviewed my notes from the matter, especially the claims of fraud. I got myself together and headed for the tube station. My cock was still tired from last night’s human mountain climb, so the sexual distractions along the way would not be a problem. I was also more concerned about what I was walking into. I was getting a coffee at the Italian espresso counter when my phone buzzed. I had gotten a text from Alvaro. It simply said, “don’t worry, I’ll be on the phone during the client meeting. Just be calm, and I will handle it.” I replied with a thumbs up and left it at that. The plot, as they say, was thickening.

I headed up the elevator to the client’s office, and was escorted to the conference room. I saw several of the client employees from the prehearing meeting there, and a few others. I also saw Barty, who was quietly conversing with one of the senior leader folks. I waved a little and then found a seat. I opened my bag and took out my folder and notes. As the clock struck the precise hour, there was a ring of the phone in the room. One of the junior folks answered and Alvaro’s voice boomed, “Good morning client, Alvaro here from the States to represent the firm along with Mr. Richmond there.” A senior person leaned over and said, “well, good morning to you, it must be the middle of the night there?” Alvaro chuckled, “it’s no matter, we are always here to serve you.” The senior leader speaking with Barty turned and said, “well, let’s begin.” Barty began to speak, “yes, given the events of the hearing, we are proposing,” and then he was interrupted by Alvaro.

“We have been in consultation with the European regulators as well, and it was Mr. Richmond’s timely and prescient request to preserve the fraud claim that will allow for us to better navigate the European filing claims that will also need to be addressed in the coming months. We understand that there has been some confusion about the need to raise these concerns, but it has come to our attention that there is a brewing concern over the filings that this accountancy firm has made in general, and as you know, the Europeans are far more risk averse than the British or even the Japanese might be, so we believe that the only way to clear up this matter on your behalf is to fully clean house. We recognize that it may damage the relationship between you and the accountancy firm, but there is a far greater risk of the regulators finding fault with your own filings, given the compliance concerns raised in various other regulatory hearings, and we truly believe that a storm is coming for your industry and it is most prudent to be in front of it. Don’t you agree, Barty?” Alvaro had finished orating his response.

Barty was stone faced as the heads around the table turned toward him. He finally opened his mouth a little to say, “we will do as the client wishes. In the UK, we are finding a climate more muddied by the thrusts and parries of the regulator and company sparring over specific tax issues, but are not necessarily seeing the ‘storm’ brewing that the Americans are seeing.” He used air quotes for storm, and then glared at me for the word Americans. Alvaro continued, “well, then it’s settled, except for what the client would like for us to do?” He ended his opening argument. The client employees around the table were silent, and turned to the gentleman who had greeted Alvaro on the phone. He said after a few seconds, “well, Alvaro and Bartholomew, you have always guided us through rocky waters before, and our concern now is the actions that are being taken for our competitor, which is the biggest story in Norway. The Europens are cleaning their clocks, as it were, and we don’t want to become embroiled in their morass. It has been plaguing our conversations with the board of late. We are fine with proceeding with the accountancy firm in a deliberate manner.”

I didn’t say a word. I waited for the phone or for Bartholomew to speak. Alvaro broke first. “Well, we will revisit this with you after the American and Japanese hearings. I think the Europeans will be contacting you in the coming weeks, so, I would expect a similar and probably more thorough investigation of the records by them. Mr. Richmond’s work,” as they all turned to look at me, “will be instrumental in responding to their requests as well.” The senior leader cleared his throat and said, “well, I am glad you sent him over to meet with us in person. We will stay in close contact as you navigate the other waters on our behalf. Good day.” I heard Alvaro say, “thank you so much. Good day as well.” The line went dead. I had thought that Barty was going to explode, but instead he seemed to be resigned to the situation. He had lost control of the steering wheel to Alvaro who was navigating the client separately. The client said to Barty, “so you’ll be in Japan with them and can report back to us on the progress there?” Barty nodded and I realized he would be traveling with me. Again. The bet with Alvaro and he about my ass still on the table perhaps.

We exited the conference room and left the building. Barty said to me once we were outside, “that obviously didn’t go how I had planned.” I nodded. “I think Alvaro is playing the long game with them,” he said, “which is fine, but I think this will make the UK companies skittish, and that is more of my concern.” I didn’t respond. “It will not matter to you, as you will be off fucking your classmates at school.” I didn’t acknowledge that but said instead, “I’m heading off to the airport this afternoon and I wanted to say thank you for the time you did spend with me over this week.” He looked at me and said, “just fuck off. I have had to deal with your soiled nappies all week, and the teasing of that tight ass as you completely upended my work. I’m ready for you to go.” I took a breath and was momentarily stunned. Oh. That is how it was. So, I turned to go back to the hotel, and said, “I suppose we’ll see each other again in Tokyo. Until then, cheers,” as I sauntered off to the entrance of the tube stations.

I returned to my room and set my stuff down. I changed out of the fancy suit and back into jeans and a polo. I dialed Alvaro’s direct number and he picked up. “Hello John,” he said. “How did you know it was me?” I asked. He said, “well, it showed as a UK number and I doubt Barty is in any state to speak with me, and the client had already heard from me, so process of elimination it had to be you.” I smiled. “How are you feeling about the day,” he asked. I replied, “well sir, I’m not sure exactly where things are but I do feel fine about the day. I don’t think Barty is fine, but I suppose that’s also part of the situation, someone has to be in charge.” He chuckled, “I’ve known Barty a long time, and we do tussle from time to time, but he is a very good attorney.” I replied, “no, I can appreciate all of that. I was worried that I had erred in some way in speaking up at the hearing.” He replied more forcefully, “no, no, my boy, you were right about that. Barty is trying to keep his London firms all together, in lockstep with the regulators, but is also refusing to see the global nature of the fraud and all of the challenges it brings to confidence in the global financial climate. Loans for companies are harder to get and to service, and there is a bigger risk of the whole system coming down, which would more adversely impact his handful of UK clients, it could bring us all down.” I nodded. “There’s much to do. Please return home soon,” he said. “I will sir, on the plane tonight,” I said. We hung up.

I started packing up my bags. I assembled my folders back into my backpack and then the fancy clothes back in their suit bags and then into the luggage. I took a deep breath and looked around the room. This was my first business trip abroad and I had done OK with it all. I headed for the elevator and then to the front desk to check out. “Mr. Richmond,” the concierge said, “there is a car for you out in front.” I smiled and said, “well, thank you sir.” He replied, “No sir, thank you.” I took my receipt from him and put it in my backpack for the expense report. I strode out the door and there was a town car there with a man opening the door. He took my bags as I got in and we headed back to the airport. I wasn’t sure why I was being driven, then I saw a card on the seat beside me. It read, “we thought you might appreciate a more suitable ride to the airport.” It was signed from the client. I was impressed, and maybe it was their way of saying thank you for standing up for their concerns.

On the plane ride back I had time to assess the status of my life. The summer was coming to a close, and I was still fucking around. That was a fun sauna experience though, one I would remember for a while. But, no names other than Barty’s and no continued contact. I liked the freedom of it, but as I was flying back alone, I was struck by the loneliness of it. Carlos’s questions rang in my head. “Solo, solitario?” Alone, lonely? I know that they are different, and really independent from one another, but I was struck by the feeling that I was missing out on the good stuff of life. The feeling of cumming in someone else can be epic and last longer than people say. I was still pleasantly fulfilled from the muscle bound god I had mounted the evening before. My cock did stir at the thought of him. But Sean and Mark seemed so much happier, even Sean, my whore sister. My asshole puckered at the thought of that red head’s entry back there. But their tender moments of real love were also intoxicating. The hand on the back, the little peck on the cheek, even a little laugh at a bad joke from the other. It was like they were sharing something more. I had been in the middle of their sex, but not in their love. I needed my own love, I thought. I drifted off to sleep on the plane for a bit as the question of love swirled around me.
"I had been in the middle of their sex, but not in their love."
well said.. John's wisdom develops while giving his sperm over...
Chapter 42

Back at my hotel, I changed into jeans and a t-shirt. I decided that I would get out a bit and maybe find a haircut. I approached our concierge and asked where I could get a men’s haircut that was more for “westerners” than perhaps the stylish Japanese men of Tokyo. The woman stopped and said, “here is good. I draw a map for you.” She had a pad of Shinjuku maps where she marked off a location that was a few blocks away. I thanked her as she tore the copy off and handed it to me. I walked out the door and followed the map up the street and around to the location. It was a smaller shop with only Japanese male barbers working there. I walked in and the guy at the desk asked if I was Mr. John. I nodded and he took me over to a handsome tall barber named Riku. I smiled at him and he nodded. The desk guy said something in Japanese and Riku answered with a “hi.” He pointed to the chair and I sat down.

He put a plastic cape over my clothes and snapped it in the back. His hands were strong and he started to massage my shoulders. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It felt so good to be manhandled. He continued to massage my neck and the base of my skull. Then down my shoulders to the mid back and back up. He said something in Japanese and then picked up scissors and started cutting. He pointed to the pictures of male haircuts posted around his mirror and then looked at me. I looked over the styles and picked one that looked similar to my own, parted on the side, with some length, but over the ears. He nodded and began snipping away. His touch was strong but soft. He would massage my neck as he turned it. As he was working the hair over my ears, he leaned his crotch into the chair. I felt his leg on my hand under the cape.

I turned my hands over on the armrests and then he moved to the other ear. I felt the leg press against my open hand, so I wiggled my fingers a bit. He didn’t move but then leaned in further, continuing to snip all the while. When he stood in front of me to work my bangs, I could see his cock in his slacks pointing downward. I left my hands open and up, and he rewarded me with several more options for groping as he continued to make hair over my ears and even the top of my head evenly distributed. I think there was more scissor snipping of air than of hair as his cock was getting its massage from me as he continued to lean over. He whispered something in Japanese into my ear as he was leaning over and I had my hand completely around his swollen shaft. I gripped his cock through his slacks and my cape, felt his shaft thicken and throb a little, jumping in my fingers. He stood up and his cock was now prominently showing in his trousers, and he stood behind me and massaged my shoulders some more.

He turned me around to the mirror and showed me his handiwork. I nodded, it was so much better than when I came in. I pulled out a 1000 yen note and handed it slyly to him. I didn’t know if you were supposed to tip, but after the chance to feel up that cock, it seemed only fair. He looked side to side and then took it discreetly out of my hand. He took off the cape and I had to adjust my cock as the pseudo hand job had also gotten me hard. I followed him up to the counter where he put his hands together and bowed at me so I did the same back to him. I watched him turn and walk back to his chair for the next customer, those pants still tented from my hand job. I smiled as I paid for the hair cut. I walked out and down the street. There were clothing shops along the street and I stopped at a men’s clothier that was around the corner from the barber shop.

I didn’t see anything immediately that I liked, but the store clerk helped me find a nice patterned shirt that was more like evening wear. I had explained that I was having dinner out and didn’t want to look so stuffy as being in a suit. I bought the shirt and decided that I would wear it this evening. I returned to the hotel and made a cup of green tea in my room. It was starting to grow on me, the tea versus the coffee. Mostly because the coffee in Japan was so bad in general. I got ready and headed back to the Four Seasons. I didn’t get a location from the guys, so I figured I would just show up there and see. I arrived at the lobby at 6:45 and texted them that I was there. I got a thumbs up from Alvaro and just waited. They showed up about 10 minutes later both wearing Japanese fashions that they had recently purchased. I wasn’t sure if they could pull off the wild printed shirts, and I still looked like the boring one even though I had tried to spice it up.

Alvaro asked me, “did you get a hair cut?” I nodded and said, “yes, I got them all cut.” My dad joke of the day. Neither laughed. I dropped it. “So, where are we going?” I asked moving on from the faux pas. Barty said, “we are heading to this sushi restaurant the boys know.” I asked, “who are these boys?” Alvaro said, “oh they have cute names like hakuku or rusaru or something, I can’t recall.” Barty turned and said, “Haruki and Hikaru. It’s like palindromes or something.” I nodded, overlooking the racism of the two of them. Alvaro said, “they’re in college and absolutely sweet as a button, the both of them.” I nodded. I followed them out to another black SUV. “We use this company as a car service. You should consider it for the airport if you want,” Alvaro explained to me. I nodded. “Thank you sir, I’ll keep it in mind.” We rode over to the restaurant which had pictures of seafood on the windows. “Have you had sushi before, Mr. Richmond,” Barty asked, oddly formal. “No I haven’t,” I replied. “It’s the only fish I put in my mouth,” Barty said in a joking fashion. I didn’t really get it, but I chuckled in response.

The SUV pulled up to the restaurant and we all got out. There were two boys who didn’t look legal sitting on benches near the entrance. They stood up together as we entered. “Hello there boys,” Alvaro began, “and this is Mr. Richmond.” They smiled and bowed at me and I nodded back to them. We were seated and I was on one end of the table, and Barty and Alvaro bookended the two boys at the other end of the table. It was an odd counterbalance between the two sides. The boys ordered tea and the men had beer as per usual. There were hands on chairs, and the older guys started leaning into the younger guys talking more animatedly and loudly as the beers continued to flow. I had tea and a nice chicken katsu and salad, while Barty and Alvaro ordered crazy sushi with different fish and vegetables. I couldn’t really keep up. They asked the boys if they wanted to come back to their hotel and they sheepishly said ok. I wasn’t sure if I felt like witnessing this, but I wanted the ride back to the hotel, because the restaurant was far away and I wasn’t sure I could navigate the subway from this location.

We finished dinner and Alvaro picked up the bill. I thanked them and we all left the restaurant, the men with their arms draped around the boys. Alvaro called the SUV on his phone and it emerged. We got in and there was a limo feel to this one, with an open area and two bench seats facing each other. I sat in the side chair perpendicular to the benches and Alvaro and his boy took one, and Barty and his took the other. They were kissing and pawing at the boys once the door shut and I was oddly aroused at the voyeur aspect of the scene, and oddly ashamed that I was so into the trashiness of it. The boys had each taken the men’s cocks out of their trousers and began fondling them, as the men forced their tongues further into their mouths. There were sucking and slurping sounds from the kisses, a frenetic energy. The next thing I saw, the boys had their slacks around their knees and the guys were feeling up their cocks and asses through their underwear. Barty’s boy leaned over and started blowing him, his long thin cock being too much a temptation to resist.

The boy's ass was right in my face and I couldn’t resist. I leaned over and stuck my tongue between his cheeks and he moaned through Barty’s crotch and started backing his ass into my mouth as he continued to swallow Barty’s man pole. I licked his hole and then down to his taint where his balls dangled through his legs. I caught a little of his sack as he was thrusting back into my face, his legs open and his asshole winking at me. I returned my tongue to his moistness and stuck it deep into his folds, feeling the muscles gyrate around my tongue. Barty turned the boy around and began tonguing his asshole the way I had done, the boy now facing me with his eyes closed and no expression on his face. I leaned over and tried to kiss him but he pulled away when he realized it was me and where my face had just been. I tweaked his nipples and he smiled a little as Barty worked his ass with his tongue and his smooth tapered fingers.

Meanwhile, Alvaro’s boy had unsheathed his male member and was working on swallowing it, kneeling in front of him. Alvaro just pulled down his slacks and let the boy work his cock. The boy moved over and laid down on the bench seat with his legs toward me, and I could reach his ass from my seat. I leaned over and massaged the boy’s butt cheeks as he worked on Alvaro’s cock. I could feel how tight that guy’s ass was, and I leaned over and unbuttoned his slacks and pulled at them. He grabbed his belt and shoved his slacks down on his thighs while still sucking on Alvaro’s cock. I now had a full view of this guy’s moon, the cheeks, so smooth and tight, the crack of his ass in view, and I leaned over and stuck my tongue into that boy’s asscrack. He arched his hips upward a bit, and I dug in further, my tongue finding his asshole and licking it, probing for a way in. He began to thrust against the bench, working his ass against my tongue while sucking on Alvaro’s cock. Alvaro’s eye’s were closed and his head was tilted back. The SUV was speeding along and every once in a while we’d turn and I would need to shift my weight to stay on top of the boy sucking his asshole, while he sucked on Alvaro’s cock.

The SUV slowed to a stop and the scene continued for a bit before Alvaro and Barty rebuttoned their trousers and convinced the boys to pull up their britches. I wiped my face with my hand, having rimmed both boys I had ass on my face I thought, as I departed the vehicle. Alvaro and Barty asked if I wanted to join them upstairs, but I declined, and headed back to my hotel. Evidently, the boys would stay the night and the four of them would fuck on the bed taking turns between the two men. I had had my fun with them, and frankly the asses were great, but I was looking for a full meaty hairy man ass of the American persuasion. I was not opposed to the Asian ass, but I was ready to go home. The trip had been a success at least from the business side of things. But, the interpersonal part of the trip, between the bet between Alvaro and Barty, the stress of being in a country where the language didn’t make sense, and the boy-man dynamic was a bit too much for me. I was ready to go back to the United States.

I got back to the hotel and turned in. I woke up the next day, with an open schedule. My flight wasn’t until the following day, and so I decided to work on finding a decent gift for the travel admin who had arranged all of this. I looked online and found a shop that sold pearls that while were expensive, I thought I could find something that would work for her. I bought a strand of black pearls that I thought were striking. In the same mall I found a shop that sold traditional Japanese tea sets and I got a set for Sean and Mark. I also picked up a kintsugi bowl with cracks in gold that I thought my mother would like. I wasn’t sure buying this stuff would be easy to transport, but I figured I would get this in a carry on. I had the clerks wrap them well for an international plane ride, and I headed back to the hotel.

I decided I had earned a break and headed out for the “onsen,” after dropping off my purchases at my hotel room. There was a famous gay one near my hotel, and it boasted 8 floors of fun. I walked over and found it. I paid the admission and was let in. I received a towel and a locker key. I undressed and brought the key back as they held them at the desk. I started walking around and I realized it was midweek and very few would be here. I found a soaking pool with jets and started to let the jets work my lower back, closing my eyes. I really found Japan to be a calming place, the meditative quality of the experiences in the temple and now the soaking pool. I heard a splash as I was joined by another bather. I kept my eyes closed until I felt a hand on my thigh. I didn’t respond, only opening my legs a bit. The hand continued to root around my thighs and work its way upward. I stretched my shoulders back and forth, keeping my eyes closed like I was not really aware that he was trying to reach my growing fun stick. I looked over and it was another white guy, older with glasses and thinning black curly hair and a bald spot.

I closed my eyes, and turned my torso to him still underwater and he found the magic center with my thick and hard meat cannon, already erect and waiting for attention. His hands worked my man pole gently and then he started caressing my ball sack, while beginning to jack my cock off slowly, but deliberately. I looked at him and his eyes were closed, focusing on the sensual pleasure he was giving me. I was going to reach over to his cock, but he was not really easily reachable and I was enjoying the act of being serviced. I closed my eyes again, and let my legs fall further to the sides, as he continued to work my cock and balls underwater. I felt his ball hand slide under my ass further and further until I felt a finger hit my asshole. At that point I opened my eyes and realized he was now standing over me. His chest was hairy and his pecs had turned into moobs over time, with wisps of black curly pubes over the nipples. His belly was round and furry, what I could see over the water horizon, and so I backed away from his finger slightly and he retreated his hand back to my balls.

I then reached over and felt the furriness of his crotch and a rock hard penis that was about five inches long, curved upward and so thick I couldn’t get my fingers around it. I started to jack him as he was jacking me. I took my other hand and felt up his balls that were swimming weightlessly in the jets of the soaking tub. I was amazed at how thick his cock was and I wondered what it would feel like in my ass. Could I even take it? He was wanting to explore my hole, but I wasn’t ready for anyone besides Sean to knock at my back door. I closed my eyes, jacking him and thinking about Sean and Mark and that amazing three way we had. My ass puckered for Sean’s cock, I could still feel my cock in Mark’s greedy ass, and I had this thick hook of a cock in front of me, I was tempted to let him into my puckering pink butt hole. Instead I reached under his ballsack and his thighs were firmly together blocking any back door action he might have. So I reached up and tweaked his nipple, pinching it gently and flicking it with my fingers. He liked that, as his cock jumped in my hands as I teased his furry nipples.

I pulled him up to the bench I was sitting at, his feet now on the seat, and his cock at my face emerged from the water. I put it in my mouth, about an inch or so of that massive head. It was as thick as the rest of the shaft and it pointed upward as if he came it would go straight up. I worked the shaft with my thumb as I swallowed more and more of its curved thickness, and I felt it occasionally pulse in my mouth as it continued to grow and thicken. He started to lean into my face and then away, not really thrusting, but working his cock in and out of my mouth and through my fingers. I matched his rhythm and placed my other hand under his ball sack so I could push against his taint as he backed off of my mouth. He liked the pressure of the underhand, and he started to pick up his pace.

I felt his cock get even thicker and my thumb under his shaft could feel him flex his cock as he was trying to reach deeper and deeper into my mouth. His cock started to leak pre cum and I could taste a little saltiness with the smell of the chlorine in the soaking tub. He started to breathe heavily as he was getting more and more aroused. He kept up the in and out of his cock in my mouth as he continued to get harder and harder. It felt like warm steel in my hands, that thick hook of a dick. He could probably fuck me and hold my bodyweight with that massive thick pole of his. I continued to press my fingers into his taint and I could feel those muscles and tendons responding to his cock’s flexing toward the back of my throat. He started to moan, saying, uh, uh, uh, uh, as his cock started to spasm. It was the moment of release, and I felt that cock jump up and down in my mouth and the warm sticky liquid spraying all over the roof of my mouth. I had to swallow twice while he was cumming, there was so much of it. He was screaming ah ah ah, as he unloaded his balls into my mouth, his cock spasming and his taint reverberating from all the spooge he was shooting into me. I didn’t let go and he must have come for over thirty seconds before he calmed down a bit and then backed completely out of my mouth.
nothing like having to gulp a mans load...
So, the story is finished. What did you think? Worth the time to read it? Are you satisfied with the ending? I'm not sure I had the pacing, because I think it could have ended as he was heading back to school, but he needed to meet up with Eddie again.

I just finished reading and crying.

personally I’m glad you made John Richmond a good man with morality despite him being a whore despite him having a good intellect who followed his passion for law.

I’m glad he was not a total size queen either 😂

I’m an older guy and one thing I didn’t learn properly was how to handle my brain and need for sex. Not even in therapy was this discussed so with this back ground I thoroughly enjoyed Johns struggles as well and absolutely loved how he was able to ‘lead with the big brain’, when it was needed.

The mix of reality and fantasy was great learning too as a reader.

I’ve written some erotica in the past but never had such a mix of wisdom and plain ‘the desires need to be satisfied’ you have penned.

Also you address the honesty in having threesomes with someone in one’s life : later he and Eddie played with Mikey.
Partners having three ways need a firm foundation.

The end was a little quick for me but only experience as a writer can sort the pace out.

I’m no professional I have to say!
I wrote thirteen stories and one challenge was spelling and grammar.

I have been on a journey reading your story and your ability to keep the suspension going is a great talent.

Thank you so much ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥