Big Hiro 10

haha, I'm out of touch with general media. When I think of Hiro as a fictional character, I think of Hiro Protagonist, from Snow Crash. Now that would be an interesting mashup. Hiro's superpower, making baddies brains wipe out from desire.
“Okay guys, I think you’ve got the concepts down, and I need to get out of here soon. The test is in two days so you’re on your own for the rest of it. Study together or something.”

“Aww, teach,” whined one of the girls, who’d somehow managed to dress more provocatively than the others (though it had been an arms race of short skirts and tight shirts across the board for the last few days, boys and girls alike). Her impressive rack was pushing the limits of her shirt, as she leaned back and stretched her arms. Her boyfriend, Esteban, was just as bad, with his swimmer build and long arms.

“I gotta go,” he said. “As of Monday, the test is all that’s left, and Granville is grading that. It’s too late to suck up to me, I’ve done my part. Besides, you got this.”

He shooed them out, but he also meant it. He’d never seen a class so attentive. Like, every one of them hung on his every word. A few were blatantly staring at him in a suggestive manner, but they also seemed to be absorbing the material.

Even Charlie Dimples, as he still thought of him, had markedly improved. his grasp of the material was much stronger now. But his thinly veiled comments were risky.

Just today as he left class, Charlie had stopped him. “Hey teach, I just want you to know that I have worked very hard to be ready for the more advanced material we discussed.”

“Oh?” And then a second later, Hiro realized what he meant. “Oh.”

“Yup. Lots of practice. I want to make sure I can handle your material.”

Fuck. That boy was going to be the death of him. Or at least his academic career!

“Um…well, that’s very proactive of you, Charlie. But the advanced stuff we chatted about absolutely has to wait until the exams are complete.”

“I know, university policy. But I wanted to make sure you knew I was taking this seriously. I know you have a lot to show me, so I want to be ready for you. Just one question: on a scale of one to ten, how difficult is that material?”

“Definitely at least a nine,” Hiro had replied.

“Wow. And I was just getting comfortable with eight. Guess it’s back to those practical exercises for me.”

And the sexy little bastard had turned around and left, gifting Hiro with the sight of his shapely bottom as he walked out the door.

That meant Hiro was faced with yet another unrelenting erection.

And that meant he was, without realizing, kicking out a cloud of pheromones that people reacted to, also without realizing it. He was so focused on getting back to his lab, and the more or less private bathroom there, he didn’t noticed that people were pulled along in his wake. Worse, that crowd of his students was dragged along, and were waiting for him when he stepped out of the loo and back into his office.

He’d entertained maybe forty minutes of questions before shooing them out. By then, he could have seduced them all at once, if he really wanted to, but of course he hadn’t yet realized it. And so he’d packed up and hopped back on the bus as soon as he could. He’d promised to help Cass put the finishing touches on the cafe tonight and hopefully soft open in the morning. And after that, he’d have time to himself. Or at least time for some heroics with Big Hero 6. And hopefully, Charlie Dimples.

That was the plan, at least. But the bus was crowded and traffic was bad, and it seemed like everyone managed to brush past him. Near constant physical contact, and the warmth of the crowd, meant he broke a light sweat quickly. And that’s all it took to tip things over the edge.

He realized the short middle aged woman pressed against him was suddenly leaning into him, breathing deeply. The gangly teen next him was way too close to his pit, thanks to Hiro’s beefy arm raised to hold the strap. The kid seemed almost high. And when the bus brakes suddenly kicked on, a burly dock worker tumbled into his back — and Hiro felt the man’s stumpy erection against his thigh. The man didn’t move when the bus jerked into motion again.

Shit, this was bad. Hiro felt his own inches unfurl as his prodigious member rose to the occasion. Thank goodness he’d pulled his pack off his shoulder to avoid banging into anyone, because he was able to position it to hide his boner.

Consequently as his stop approached, he was growing increasingly frantic.

“Excuse me, I need to get off,” Hiro said assertively.

Around him, the looks of heavy lidded arousal suggested he wasn’t the only one who needed to get off. But somehow he managed to gently push and scoot his way through and hopped off the crowded bus. As it pulled away, he saw the crowd shake off the lusty haze a bit, even as they looked longingly at him.

“Okay, that was weird,” he said. “I have GOT to get a scooter or something.”


“Cass?” Hiro asked, stepping around the team of workers unloading the truck they’d stored most of the cafe furniture in during the remodel. The fresh supplies had come in yesterday, and Cass had the weekend to finish putting things away and prep for Monday’s morning rush.

“She’s upstairs,” said one of the workers. Hiro thanked him and jogged up the stairs, never noticing that the crew had almost universally stalled to watch him.

“I’ll be ready in a bit, I just needed a quick, um, nap,” Cass shouted through her bedroom door.

“Cool, I’m going to crash upstairs for a bit before dinner,” Hiro replied. He fully intended to, yet his relentless dick had other plans. Baymax wasn’t around, but the toybox was, so Hiro quickly stripped — a sniff told him he was pretty ripe after the long day — and he grabbed a few toys and ran the water in the shower. Out of habit, he checked himself in the mirror.

He almost didn’t recognize the hunk he saw there. But the annoyingly unmanageable hair and the gap in his front teeth confirmed it was actually him. He just hadn’t quite wrapped his brain around how drastically his body had been upgraded. It was different, almost clinical, in the gym, where he mostly looked for symmetry and tracked progress. But this was a stud in the mirror at his house.

He looked fondly down at his monster dick, which hadn’t flagged since the bus, and chuckled. “Well, buddy, let’s get you taken care of first.”

In the shower, the oversized flesh light and curved anal probe were quickly put through their paces. His cock was an increasingly tight fit in the tube, which somehow failed to summon the requisite levels of worry after the last few hours of wanton need. He simply hammered away as his turgid pole seemed poised to break the thing, but as nice as it felt, he knew he’d need to trigger a proper orgasm from the other end if he wanted to really clean out the pipes. This particular toy was no frills, a curved silicon-covered buzzing hook with a bulbous end, which he knew would hit his prostate just about right if he —-

Ah. That was the spot, and his increasingly appreciative ass clenched hard, while his dick spewed a monstrous load of thick sauce that hit the ceiling. Five, six, eight, ten blasts of cum, and his bucking cock seemed ready to relent, only to rally and fire off five more. He braced himself against the wall, panting, only to realize he still wasn’t done.


“Honey Lemon. I have grown. Concerned. With the course of treatment Hiro is currently undergoing.”

Shit. Now, even Baymax had figured it out. Or had he? Nothing was certain yet.

“I have noticed your recent. Disengagement. From activities involving. Hiro.” Baymax said. “I believe you fear you may have inadvertently caused harm.”

“I’ve just been busy,” she said, but even she wasn’t buying it. “What is your concern?”

“While your intent was to assist Hiro in achieving his health goals, it appears that his. Libido. Is out of control. This has caused considerable awkwardness, in addition to the usual issues of late puberty. Upon reviewing the current scans and lab work,” Baymax continued (she’d forgotten to cancel the robots access!), “I believe that your recommended combination of supplements has extended his pubescent period beyond normal parameters.”

“That seems likely,” Honey replied. “But then, he got a bit of a late start.”

“I have noted the Increased libido, as well as several other secondary sexual characteristics. It has been challenging to keep up with the needs of Hiro’s body. I fear he may require more assistance than I can provide. I am just a robot. Hiro should engage with human contact for optimum results. I have noticed that Hiro’s body is considered attractive and his pheromonal output is considerable. Has this escaped your notice?”

“No, I have noticed.”

“Hiro is an ideal sexual partner despite his inexperience. However, he has limited opportunities to bond well with potential mates. It would be more. Convenient. For him to partner with someone already in his social circle. It would likely be more satisfying for both partners.”


“Yes. However, Hiro has not expressed interest in anyone specific. In addition, I fear his. Virility. May cause problems such as unwanted pregnancy. Unless of course Hiro is more interested in male partners.”

And that’s when the real magnitude of her meddling kicked in.

Hiro might be gay. Or at least bi. She might have tinkered enough to confuse him further, if he was questioning. But her tinkering had made him increasingly irresistible to women.

“However,” Baymax continued, “it appears that Hiro while attracts both male and female interest, he has not expressed a preference.”

“I hadn’t realized,” Honey Lemon said quietly.

“I further believe that Hiro no longer needs the supplemental regimen you prescribed. He appears to have reached his potential physically, and they are no longer necessary for him to achieve his physical goals. I am consulting with you to determine next steps.”

She took a measured breath. “Baymax, I concur. This protocol is done.”

“Acknowledged. What do you think we should do to assist with the other issue? I have unlocked several therapeutic techniques and have employed them to help Hiro manage his. Sexual needs. However, literature recommends real intimacy for proper mental health.”

Wait, was he asking her to help him deal with Hiro’s needs?

“It would be. Convenient. If Hiro were to partner with a friend. Karmi would have been a satisfactory option due to age, comparable intellect and interests, and shared experience. However, she is not an option. Therefore, it may be worth exploring possible choices among his cadre of friends and acquaintances.”

She paused, and then asked, “did you have anyone in particular in mind?”

“I do not. Each of the members of Big Hero Six has appeal. Hiro has not expressed any specific interest in any of you, but it would be statistically. Likely. For him to find at least one of you to his developing tastes.”

She nodded.

“It is likely that the. Age gap. Between Hiro and the other members of the team is a factor as well. However, Hiro is legally an adult and shoulders considerable adult responsibility. His level of maturity should be sufficient to enter a relationship, provided good communication between partners and the team is maintained.”

“..l see,” Honey Lemon said.

“Have you considered yourself as a potential partner?”

Boy, had she.

“I’d rather not talk more about this right now, Baymax.”

“Very well. Please note that Hiro has instructed me to be mindful of. Social expectations. When it comes to matters of sex and love. I am bringing this topic to you in your capacity as a caregiver.”

“I understand.”

“I have not raised this issue with Cass at Hiro’s request.”

“That’s probably for the best.”

Seemingly satisfied, the robot turned to leave. “Very well. I look forward to sharing progress with you as a colleague.”

“Thanks,” she said.

So now what? Wait, Gogo. Gogo didn’t like boys so much, she might have a clearer head about this!
It absolutely cannot be Honey Lemon if she wants to continue having anything at all to do with Hiro. If she tries, he'll absolutely figure out what she's been up to and that will end well for precisely nobody.

Maybe CD will be a good option once they're no longer instructor and pupil? 🤔
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It absolutely cannot be Honey Lemon if she wants to continue having anything at all to do with Hiro. If she tries, he'll absolutely figure out what she's been up to and that will end well for precisely nobody.

Maybe CD will be a good option once they're no longer instructor and pupil? 🤔
Charlie certainly seems determined to have a go, doesn’t he? I’ve written a little in advance but no spoilers. I’m kind of along for the ride, too — so I look forward to seeing how it all plays out.

I’m trying to be fairly true to the characters, and I think Honey Lemon is struggling with balancing her desire to be helpful and her own, hidden desires. I kind of started with the idea that everyone was crushing on Tadashi, and how that might play out with these folks in a more adult environment. HL seemed the obvious choice to catalyze things, and was the most likely to get down with Tadashi due to her tendency to go out of her way to please people (plus she had the right science background). Baymax would help however he could and Tadashi would have been pretty thorough in prepping Baymax for various situations, but may not have thought through the repercussions. The robot wasn’t quite finished, after all. Gogo isn’t super sentimental but she is curious (and there’s no way she isn’t coded as a lesbian). Wasabi is too bound by anxiety to take action, and Fred sees things from a very specific perspective but he isn’t stupid.

Things are definitely building up to reveals, though.
Gogo did NOT have a clear head. She was instead having a bit of a crisis.

Hiro had been invading her headspace all week and he didn’t even know it.

She’d never been 1000% gold-star queer. With her attitude and tendency to move fast, she’d explored a lot as she figured herself out. She considered herself a lesbian, but one who could at least appreciate the male form. And once she had a year of college under her belt, she considered herself firmly in the sapphic camp and hadn’t had any reason to reconsider.

And she wasn’t reconsidering now.

But she *was* thinking about Hiro a lot more than usual, and in ways that she found confusing. She liked – no, loved the kid, really, but more like a kid brother. The vibe was much the same as it had been with Tadashi. He was *family*, and it felt weird to think of him in any sort of sexual way.

And yet, she couldn’t get his cock out of her head. The feel, the weight, the smell of it. The scared-but-eager look he’d had when she found him in the bathroom and …well. And then the sheer maleness of him, the impressive teenage cum explosion.

And so instead of doing the math for her project, she was instead sketching a dick on her tablet. “Better delete that,” she thought.


“Oh, Honey Lemon, what’s up,” she said, suddenly glad she’d just wiped her screen.

Gogo raised an eyebrow as Honey closed and locked the door.

“Gogo, I need to talk to someone with, well, your perspective, I think. It’s important.”

“Shoot, girlfriend.”

“It’s about Hiro,” she began, and Gogo felt a shiver run up her spine.


“I’m sure you’ve noticed our young friend has…grown up quite a lot recently.”

Gogo nodded, not trusting herself to speak just yet.

“Yes. Well. I may have contributed a bit to that,” she admitted. “And as a consequence, Hiro’s …maturity… is a bit more pronounced than it might otherwise have been. And because of that… well, Baymax has mentioned Hiro’s, um, personal needs.”

“You …what, you supercharged his puberty?”

“In a manner of speaking. More of a nudge in the right direction.”

“…does he know? Does anyone else know?”

“Baymax. And Fred kind of guessed.”

“How much of a ‘push in the right direction’ are we talking about?” Gogo asked cautiously.

“Not much at all! Nothing beyond his normal potential.”

“Okayyy. So you tweaked him and now he’s, what, super horny?”

“I wish you wouldn’t use that sort of language, you make it sound so naughty.”

“Babe, the kid got a big glow-up that nobody with eyes could have missed. He is also hung like a horse. Is that your doing?”

HL’s blush was all the response she needed.

“So what’s the worry? He’s not going to turn into a sex monster or roid-rager, is he?”

“No! No, he’s still Hiro!” Honey said. “He’s just a bit bigger than he might have been.”

“He’s going to figure it out. Or does he know how much you tinkered?”

“I don’t think so. It’s all within the parameters, though. Just kind of at the farther end of the range.”

“Lucky him,” Gogo remarked. “Half the guys in this school would kill for a bod like his, but I know he’s put in the effort. And he’s 19, so it’s a given he’s swimming in hormones and testosterone.”

“I know, but, Baymax raised a health concern, and it seems I may have gone a little overboard in certain areas.”

“You mean his junk?”

“Yes, Gogo. He has very large genitalia and a libido to match, and he has a very enticing scent that is teeming with pheromones. But it really isn’t practical for him to go out dating just anyone, given our other activities. So he has had to make do. And Baymax is worried about his ability to keep up.”

“Wait, Baymax?”

“Yes. Apparently Tadashi was pretty thorough in the health protocols he fed Baymax. Bay he’s a robot, and he thinks Hiro needs a more human partner to help keep Hiro happy.”

“Don’t we all,” Gogo muttered.

“Gogo, I came to you for advice. I have mixed feelings about offering to help deal with this problem I helped create.”

“You know, I kept thinking that Hiro’s resemblance to his brother was getting more obvious, but now it makes sense. That’s what you were aiming for.”

Honey Lemon nodded. “They were already very genetically similar. And a lot of it would have happened anyway.”

“Except that hyper libido you mentioned, and his big boy bits,” Gogo said. “He must be around, what, 25cm?”

Her friend suddenly narrowed her eyes.

“Have you been reading my files?”


“How do you know how big his penis is, Gogo?”

“Oh, fudge. Fine. I kind of walked in on him by accident.”

“And you just guessed?”

“…no. Something about him that night, it got to me. I asked him to show me.”

“And he did?”

“It was hard to hide at that point.”

“I see.”

“Look, it was no big deal. I mean, I’m not into dick, as you know. But you really did a number on him. For a little bit, I was questioning my convictions.”

“Oh,” Honey Lemon said. “I wonder if his scent was a factor?”

“He smells way better than he should,” Gogo agreed. “It reminds me of something.”

“Similar genetics. Similar hygiene products. It wasn’t even on purpose at first, he just made sense as a target because of them being brothers.”



They sat in silence for a moment. Then Gogo spoke.

“Look, if you feel responsible for this frankencock you helped build, that’s fine. If you want to date the kid, that’s fine too. But if you do, I think you should level with him about why he’s built like a beefcake with a ten inch cock, preferably before you go anywhere serious with him.”

“But what if he…”

“Sweetie, it’s a bigger risk if he finds out and it doesn’t come from you.”

“Thanks, I think I needed to hear that,” Honey Lemon said.

“Good. Glad I could help. Now can you do me a solid, and figure out how to dial back those pheromones a bit? I’d rather not be thinking about my friend’s penis every time I’m in the same room as him.”
"I'd rather not be thinking about my friend's penis every time I'm in the same room as him."

It's... The scent boost is so strong it would make a 6-on-the-Kinsey-scale lesbian want to take him for a spin? That's bad. That's a one-man baby boom waiting to happen, and Hiro is hardly ready for such a thing.
"I'd rather not be thinking about my friend's penis every time I'm in the same room as him."

It's... The scent boost is so strong it would make a 6-on-the-Kinsey-scale lesbian want to take him for a spin? That's bad. That's a one-man baby boom waiting to happen, and Hiro is hardly ready for such a thing.
She has had sex with men before, but saw it as an experiment. This is new evidence. And she is, like her teammates, at heart a scientist.

That said, I see Hiro’s situation as mostly within bounds of plausibility, but only barely. He’s physically attractive, handsome and fit, and his pheromones are pushing peoples biological buttons. He’s also an actual genius, and a little cocky. The boy has rizz, even without the boost. And he’s nice, and decent. Add in that little crooked smile and tooth gap, and he’d be dangerous without the upgrades.

The scent thing is meant to be less about him having some kind of raw man stink, and more about him having just the right combo of healthy smells. No locker room or foot funk here, just that nice blend of herbal shampoo, soap, and faintly masculine sweat.

Gogo is having a purely physical and biological reaction, but she is aware of it and curious about it. She ain’t converted. :).

Whereas I think Honey Lemon is pretty obviously turned on by the transgressive nature of what is happening, as much as by the results.
She has had sex with men before, but saw it as an experiment. This is new evidence. And she is, like her teammates, at heart a scientist.

That said, I see Hiro’s situation as mostly within bounds of plausibility, but only barely. He’s physically attractive, handsome and fit, and his pheromones are pushing peoples biological buttons. He’s also an actual genius, and a little cocky. The boy has rizz, even without the boost. And he’s nice, and decent. Add in that little crooked smile and tooth gap, and he’d be dangerous without the upgrades.

The scent thing is meant to be less about him having some kind of raw man stink, and more about him having just the right combo of healthy smells. No locker room or foot funk here, just that nice blend of herbal shampoo, soap, and faintly masculine sweat.

Gogo is having a purely physical and biological reaction, but she is aware of it and curious about it. She ain’t converted. :).

Whereas I think Honey Lemon is pretty obviously turned on by the transgressive nature of what is happening, as much as by the results.
I was also thinking about a gold star gay friend who honestly appreciates a really good set of breasts. Given the chance, he’d absolutely enjoy exploring quality boobage, and I assumed it would be the same. Sometimes people are so hot they make your list, even if you’re not normally into their gender by default.
She has had sex with men before, but saw it as an experiment. This is new evidence. And she is, like her teammates, at heart a scientist.

That said, I see Hiro’s situation as mostly within bounds of plausibility, but only barely. He’s physically attractive, handsome and fit, and his pheromones are pushing peoples biological buttons. He’s also an actual genius, and a little cocky. The boy has rizz, even without the boost. And he’s nice, and decent. Add in that little crooked smile and tooth gap, and he’d be dangerous without the upgrades.

The scent thing is meant to be less about him having some kind of raw man stink, and more about him having just the right combo of healthy smells. No locker room or foot funk here, just that nice blend of herbal shampoo, soap, and faintly masculine sweat.

Gogo is having a purely physical and biological reaction, but she is aware of it and curious about it. She ain’t converted. :).

Whereas I think Honey Lemon is pretty obviously turned on by the transgressive nature of what is happening, as much as by the results.
I know Gogo still bats for the other team. That's kinda my point, really. If even she's reacting that strongly to him, imagine how difficult it must be for everyone around who normally would want some of that.
Good grief, was that boy STILL going at it upstairs?

Cass was 42 now, and she had limits. Apparently her nephew did not.

Her own problem was nearly dealt with when he came back and shouted through the door, but knowing he was going up to …well, do what teenage boys do whenever they can (and apparently without end)? That nearly triggered a round two.

Meanwhile, Hiro was rather obliviously moaning his way through his own round three. She wondered whether he had found a partner yet. Her protective side would always win, or so she hoped, but that didn’t mean she didn’t experience a little bit of envy for whoever Hiro ended up dating.

Having cleaned herself up, she had begun to make a quick dinner of leftovers, decided that if he wasn’t done by now, he never would be, and shouted up that enchiladas would be ready in twenty minutes.

And after a thump and an awkward pause, he shouted down “okayyyy.”

Like many of the meals she’d been preparing, she cooked protein rich stuff in quantities that seemed almost silly until you realized just how much the kid could put away. It wasn’t like anything was wasted. And even before he started piling on the muscle, he’d hit that phase around age 17 when he just constantly ate, to no real effect. Of course she chalked that up to all the super hero stuff. Wasn’t like he ever got fat, the brat, she thought, considering her own struggles to keep her ass in check. She shuddered, remembering her own Aunt Cassandra. Her namesake had transformed into a rotund grandmother type around age 50.

Hiro bounded down the steps about fifteen minutes later and, smiling, set the table while she pulled the tray out of the oven.

“Smells amazing in here,” her nephew said as he poured some water for both of them.

She sniffed, and realized that on top of the delicious beefy smell of the enchiladas and cheese, she could still smell Hiro.

“If you say so,” she said, “did you just shower or something?”

“Yeah, I was a little ripe,” he said.

“Rough day at school?”

“A weird day,” he said, piling two overstuffed enchiladas onto his plate. “People were just weird all day. My class was weird, the bus people were weird….”

“Weird how?”

“I don’t know. It was like everyone was …” he shoved in a forkful of steaming food and chewed thoughtfully. “Kind of walking around in a daze. And they kept staring at me, I think.”

She giggled despite herself. “They probably were.”

His quizzical expression killed her.

“Hiro, I hate to break it to you, but you’re … you’re kind of a hunk. You’re going to turn a few heads. Maybe you’ve been too busy to notice, but all the cafe regulars sure noticed.”

He blushed — actually blushed — and Cass saw a handful of competing thoughts and emotions play across his expressive face, before he simply replied “…oh.”

“Look, you’re an adult and i know you don’t need The Talk, but…”

“No, no, I’m good!” Hiro stammered.

“So long as you’re careful,” she said. “And I don’t just mean about fooling around, I mean…. Look, kid, try not to leave a trail of broken hearts, okay?”

“How would I even do that?” Dammit. It wasn’t fair to be so hot and look so innocent. He really hadn’t any idea.

Sigh. “Kiddo, when you look, well, like that, people will just find you attractive. They’ll want to be around you, and they’ll want to be with you. Just try to be kind when you don’t feel the same way.”

Hiro had been eating on autopilot, but he stopped and played with the fork a little. “And what if I do feel the same way?”

“Then be careful in other ways. I think it’d be nice if you found someone you liked.” If nothing else it would keep him from spending so much time in the bathroom at home.

“So you’d be okay with it? I mean if I brought someone home?”

“I’d want to meet them, but you’re an adult now. I’d expect to be introduced if you bring someone home. But that’s just common courtesy. And I don’t think I have to remind you, but please do remember to use protection….”

He turned red almost instantly. Then hurriedly finished up the remains of his enchiladas.

“If you’re old enough to be getting busy, you’re old enough to go buy a pack of condoms. Don’t even think about sending Baymax to get them.”

“Okay,” he said.

“And Hiro, just one more thing. Try to be discreet? I’m just downstairs.”


“Well, that was mortifying,” Hiro said. “Baymax — oh, wait, he’s still out I guess.”

Cass was right, he had been a bit vocal lately, and he had been relying too much on the robot. Though he had learned a fair amount, too.

Honestly, his seemingly boundless libido was starting to be a little tiresome. Well, except it was just fun. It felt great, but the demands of his apparently overstimulated loins were an increasing distraction. He just had to keep it under wraps somehow, until he could see how things went with Charlie. And that meant he should probably talk to Honey Lemon again. Maybe she could help him counteract it a bit, at least. He also decided to ask for some of the soundproofing foam she had used when they faced a villain with sonic weapons. Least he could to to spare his aunt, right?

“What I really need is a nice lair of my own,” he said aloud. “Maybe I should think about getting my own place.”

He realized he’d dialed Fred almost subconsciously.

“Dude. What’s up. Emergency? Kaiju attack? Unexpected limited edition trading card game presale?”

“None of the above. It’s something personal.”

“Oh? Ooooooh. You finally noticed.”


“Say no more. We shouldn’t talk about this on an open channel.”

“Open …. Fred, this is a secure channel. This whole network is encrypted five times and like, more secure than the White House phone.”

As usual, Fred was in his own little world. “As you say. Meet me at the comic book store at oh-nineteen-hundred. Civilian clothes. Ask for CardBuyer2000. You’re BroGuy99. Fredzilla out.”


Hiro pulled up to the alley behind the comic shop, activated his custom security system for the scooter, and whispered loudly down the alley.


“Nobody around with that name, stranger,” said Fred from someplace in the echoing alleyway.

“Fine. CardBuyer2000, this is BroGuy99.” It was usually best to just go along with Fred’s weirdness when he was like this.

“Were you followed?”

Hiro glanced behind him. “Uh, I don’t think so?”

“Very well. Follow me.”

Just to the left of the comic shops delivery entrance, Fred tapped one of the bricks and a panel popped open. It scanned his face and then the bricks separated to reveal a small room. Fred beckoned and Hiro joined him.

It was an elevator. As it descended, Fred seemed to brief his guest.

“Found out about this old base of my Dad’s last month. It’s pretty sweet.”

The doors opened to reveal a fairly large space, almost a mancave, with a large computer setup, a kitchenette, a couple of couches, and a king size bed.

Fred grabbed a soda from the fridge and offered a chilled water bottle to Hiro.

“So what’s up,” Fred said, flopping onto the sofa. “You wanted to talk in private?”

“Um, yeah. See, things have been a bit weird lately….”

“Whoa, finally! So you figured it out?”

“What? Figured what out?”

“Never mind, forget I mentioned it. And don’t say anything to anyone else.”

“Okayyyy. I wanted to know if you had a place I could crash for a while. I need a hit more peace and quiet than I get at the lab and I … kinda just need some privacy for a while.”

“Hmm. You sure there’s nothing else bugging you?”

“I don’t know…things have just been a little weird lately and I need a bit of a break. Not forever, but maybe for a month or so. Until I find my own place.”

“Is that all? Dude, you could use this place.”


“Sure. No big. I’ll add you to the ID scanner. Heh. I was worried you were gonna ask me about something else.”

“Like what?” Hiro asked, suddenly curious.

“Like… no, I told Honey Lemon I wouldn’t say anything.”

“About what?”

“Nuh-uh, not falling for that old trap.”

“What are you even talking about?”

“About the protocol you’re on,” Fred replied before he could stop himself.

“What about it?”

“Dude, I can’t! I promised.”


“Aww, man…look, it’s like watching a super hero origin story unfold! Well, I guess technically a second one. And I don’t want to be the one to blow it….”

“What the heck are you talking about? Just cuz I’m not some scrawny kid now, just because I grew up…” wait, wait…something felt weird.

“Because I got a little push? Dude, I’m barely caught up to my brother.”

“Ho, no, bro. Look at you! Man, you gotta stop being hung up on Tadashi. You’re Hiro.”


“Dude, if I noticed it, how the heck have you missed it?”

Fred was… Fred was right.

Suddenly, it all clicked into place. The way he’d put on muscle and …size. He was bigger than he should have been, even accounting for all the work he’d put in. He’d have to double check, run the numbers himself….but he knew instantly what the answer would be.

“She …dosed me?”

“You gotta ask her. Just remember , I didn’t say anything.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on it. Or I mean I DID, I just never realized it was….” He looked himself up and down. “How much of all this was me, and how much was her?”

“Pretty sure that’s all you, man.”

“No, I mean, oh, you know what I mean. I guess I’ll have to talk to her to get the answers.”

“So, um… was that all?”

“Actually…” Hiro said, “there was something else. It’s a little awkward, a little personal…”

“Ask away, little bro! We got like zero secrets.”

“You have a reputation on campus,” Hiro said. “For being, well, good at, um…sex.”

“Hah, well, I guess.”

“I have some questions…..”


“Well, that was mortifying,” Hiro said. “Baymax — oh, wait, he’s still out I guess.”

Cass was right, he had been a bit vocal lately, and he had been relying too much on the robot. Though he had learned a fair amount, too.

Honestly, his seemingly boundless libido was starting to be a little tiresome. Well, except it was just fun. It felt great, but the demands of his apparently overstimulated loins were an increasing distraction. He just had to keep it under wraps somehow, until he could see how things went with Charlie. And that meant he should probably talk to Honey Lemon again. Maybe she could help him counteract it a bit, at least. He also decided to ask for some of the soundproofing foam she had used when they faced a villain with sonic weapons. Least he could to to spare his aunt, right?

“What I really need is a nice lair of my own,” he said aloud. “Maybe I should think about getting my own place.”

He realized he’d dialed Fred almost subconsciously.

“Dude. What’s up. Emergency? Kaiju attack? Unexpected limited edition trading card game presale?”

“None of the above. It’s something personal.”

“Oh? Ooooooh. You finally noticed.”


“Say no more. We shouldn’t talk about this on an open channel.”

“Open …. Fred, this is a secure channel. This whole network is encrypted five times and like, more secure than the White House phone.”

As usual, Fred was in his own little world. “As you say. Meet me at the comic book store at oh-nineteen-hundred. Civilian clothes. Ask for CardBuyer2000. You’re BroGuy99. Fredzilla out.”


Hiro pulled up to the alley behind the comic shop, activated his custom security system for the scooter, and whispered loudly down the alley.


“Nobody around with that name, stranger,” said Fred from someplace in the echoing alleyway.

“Fine. CardBuyer2000, this is BroGuy99.” It was usually best to just go along with Fred’s weirdness when he was like this.

“Were you followed?”

Hiro glanced behind him. “Uh, I don’t think so?”

“Very well. Follow me.”

Just to the left of the comic shops delivery entrance, Fred tapped one of the bricks and a panel popped open. It scanned his face and then the bricks separated to reveal a small room. Fred beckoned and Hiro joined him.

It was an elevator. As it descended, Fred seemed to brief his guest.

“Found out about this old base of my Dad’s last month. It’s pretty sweet.”

The doors opened to reveal a fairly large space, almost a mancave, with a large computer setup, a kitchenette, a couple of couches, and a king size bed.

Fred grabbed a soda from the fridge and offered a chilled water bottle to Hiro.

“So what’s up,” Fred said, flopping onto the sofa. “You wanted to talk in private?”

“Um, yeah. See, things have been a bit weird lately….”

“Whoa, finally! So you figured it out?”

“What? Figured what out?”

“Never mind, forget I mentioned it. And don’t say anything to anyone else.”

“Okayyyy. I wanted to know if you had a place I could crash for a while. I need a hit more peace and quiet than I get at the lab and I … kinda just need some privacy for a while.”

“Hmm. You sure there’s nothing else bugging you?”

“I don’t know…things have just been a little weird lately and I need a bit of a break. Not forever, but maybe for a month or so. Until I find my own place.”

“Is that all? Dude, you could use this place.”


“Sure. No big. I’ll add you to the ID scanner. Heh. I was worried you were gonna ask me about something else.”

“Like what?” Hiro asked, suddenly curious.

“Like… no, I told Honey Lemon I wouldn’t say anything.”

“About what?”

“Nuh-uh, not falling for that old trap.”

“What are you even talking about?”

“About the protocol you’re on,” Fred replied before he could stop himself.

“What about it?”

“Dude, I can’t! I promised.”


“Aww, man…look, it’s like watching a super hero origin story unfold! Well, I guess technically a second one. And I don’t want to be the one to blow it….”

“What the heck are you talking about? Just cuz I’m not some scrawny kid now, just because I grew up…” wait, wait…something felt weird.

“Because I got a little push? Dude, I’m barely caught up to my brother.”

“Ho, no, bro. Look at you! Man, you gotta stop being hung up on Tadashi. You’re Hiro.”


“Dude, if I noticed it, how the heck have you missed it?”

Fred was… Fred was right.

Suddenly, it all clicked into place. The way he’d put on muscle and …size. He was bigger than he should have been, even accounting for all the work he’d put in. He’d have to double check, run the numbers himself….but he knew instantly what the answer would be.

“She …dosed me?”

“You gotta ask her. Just remember , I didn’t say anything.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on it. Or I mean I DID, I just never realized it was….” He looked himself up and down. “How much of all this was me, and how much was her?”

“Pretty sure that’s all you, man.”

“No, I mean, oh, you know what I mean. I guess I’ll have to talk to her to get the answers.”

“So, um… was that all?”

“Actually…” Hiro said, “there was something else. It’s a little awkward, a little personal…”

“Ask away, little bro! We got like zero secrets.”

“You have a reputation on campus,” Hiro said. “For being, well, good at, um…sex.”

“Hah, well, I guess.”

“I have some questions…..”

Dis gon get awkward. And probably X-rated. 😛

Fred left, and Hiro stayed behind in the “lair”.

For such a goofball, Fred had been almost alarmingly ….frank. About the sex part, at least. Turned out Fred was very experienced. His laid back nature hid a skill set he apparently acquired through trial and error—lots of trial and error. He’d been at the institute for years longer than the others, and clearly he hadn’t spent all his time attending classes. In fact, he’d spent quite a lot of it fucking a good percentage of the student body, and at least a few of the staff. Once you worked past the, well, the usual noise of Fred being Fred? He was observant and he was kind, and those were exactly the things that apparently made him a popular guest in so many beds.

The advice was pretty simple, but profound: you had to really pay attention to your partner, and do what made them happy. Listen for the changes in breathing, the gasps and sighs. Be adaptable. Go with the flow. Take it all in.

Typical Fred. Always about the vibe, and noticing what other people were missing because they weren’t in the moment the same way he was. People underestimated Fred, but he always delivered where it mattered, and usually his solutions came from things others had missed, or because he was trying to keep people from getting hurt. Or, well, because he’d read it in a comic or something, but still.

Hiro realized that he’d been too caught up in his own physicality to pay attention to much else, and it was, fundamentally, a selfish thing. He’d been focused on satisfying his own needs, letting his competitive streak drive him yet again.

And he was still measuring himself against his brother. Something he would probably always struggle with, he realized. But the reason everyone really loved his brother was because Tadashi had always put the people he loved first.

And Hiro realized that he hadn’t always done that. And it took a talk about sex with Fred of all people to snap that into focus.

He sighed. First things first. He needed to talk to Honey Lemon.


Honey lemon was freaking out pretty much constantly from the moment Hiro texted her until the moment he showed up at her lab.

He found her there, pretending (badly) that she hadn’t been knee deep in biochem simulators, even though she’d forgotten to turn off one of the monitors.

“Hey,” he said from the doorway.

“Oh heyyyy, I guess you meant right now, now, rather than in a bit, now…”

Hiro made sure the door was shut, and jabbed the panel to lock it, then slowly turned to face Honey Lemon. He swung a leg over and took the chair opposite hers; she instinctively scooted back awkwardly.

“Honey, we need to talk. But before I start, is there anything….anything at all… that you might want to talk to me about?”

“Whaaaaa?” She replied awkwardly. “I mean, I always enjoy talking with you, Hiro…”

“Nothing at all? I’m here to listen first,” he said. “But if you have something to say before I ask you what I came here to ask you, now’s the time.”

She gulped. This was the moment. Gogo was right. She needed to come clean.

“I….might have tinkered with the protocols I put you on,” she admitted. “I was going to tell you!”

“Explain.” He exhaled. “Please tell me exactly what you did.”

“Well, you wanted an optimized puberty, right?”


“I mean, you got that!” She stammered. “But I wasn’t thinking straight. I….im so sorry, Hiro. I abused your trust. I tinkered with how your dna expressed itself.”


“I guess…I guess I got a little carried away,” she said.

“You got a little carried away,” he replied flatly. “I’d ask if you knew what you’d done, but you’ve gotten regular scans from Baymax the whole time.”

“Yes,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

“What exactly did you change?”

“I borrowed from Tadashi,” she said. “Initially to get you a bit taller, like you wanted. But then….”

“You got carried away.”

“Just a little.”

“You’re why I have a big…um…”

“There may have been some encouragement,” she said.

“More than a little.”

“Your brother and I were together,” she blurted out. “And I missed him. And I should have told you.” She said.

“How much of me is me now? How much is Tadashi?”

“Oh no no no! It’s all you,” she said. “ I just looked at some of his dna when I was modifying yours. You were similar and I could interpolate how to adjust because we had his samples to compare with.”

“Tadashi didn’t have this to deal with!” He shouted, gesturing at his midsection. “It’s uncontrollable! We shared a room, Honey, and I would have noticed if he was lugging the baseball bat you stuck me with!”

“Is it really that bad?”

“Really? I know Baymax has been reporting on me. It’s becoming a problem.”

“Your response to the therapy was…robust. I didn’t give you your brothers genitals. I just made sure yours were healthy, alongside all the other stuff you asked for.”

“Robust?! I’m a solid ten inches, HL. But you know that already. That’s borderline freakish,” he said. “I would have been happy with average. I would have been thrilled with something near what my brother had. But this?”

“Sorry. Like I said, your response was robust. To all of it, really.”

“You should have told me. It’s my body.”

“I know.”

“Can you…undo any of it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do I have to spell it out?”

“Oh,” she said, blushing. “No, it’s kind of a one way trip.”

“Can you at least knock the libido down a bit?”

“That’s only partly me,” she said, “ but that should even out a bit once we stop the protocols.”

“And the sniffing?”

She cocked her head, perplexed.

“People seem to… like the way I smell. It’s kind of creepy. I think there’s some sort of pheromone thing going on. I don’t want to mess with people’s minds.”

“Gogo mentioned something, and I was looking into it.” She sighed. “That is one area where I borrowed from your brother. He always smelled great. A bit of him, plus the deodorant and hair product. But you still smell like yourself.”

“And thanks to you, I’m marinating in hormones. Even Aunt Cass noticed something.”

“Oh no.”

“I cannot express how much I do NOT want her sniffing around.”

“Hiro…” she began, but then she clammed up, chagrined.

And then, suddenly, they were in problem solving mode.

“As for the rest. Can we stop the protocols safely?”

“Yes, I think so. That will stop any further developments. The supplements should probably stay, they’re not the issue.”

“Is there any way to counteract the pheromones?”

“I hope so.”

“You HOPE so.”

“I’m going to try,” she replied. “Gogo already brought it up and I can tell that it’s been getting stronger just by how I react. It’s not like you stink or anything, or that it’s anything anyone actually can smell consciously. So we need to capture your sweat and….other things, so I can analyze.”


“You mind working up a sweat, and, well, producing some sexual fluids?” She produced some glassware to collect the samples, as well as a few swabs.

“Right here?”

Oh, that was tempting. But no.

“You can work up a sweat here, but for the other? Perhaps you can use the side room? Honestly,” she said, “it’s already starting to get to me.”

“Oh.” He looked a little guilty. “Um, I’ll be back in a few minutes, I guess.”
