Brandon flynn

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I personally don’t think they are. I haven’t seen anything to suggest that there is a romantic element to their friendship and Richard’s not wanting to comment on his personal life is also not a confirmation that they are dating. If it was two straight guys or two straight girls I doubt there would be as much speculation. I think until it is confirmed with actual proof I am inclined to believe they are nothing but friends.
Hmm idk...i ain't flying my ass to Scotland for a that seems like something you bring your family to...or...YOUR LOVER!
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So does anyone have any actual t on this dude. It seems as if he’s losing his friendships with almost all of his 13 Reasons cast mates. Clearly him and Tommy Dorfman don’t communicate anywhere near as much as they used to if at all anymore. Same goes for him and Alisha. I wonder if it has to do with how or why he fucked over Sam Smith (whatever he did). Did he fuck Madden while dating Sam? Did he cheat on him with his friend Kevin Rios? Did all this sudden fame go to his head? I mean so curious.
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So does anyone have any actual t on this dude. It seems as if he’s losing his friendships with almost all of his 13 Reasons cast mates. Clearly him and Tommy Dorfman don’t communicate anywhere near as much as they used to if at all anymore. Same goes for him and Alisha. I wonder if it has to do with how or why he fucked over Sam Smith (whatever he did). Did he fuck Madden while dating Sam? Did he cheat on him with his friend Kevin Rios? Did all this sudden fame go to his head? I mean so curious.

Just because they don’t advertise their friendship on Instagram doesn’t mean they don’t communicate, they could be in touch everyday and you would never know. I mean my closest and friends and I can go ages without seeing each other but are still talking by other means. Also did he fuck over Sam Smith? My understanding is it just wasn’t meant to be. They are both very busy with their careers and it can be hard to juggle job commitments and a busy schedule at the best of times, add distance in to that and well it is a sad fact that it was probably never going to work! Why look for something that isn’t there!
Just because they don’t advertise their friendship on Instagram doesn’t mean they don’t communicate, they could be in touch everyday and you would never know. I mean my closest and friends and I can go ages without seeing each other but are still talking by other means. Also did he fuck over Sam Smith? My understanding is it just wasn’t meant to be. They are both very busy with their careers and it can be hard to juggle job commitments and a busy schedule at the best of times, add distance in to that and well it is a sad fact that it was probably never going to work! Why look for something that isn’t there!

I asked because I’m curious and you’d have to be a damn fool to not notice the sudden change. And the fact he jumped from Sam to Madden in a matter of weeks it seemed like, odds are some shit went down. Is Sams new song and him unfollowing Richard Madden also just a coincidence? Doesn’t seem so.

And with the new season of 13 Reasons coming soon, I'm surprised only 3 of the entire group are on a press tour...I’m sure some of the others are working, but I just find it all odd that PR wouldn’t want them heavily promoting by posting and sharing things together. Unless they demanded not to. It’s all just interesting, so im seeing if anyone has any actual T
I asked because I’m curious and you’d have to be a damn fool to not notice the sudden change. And the fact he jumped from Sam to Madden in a matter of weeks it seemed like, odds are some shit went down. Is Sams new song and him unfollowing Richard Madden also just a coincidence? Doesn’t seem so.

And with the new season of 13 Reasons coming soon, I'm surprised only 3 of the entire group are on a press tour...I’m sure some of the others are working, but I just find it all odd that PR wouldn’t want them heavily promoting by posting and sharing things together. Unless they demanded not to. It’s all just interesting, so im seeing if anyone has any actual T

I don’t think it was a matter of weeks from Brandon and Sam splitting to Brandon and Richard hanging out. Also is Brandon not in London just now? So it is not like he can just pop round to the other cast members house for a selfie, I imagine they will all be together for a preview screening or a press junket as the air date gets closer! Really there is no evidence to suggest their break up was bitter or to do with Brandon cheating, it’s people thinking that a celebrities private lives are some kind of soap opera that fuels most of these rumours. I’d say if you haven’t heard what you want to hear by now, then you probably never will!
I asked because I’m curious and you’d have to be a damn fool to not notice the sudden change. And the fact he jumped from Sam to Madden in a matter of weeks it seemed like, odds are some shit went down. Is Sams new song and him unfollowing Richard Madden also just a coincidence? Doesn’t seem so.

And with the new season of 13 Reasons coming soon, I'm surprised only 3 of the entire group are on a press tour...I’m sure some of the others are working, but I just find it all odd that PR wouldn’t want them heavily promoting by posting and sharing things together. Unless they demanded not to. It’s all just interesting, so im seeing if anyone has any actual T
Sam and brandon broke up in september 2018 and brandon and Richard have been deen together since april or may 2019 , there a pretty long time beetwzen thèse two and not just weeks
I don’t think it was a matter of weeks from Brandon and Sam splitting to Brandon and Richard hanging out. Also is Brandon not in London just now? So it is not like he can just pop round to the other cast members house for a selfie, I imagine they will all be together for a preview screening or a press junket as the air date gets closer! Really there is no evidence to suggest their break up was bitter or to do with Brandon cheating, it’s people thinking that a celebrities private lives are some kind of soap opera that fuels most of these rumours. I’d say if you haven’t heard what you want to hear by now, then you probably never will!

There is evidence. Anyway, thanks y’all
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