Truly certain that nothing is ever gonna happen anytime soon with this boy, or any of the other tic-tok boys, y'all.

I was a sucker and spent some money on shit, some hot- stuffed or not, but whatever. He's gorgeous.

These guys are rich af for being "influencers", but until they get older and washed up, or get addicted to drugs, they wont be hurting for cash badly enough to show anything.

I'll still be checking this s though, just in case! :D
You know, i have always said this, so ill say it again. LPSG as a community has a HUGE following of people, further more, we actually have the availability to impact these things. If LPSG posts photos of an Influencer I like, i go subscribe and get their content. If LPSG warns me that its a trap, i dont. I un subscribed from Brandons free channel and never bought anything from him. That was thanks to the warnings I got here.. But someone Like Sam ledger I have bought many things from. So I say to you, we should be working together and NOT buying the scammers content. Same thing for all the DMCA complaints or whatever. If there is some samples of your product here, and i like it. Guess what LPSG is promoting your onlyfans and GIVING YOU MONEY. If you have zero content here, or your content is lack luster. Your loosing out, but that isnt LPSG's fault that is your lack of effort to provide what people want. Mods are fair, the site is really well run. You cant scroll thru onlyfans and find models you want or things you like off this tiny profile picture in the corner. To me LPSG is the amazon of onlyfans. It lets me browse the content Find whats worth paying for and then give them the money they earned. Sam has gotten Quite a bit of my money, so has onlyfans. They both have LPSG to thank.
Mark My Words! We will see his bare ass/dick one day. Maybe not soon, but one day...
Mark My Words! We will see his bare ass/dick one day. Maybe not soon, but one day...
This reminds me of George bush's speech that caused such a stir... Mark my words.. no new taxes.... it was totally false but.. it felt good hearing it.
Is he about to cry about a carton of eggs or wtf is that face
Yes.. its a long story but Brandon lives on a farm. IN the morning he is told to go do his chores before he can eat. This pisses him off so... while doing his chores he goes to feed the chickens, he kicks one of them in his anger but he does not feel any better. So he goes to feed the Pigs, he kicks one, still mad... so he goes to his final chore feeding the Cows. As he feeds the cows he kicks one and returns to the house for his breakfasts. His mom hands him a Dry bowl of Cereal. Brandon says mom what gives? Where is my bacon and eggs? She said well, I saw you kick the chicken so... No eggs for a week... and I saw you kick the Pig so no Bacon for a week. Brandon looked down a little annoyed he said well what about my Milk? She replied I saw you kick the cow too! Brandon was just about to loose it when his dad came down the stairs. The cat got in the way so he kicked it. Brandon looked at his mom and smiled... he said "Do you want to tell him... or should I?"