Relax keyboard warrior. Brandon isn't going to fuck you lol. The overwhelming majority of "influencers' that do onlyfans don't have a job because sugar daddies give them tons of money for content. So thats what my assumptions are based on :joy:
Unlike you I prefer to live in the real world, not a fantasy world where Brandon might fuck someone just for mentioning he might have a job. Not sure how that makes me a keyboard warrior.
Unlike you I prefer to live in the real world, not a fantasy world where Brandon might fuck someone just for mentioning he might have a job. Not sure how that makes me a keyboard warrior.
Yes the real world where Brandon is a graphic designer on the side of his onlyfans and his sugar daddies :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
Yes the real world where Brandon is a graphic designer on the side of his onlyfans and his sugar daddies :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
You both miss the point I tried to make and back it up. I don't know or care if he has a job. People like him curate a fantasy life in their Only Fans. A hot guy who spends his time having fun and spending money. Let the viewers fill in the rest with their own fantasy assumption. If say he was a graphic designer he would not likely highlight that on social media as it is not interesting and he may prefer to keep his professional life, no matter what it is separate from his social media life. He also would not highlight sugar daddies if he had any as that negatively effects the fantasy of a part of his audience.
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Bro working a 9-5 then comes home and shoves three socks into his drawers for that light bill :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
Fortunately he lives near Joey so they can swap cock sleeves and only have to buy one for photos.
Ok the dick bulges in the videos look real to me lol. I don’t think it’s stuffed at all. You can even see the head of his dick which is hot.
he has 200000% not only stuffed in most of his videos but most of his pics as well.. video has not loaded for me yet but I am gonna go out on a limb here and say he did... we shall see. not just stuffing either but whole ass fake bulge slip ons :joy:
he has 200000% not only stuffed in most of his videos but most of his pics as well.. video has not loaded for me yet but I am gonna go out on a limb here and say he did... we shall see. not just stuffing either but whole ass fake bulge slip ons :joy:
The slip on is what I was thinking. It is not at all floppy like a soft dick. It is rigid but not in a hard dick manner.