Colton underwood- american football player

He's hanging with Gus I think because they are doing a show together for Netflix I believe

That will be horrible. Honestly, absolutely vile.

It’s great he’s come out but it just stinks of Kevin Spacey vibes to me. He was a violent stalker and installing trackers on a woman’s car and now he’s gay we should forget that. Nah sorry. He went from being a trash stalker to being a gay trash stalker.
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The toxicity in this sub and on social media towards someone who literally was about to kill himself and was struggling with suicidal thoughts for the last year for what he did to Cassie and everyone affected by his behaviour is not bearable. It’s so easy for everyone to judge and keep beating him up over his mistakes but there’s gotta be a point where it’s enough. He has learned his lessons, I’m sure!
Oh please... this guy wouldn't want our acceptance, judging by the company he's keeping he wants to be a part of the gay celeb circles, that's it.

What do you expect him to do? Walk up to random gay guys on the street and ask them if they wanna be friends with him, or what? He’s a celebrity so obviously he’ll hang out with the celeb crowd..
He was recently accosted by paparazzi in New York. He looks so happy and free. You can tell a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.

He’s filming a Netflix series that documents his life as an out gay man. Are you guys planning on watching it?
Fuck no! I've been an openly, gay man my entire adult life and never went on a straight dating show before all that. I was always truthful no matter how hard life was. Never pretended to be straight, so where's my spotlight?!

How convenient he's already filming a show while making the rounds on news outlets about being gay. He and that other bland white gay can piss off!
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The toxicity in this sub and on social media towards someone who literally was about to kill himself and was struggling with suicidal thoughts for the last year for what he did to Cassie and everyone affected by his behaviour is not bearable. It’s so easy for everyone to judge and keep beating him up over his mistakes but there’s gotta be a point where it’s enough. He has learned his lessons, I’m sure!
He learned his lesson so much, he's already filming a Netflix show while the news is hot.

Kardashian 2.0
I’m so happy to see him come out. I’m a “traditionally masculine” guy and found it easy to blend in and have girlfriends and be completely miserable on the inside. His struggle resonates with mine. And if I was born 20-30 years earlier I can guarantee I would have married a woman, had children, and missed out on so much of the happiness I’ve experienced thanks to the men who came before me who were braver.

Certainly this isn’t any selfless heroic act, but I’d suspect his visibility will help steer other closeted guys toward being honest with themselves. If it lessens homophobia in any way, or saves some poor woman from a lifetime of being an unknowing beard, I think it’s a great thing.
What irks me is he was stalking his girlfriend so much she had to get legal injunctions against him. It was only 8 months ago. Her pain and experiences are basically inconsequential because it serves his narrative. It serves his book deals and tv shows.

I don’t want to masculine gay guys creating gay tv for straight audiences. I’d much prefer Cassie do a documentary about her experiences and helping others come through it. I’d much prefer that than some white muscular gay guy that I cannot relate to as a big f word femme gay.
That will be horrible. Honestly, absolutely vile.

It’s great he’s come out but it just stinks of Kevin Spacey vibes to me. He was a violent stalker and installing trackers on a woman’s car and now he’s gay we should forget that. Nah sorry. He went from being a trash stalker to being a gay trash stalker.
“Violent”?? That’s a strong word. I’d be careful what you say behind a veil of supposed anonymity.
I’m really curious how he managed to be in nfl locker rooms without getting hard.
Is this an issue if big concern? And believe it or not. Gay men are not horn dogs at the sight of any naked straight man? Shocker I know. Wtf lol
so you guys think simply because he's a virgin at ONLY 26 and because he doesn't like people who he went to school with putting his school and telling him he's a hot guy in the same sentence that he's gay...? righto then
He is gay tho right ?
Y’all are weird I wasn’t being cocky asking that question I genia lly want to know how he was able to take showers with naked players in the nfl locker rooms. Don’t get all bitchy about it.
Y’all are weird I wasn’t being cocky asking that question I genia lly want to know how he was able to take showers with naked players in the nfl locker rooms. Don’t get all bitchy about it.
Not cocky, ignorant perhaps. Millions of gay/bi/etc men have the ability to shower in front of other men and control our dicks.