Colton underwood- american football player

I’m glad he came to terms with his own sexuality, but are we all meant to congratulate and celebrate him now? He’s had some problematic behavior (tracking device, stalling ex) and profited off his “straightness” by appearing on 3 seasons of Bachelor franchise, writing a book saying he realized he wasn’t gay, plus his Instagram/influencer income. He admitted he struggled for years so why knowingly but yourself in the public realm so much and profit off of it?
Amen sister.
Good for him. I don’t watch The Bachelor and didn’t know who he was until his coming-out interview started trending on Twitter, but it’s obvious from the video that he was nervous as hell but also relieved. I hope this makes life easier for him and for others who are struggling with their identity and/or coming out.
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Do you guys think that some of you might be acting too angry and presumptuous?

There is no clear-cut path to coming out. Every single person is going to have vastly different experiences and struggles.

He had an extremely religious upbringing and was heavily involved in the sports world, a place rife with machismo and homophobia. You don’t have to be a psychologist to know that that will really mess with your head.

I am not claiming that he is perfect or anything. He has issues like everyone else.

I’m just saying that maybe more kindness and less judgement would be a good thing.

You guys can disregard this message if you wish.
Not even. They don't go on that show to find love they go on for the screen time. Mission accomplished. He could rip off a face mask at the end and reveal himself to be a lizard, it wouldn't matter. It's time well spent because everyone involved gets exactly what they came for.
In fact revealing himself to be a lizard would be super appreciated, since it bring ratings to the show and some notoriety by being associated with him. I’m sure most women don’t mind the press he’s getting coming out.
Do you guys think that some of you might be acting too angry and presumptuous?

There is no clear-cut path to coming out. Every single person is going to have vastly different experiences and struggles.

He had an extremely religious upbringing and was heavily involved in the sports world, a place rife with machismo and homophobia. You don’t have to be a psychologist to know that that will really mess with your head.

I am not claiming that he is perfect or anything. He has issues like everyone else.

I’m just saying that maybe more kindness and less judgement would be a good thing.

You guys can disregard this message if you wish.

Given that his relations with women are why he's known in the public sphere, choosing not to address that at all during his coming out interview is clearly a deliberate PR strategy since any genuine internal struggle with sexuality must involve the way he mistreated these women. That timed with the Netflix show announcement a mere hours later is such blatant manipulation I don't know why people are still demanding we treat this as some heartfelt, personal revelation.
Congrats to Colton on extending his 15 minutes of fame and finally graduating from that blank Grindr profile he’s been using to get dicked down in hotel rooms.

His new show is going to feature him dying his hair, painting a nail, and shedding a tear for the cameras before the season finale where he ends up dating that Queer Eye cooking twunk.

I’m going to wait and see what he does with his life before deciding if he’s a role model to the community. Too many gays are more than willing to welcome someone who hurts our causes just because he’s hot. We don’t need another Aaron Schock. And yeah, all the attention and praise he’s getting is a bit nauseating. Plenty of men struggle with who they are without going on a nationally broadcast dating show. He had options.

Genuinely baffled at some of you. Hurts “our causes”? The assumption that the gay community is some homogenous group that all thinks and feels and lives the same way is not conducive to any kind of progress. We can’t even welcome each other now? Get the fuck outta here.
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I was just about to type this. Thanks for having some empathy. If he is doing it for a cash grab and attention, so what? None of it really matters. I don't care for the special, so I won't watch it. But I do think he was struggling with himself for years and I pity him for that and I celebrate him coming to terms with himself

If anything, him coming out and receiving overwhelmingly positive reception means that it may make it easier for other people to come out. Especially for people who come from athletic and/or religious backgrounds.

That’s important.

We're far enough in our movement that not every coming out has to be celebrated as a great help to all closeted people. I'm obviously not saying that it's nothing big nowadays, but there are enough examples in this world we can choose not to be 100% forgiving about another pretty boy timing his coming out moment for the promotion of his show, while ignoring his checked past.

There are many underprivileged gay people living in genuine fear about their life and took great courage in coming out. How does choosing to shower praise on another famous, muscular, athletic man who is likely a criminal and knows he faces zero consequence from his truth tells the world about our community? How does that scared kid feel, only by becoming rich & famous can I be accepted? lol
Genuinely baffled at some of you. Hurts “our causes”? The assumption that the gay community is some homogenous group that all thinks and feels and lives the same way is not conducive to any kind of progress. We can’t even welcome each other now? Get the fuck outta here.
Just like you said the community is not homogeneous, some of us choose not to automatically welcome him to "heaven" & forgive all his "sins," none of which he addressed in his interview, even tho how can you come to terms with your sexuality without examining your past relationships?

In fact you are demanding uniformity by attacking those who called him out for using the coming-out moment for monetary gain (sold a show for it in fact).
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Since many predictions on this thread have come true, I'll make one today: some years later when he again lost relevance, he'll again make some grand announcement about his "updated" sexuality; bisexual, asexual are all possibilities, or maybe he'll be straight again. (God I hope my cynicism will be proven wrong)

And I didn't even pull this out of thin air, some lower-grade reality trash (which I can't remember the name of) pulled this by "coming out" as asexual and then few years later oops, turns out he likes sex after all.
Just like you said the community is not homogeneous, some of us choose not to automatically welcome him to "heaven" & forgive all his "sins," none of which he addressed in his interview, even tho how can you come to terms with your sexuality without examining your past relationships?

In fact you are demanding uniformity by attacking those who called him out for using the coming-out moment for monetary gain (sold a show for it in fact).

You are seriously doing the most right now. It was a 12 minute segment that broadcast THIS MORNING. You have no idea what he plans to continue to address. You have no idea what will be part of the Netflix series. It’s possible that’s in the cards, but you’re angry about a twelve minute clip on DAY ONE of this guy’s life as an out gay man. Some of y’all didn’t learn about grace in Sunday school, and man does it really show.
One wonders if all these gays would be so quick to forgive/forget his toxic/abusive behavior and welcome him with open arms if Colton were anything other than a moderately good looking white guy.
Michael Sam got crushed for coming out and there was absolutely no support for him. It was an act of collective failure from the gay community.
Genuinely baffled at some of you. Hurts “our causes”? The assumption that the gay community is some homogenous group that all thinks and feels and lives the same way is not conducive to any kind of progress. We can’t even welcome each other now? Get the fuck outta here.
I'm ready to welcome him. But as this day has gone on it really feels like this is all just a big publicity blitz for his new show. Glad he came out. Good for him. Welcome. Blah blah whatever. But it sure as f*ck would be nice if we could lift up authenticity and if the grifters would go away.
Some hot pics to tide you guys over:


https://pics.[Banned website link. Please report this.]/Colton-Underwood-Feet-4817801.jpg

https://pics.[Banned website link. Please report this.]/Colton-Underwood-Feet-3988222.jpg
Colton has gorgeous feet and legs too
Wow, after reading some of these comments, I'm kind of surprised and not surprised at the same time. He's white and attractive so it's made to be a big deal. I honestly feel as though coming out shouldn't be a thing anymore. Maybe back in the early 2000s, but eh, it's a trendy thing now. Which means it doesn't mean shit
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Wow, after reading some of these comments, I'm kind of surprised and not surprised at the same time. He's white and attractive so it's made to be a big deal. I honestly feel as though coming out shouldn't be a thing anymore. Maybe back in the early 2000s, but eh, it's a trendy thing now. Which means it doesn't mean shit
Coming towards his "truth" as a part of a marketing/advertisement for a show! : unamused:
I guess it’s a “big deal” because he was a Bachelor. Most dudes couldn’t care less about that show, but it’s still pretty popular. And being “out” is still a big personal step for many. It’s still a big social and political step depending on the person or their circumstances or their status. I’m not trying to rain on anyone being “out”. But this dude has been a mess and so much of what he’s done has been messy and problematic. That shit can’t be swept under the rug because he attached himself to “gay”. While even his “coming out” was only about self-promotion. He could have been tactful and cleaned some stuff up. Instead, it further made him look like a narcissistic, manipulative tool.

I do wish the dude luck or whatever. But I do hope the media doesn’t shower him with tons of love and praise and sustain his relevance. Let him fade.
I’m sure GLAAD is already tripping over their collective dicks to honor him.