Conor mcgregor

You're clearly just an attention whore trying to pick a fight. You're probably some vapid little shrew who sounds like Fran Drescher and LIVES for RuPaul's Drag Race. Go choke on a cock, whore.

What a vile way to talk to someone. And why are you giving a supposed "attention whore" what they want?
You're clearly just an attention whore trying to pick a fight. You're probably some vapid little shrew who sounds like Fran Drescher and LIVES for RuPaul's Drag Race. Go choke on a cock, whore.
Lmfao. I stated an opinion. Someone said I need to go to a city to see attractive men with beards I replied I've seen plenty of men with beards and none were attractive. Really it just seems like you got butt hurt and threw a temper tantrum
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Yup. He's wearing open-finger gloves.

Does that looks like a thumb to you
Lmfao. I stated an opinion. Someone said I need to go to a city to see attractive men with beards I replied I've seen plenty of men with beards and none were attractive. Really it just seems like you got butt hurt and threw a temper tantrum
Are you really laughing your fucking ass off? Do you crack yourself up like that often? I bet you think you're super funny. If someone doesn't like something, I totally fine with that - more for me. What I have a problem with are these gay men who think they are the queen bitch and can dehumanize other people for the way they look, and sit atop their throne deciding for everyone else what is "hot." You don't make the rules bitch, so sit down. I'm not into smooth guys with no body hair, but I'm not gonna be a cunt and walk around saying "hairless guys are disgusting" and shit like that, because its fucking rude and unnecessary. My personal preference doesn't need to become body shaming someone else.
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Are you really laughing your fucking ass off? Do you crack yourself up like that often? I bet you think you're super funny. If someone doesn't like something, I totally fine with that - more for me. What I have a problem with are these gay men who think they are the queen bitch and can dehumanize other people for the way they look, and sit atop their throne deciding for everyone else what is "hot." You don't make the rules bitch, so sit down. I'm not into smooth guys with no body hair, but I'm not gonna be a cunt and walk around saying "hairless guys are disgusting" and shit like that, because its fucking rude and unnecessary. My personal preference doesn't need to become body shaming someone else.

Again you seem more butt hurt than anything. Yes I am laughing my ass off but not because I think I'm funny. I think your sudden aggressive and over dramatic rant about me is funny. BTW I don't like smooth bodies either, I don't sit atop a thrown. I'm very comfortable on in my lawn chairs. Honestly you're very quick to judge people off of one opinion that differs from yours lol.
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Again you seem more butt hurt than anything. Yes I am laughing my ass off but not because I think I'm funny. I think your sudden aggressive and over dramatic rant about me is funny. BTW I don't like smooth bodies either, I don't sit atop a thrown. I'm very comfortable on in my lawn chairs. Honestly you're very quick to judge people off of one opinion that differs from yours lol.
Well, in the words of Margaret Cho - fuck you then.
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Are you really laughing your fucking ass off? Do you crack yourself up like that often? I bet you think you're super funny. If someone doesn't like something, I totally fine with that - more for me. What I have a problem with are these gay men who think they are the queen bitch and can dehumanize other people for the way they look, and sit atop their throne deciding for everyone else what is "hot." You don't make the rules bitch, so sit down. I'm not into smooth guys with no body hair, but I'm not gonna be a cunt and walk around saying "hairless guys are disgusting" and shit like that, because its fucking rude and unnecessary. My personal preference doesn't need to become body shaming someone else.
God you really are the arbitrator of everything aren't you
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God you really are the arbitrator of everything aren't you
The funny thing is, I usually am. In person, I'm really friendly and balanced, analytical and thoughtful. But the comments by some guys in this thread pissed me off, to point of acting like a 5 year old. You know why? Because one of the things that pushes my buttons faster than almost anything, is hypocrisy. Gay men are the worst in this area because they want things like "equality" and "acceptance" but then they turn around and shame everybody around them with hateful comments about their income, looks, weight, body hair, cock size, intelligence etc... Like they are the dictators of what is acceptable or sexy about other people's bodies. And you can't reason with them or criticize them in a mature manner - it doesn't work, so you might as well just devolve into "fuck you and die in a fire" I really have zero tolerance for guys like that. And to be clear, this isn't about Connor or beards or any one particular thing - it's about elitist arrogant attitudes.
The funny thing is, I usually am. In person, I'm really friendly and balanced, analytical and thoughtful. But the comments by some guys in this thread pissed me off, to point of acting like a 5 year old. You know why? Because one of the things that pushes my buttons faster than almost anything, is hypocrisy. Gay men are the worst in this area because they want things like "equality" and "acceptance" but then they turn around and shame everybody around them with hateful comments about their income, looks, weight, body hair, cock size, intelligence etc... Like they are the dictators of what is acceptable or sexy about other people's bodies. And you can't reason with them or criticize them in a mature manner - it doesn't work, so you might as well just devolve into "fuck you and die in a fire" I really have zero tolerance for guys like that. And to be clear, this isn't about Connor or beards or any one particular thing - it's about elitist arrogant attitudes.

Don't blame gay men for this, just because to you they are the ones most visibly displaying this behaviour. All sorts of people have the ability to be shallow. They're called cunts.
Don't blame gay men for this, just because to you they are the ones most visibly displaying this behaviour. All sorts of people have the ability to be shallow. They're called cunts.

Look, I don't have a problem with you. You haven't said anything to piss me off. But why are you judging me for my comments, and not them? Do you agree that what some of those guys were saying is extremely rude?
Don't blame gay men for this, just because to you they are the ones most visibly displaying this behaviour. All sorts of people have the ability to be shallow. They're called cunts.
Also, it's not about people being "shallow", I don't care about that. If you don't like something, fine fucking don't like it then. I'm saying don't say "hey you're an ugly worthless creep" because you have a beard. It's unnecessary and dehumanizing. That's all I'm saying.
Look, I don't have a problem with you. You haven't said anything to piss me off. But why are you judging me for my comments, and not them? Do you agree that what some of those guys were saying is extremely rude?

I don't have a problem with you. The comments about beards, although we're talking about personal preference, are a bit far fetched and ridiculous. And I don't agree. I like beards, I have one. And hopefully these people will learn to open their minds a bit, as most people do with age.

What I think is more harmful is generalising and associating a negative behaviour with gay men. We don't need this association. You're just referring to a small number of people in your experience.
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