Conor mcgregor

That's a funny looking bulge on Conor. It's like a pair of big balls without a(ny uncut) dick. Kinda apt...

Speaking as a fellow Irish man, I can say that like everything else with Conor, his bulge in those boxer briefs is a form of exaggeration (what isn't an exaggeration is his bank balance).

Conor's ego is the closet thing that Ireland has to Donald Trump.

Conor is very small in stature and his "bulge" looks to be proportionate. But if you wanna celebrate genuinely well-endowed Irish guys, look no further than Liam Neeson, Michael Fassbender, Collin Farrell, profile pics

* Incidentally, Conor in English translates as "strong-willed". Funny that ☺️
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The way he just confidently stands there in red briefs at that weigh in is such a turn on