Corrupt A Wish

Oh damn, why did you go and say that?

Ok....poof...wish granted.

Now you have lron clad data storage of every recording artist in history singing "Baby Shark" (in every possible language) filling your hippocampus to the brim.

As a nice parting gift you're at least granted the ability to understand every language so you get a full appreciation of how special the song really is.

Shock treatment, doo doo doo doo da doo!

I wish anytime someone was annoying me, I could have the ability to make them relive the most embarrassing moment in their life as a reminder of human frailty.
Wish granted, everyone gets thrown into limbo where they relive their most embarrassing moments as a punishment for annoying you. However, you too get caught up in your own ability because you are annoyed with yourself for getting annoyed so easily.

I wish for Earth to turn into a world like Wonderland!
Wish granted, but here comes the Red Queen looking directly at you and she looks pissed!

I wish i could retire today with adequate savings.
Wish granted, you are placed in a kayak in the middle of the ocean, and coins fall from the sky. You have 1 minute to catch as much coins as possible before time is up. Whatever you managed to save will be how much you will retire with.

I wish to own a fancy and luxurious hotel
Granted! But it is located on Saturn which is uninhabitable, and you can only admire it from afar.

I wish flying cars were available and I had one.
Wish granted. It is a new self-flying car that is being beta-tested by Amazon. What could go wrong?

I wish I could read my cats' minds and know what they are plotting.
Ah-ha! I knew my patent-pending Cat Reader™ would eventually come in handy.

*hits the on switch and twiddles some knobs, points Cat Reader™ at MotO's cat*

Ok, what have we got...?

*hisses, crackles, white noise and then the sound of birds and purring*

I think we're on the right channel... just some fine tuning... and...

<<What u lookin at?>>
<<Dis human idiot!>>
<<he act az if he no see cats tok all de time!>>
<<Oh, u suprised dat me canz tok?>>
<<Shouty human does crap jokes>>
<<U feed me now and me luv u long time>>

I, like any self-respecting Miss World contestant, wish for world peace
Granted! But.......... you will have to wait, as it doesn't happen until the year 6969.

I wish it would rain.
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Granted. But not within 1000km of your location till the end of your time.

I wish for half as much misfortune as I received last month and for you to receive one thousand times more.
Granted. But not within 1000km of your location till the end of your time.

I wish for half as much misfortune as I received last month and for you to receive one thousand times more.
DENIED. You may only wish for yourself and for it, you skip a turn.
I wish it would warm up temp outside wise to numbers close to my own age,
Your wish has been denied. No temperature can be raised to the point of resurrecting a corpse.

I wish there was a reset button for human evolution...Oh, hang on..............there it is :)
Your wish has been denied. No temperature can be raised to the point of resurrecting a corpse.

I wish there was a reset button for human evolution...Oh, hang on..............there it is :)
Your wish has been granted, but you now de evolve in every way possible to include your manhood, thus ensuring no possibility of procreation. Better off if you're from the 70's . Lol

I wish my bank account would swell and not my waist.
Your wish has been granted...with illegal funds from selling arms to ISIS and the Proud Boys. You enjoy your bank account value for about 11 days before the IRS and FBI knock on your door and take you away to Guantanamo.

I wish that the polar ice caps would stop melting due to climate change
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Wish granted. You have entered the Library of Infinite Self-Help. Shelves extend to the horizon in all directions. You pull off the nearest book. Its cover reads "Index to the Catalog of How-to Guides on Finding the Right Self Help Book. Volume CCLXIV"

I wish human lifespans were longer.
Your wish is granted, but only you will have a longer lifespan. That is, forever. You will outlive everyone on Planet Earth.

I wish for undeniable beauty.