Thought you didn't rebut any point I made, nor make any assertions contrary to my observations, I'm assuming that this response you wrote was an attempt to tangentially lead me into to a discussion past that of your original statements about sex and gender. And although you kinda went on a somewhat unintelligible and hard to follow rant about collectivism, you provided me with a response, so I shall endeavour to do the same.
Ironically from what I concluded from your statements, your contradicting yourself. Intersectionality is oppositional to collectivism, one is about taking an individual as they are and acknowledging the different forces that operate to oppress them, and how that oppression manifests. The other is about taking the individual out of the picture in order to think of the best interest of the collective, over that of the individual. ie - looking at person who is queer and a POC, recognising that they will face both queer-phobia and racism, and looking at how to best mitigate both with equal prejudice, as opposed to a collectivist approach which would say that in the queer community, the former is what needs to be dealt with as a higher priority as it affects the majority, and the latter only affects the minority within the minority and is less problematic and may not even even be actioned if enough of the queer community also harboured racist views.
Another example, which is also ironic in these circumstances, would be the fact that within the queer community if someones being homophobic the community will back them and demand action, where as if someone is being specifically transphobic, members of the community like yourself are like "well at least they aren't attacking me, better not get involved, might even join in the attack".
Also, historically minority groups have always banned together in an attempt to be a larger force, as to no succumb so easily to will of the majority. There has also always been infighting along these 'Intersection', but they were largely quashed, as to not disturb the advancement of the majority of the minority. Examples of this are seem globally in pushes for civil and political rights like the rights of Women and POC to vote, were you usually found that Women of Colour would be silenced for speaking out against aspects of the communities they identified within, as to not hinder the progression of the cause.
I'm an atheist so I don't have some random moralistic sky daddy telling me right from wrong. But I form my own morals and ideologies from what I experience, and the experience pervade to me from those around, especially those who identify within my communities as being queer and Indigenous, as I am (No, before you assume that I'm a some 'flamboyant black queen' [not that there is anything wrong with those fabulous bitches] who is offended by everything and only has my opinions to form my ideologies, I'm actually a formalistic/legalistic conservative, who is socially progressive, white passing, pansexual, and have multiple degrees
). I call the queers out if they are being racist, and I call other Indigenous People out if they are being queer-phobic. I don't believe that it degrades my position or identity within either community, in fact it strengthens them both.
This is all not to say that I don't believe you have the right to your own opinions (I'm even happy for you that you feel that sure about them you are ready to go to war on a porn forum over them against a majority you know don't agree with you), I just don't personally have much time for people who are complicit in the oppression of others, let alone those within their own communities for illogical reasons.