Curtis From Sean Cody Is Trans?

Oh my god people.

Curtis is a gay male character for a gay porn studio. Not a real identity. We all understand that right?

Whether he is in real life a straight male or a trans woman really does not matter, because Curtis the on-screen personality is a “gay male.” Until the day comes that he appears on camera and calls himself a trans female and prefers different pronouns... his character doesn’t change because of something someone uncovered on Grindr.

Unless you know and interact with “Nick” or “Nikki” in real life, then his/her preferred pronoun really doesn’t fucking matter to you now does it.

And while we’re concerned with respecting a trans person’s wishes, how about the fact that Nikki most certainly has not volunteered to be connected to SC Curtis on a forum, so if you’re worried about respecting her then maybe start with not violating her private life to begin with.
Curtis once posted on Waybig using his real name. His wife posted as well. This person's real identity has been known for nearly a decade.
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If it hasn't been mentioned before I'd like it to be said that in a documentary about gay for pay porn stars I think is on Amazon prime Nick said that even after his gay porn career is over he'd still have sex with men and that he hopes it's ok with his wife
Damn I was just wondering if this was real. Guys, no need to fight, I have 0 problems with him being a trans and do whatever he feels like. I don't give a fuck if you agree with his transitions or not and there is no need to judge there is already enough judgement in our community.
Gender is also a biological fact.

Statement critique: ".. sex and gender are bullshit social constructs ..." and " Intersectionalism is pure political bullshit "

Sex is not a social construct because it is a biological fact, and is not something that is/can be defined differently depending upon abject social criteria.

Gender on the other hand is a social construct as we as a society developed and assigned social, and biological attributes to ideologies of gendered characteristics and roles. An example of this is how most cultures globally recognise multiple gender identities, which attribute the same characteristics to different gendered identities.

Intersectionalism, is simply a way of identifying the compounding impact of multiple social forces on an individual or group, for the purpose of decreeing a more holistic understanding said impact. Maybe if you took a more intersectional view of intersectionality you would be in a better position to analyse its relevance in these types of discussions ;)

NB, if your talking about @Cdkcdk92 I wholeheartedly agree with your statement about his " remarkable set of abs, an oversized and uncut dick "[/QUOTE
I swear...every day, a cis man, a white man, a gay man, or some combination of thevthree makes me ashamed to be a cis white gay man. I swear, not all of us are ignorant, transphobic shitbags.

I suppose it helps when you learn that people in your personal life are tras, and have to actually deal with the realities of that, but shouldn't REQUIRE personal involvement to be a halfway decent, compassionate human being. Whether you 'approve of', 'believe in' or whatever other phobic excuse you come up with to deny their humanity, trans people are human being first, and trans people second.

What matters is what's in the heart, not what's between the legs.

That said, I admit that sometimes, I struggle, because I am older, with some things. Like when I see trans models getting threads on a site called 'large penis support group dot org'...but hey. A handsome man is a handsome man, with or without a penis. I wouldn't kick a hot Marine whose junk got shredded by an IED out of my bed, so why would I kick a hot guy who was unfortunately born with the wrong genitals out of bed...? If I love or am attracted to the person, we'll make it work.



And a
This thread has become young gays/queers educating older (white) gays. Transphobia is not welcome in our generation. Respect and acceptance is attractive. Times up older gays !!
There's a few of us older queers who remember when things were hard for us. We remember that the rhetorical tactics used now against trans folks are the same tactics used sgainst trans people. We remember our calls that 'love is love!', and how 'respectable' queers snubbed us, sniffed at us, turned us away for being 'too loud' or 'too in people's faces'. We remember that it was BEING loud and GETTING in peoples faces that got us recognition as humans. Got us a government that finally addressed HIV/AIDS. It wasn't the queers content with hiding, or those who clung to old modes of existence who got us progress, it was young, loud, 'rude' queers. It was trans women of color. It was people who looked at the world and said, 'this can be better, and better is worth fighting for.'

Therehave always been shitty, older, gatekeeping queers who rail against any sort of social progress that doesn't directly benefit them. I'm just glad to see that there are also young firebrands not willing to take 'good enough' as enough.
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...And cuming for daddy.


Oh the memories don snatched my wig and everything.

What scene is that of him cumming without hands?
I feel like maybe him and his wife are over... if the wife was even real in the first place. But if this whole "Nikki" thing is real, kinda ruins the straight guy fantasy SC wants, so SC might drop him
Went through his Facebook, wow is rednecky and massive trump supporter ( how you can be when your a gay porn star I don’t get?) but theres no evidence he’s transitioning, though this could be the first private stages of a transition.