Seriously? In this weird culture we live in, if somebody gets accused of sexual assault then everybody instantly attacks them like they are the scum of humanity, without even knowing the full story. There's been more than enough cases of somebody crying sexual assault and then it turns out they were trying to screw somebody over. Yes, r*ape sucks, but allegations like this ruin people's lives, even when they are found to be innocent.
I reserve judgement until we have the facts straight. Wild speculation is going to get us nowhere.
I agree that's what i was somewhat saying, we need to be objective appraoching this. With the intention of being objective, have either of you watched the entire video? I'll break it down to provide perspective. This is also the second time he has been accused of sexual assualt but i'll get into that later.
It is beyond bizaree to send someone a cease and disist letter on a video about sexual assualt when you are neither named, implied or even associated with said assault. Would you sue someone making a claim about sexual assualt who neither named, implied or said it was you at all? Because that's what Daniel did. He sued the alledged victim for defamtion for this video
; where she was neither explicit or detailed a specific person other than a vague and unknown male "friend" of hers. In her most recent video,
, she actually goes into detail providing a timeline of events and background which corroborate the timing of everything includuing the timing between the video being posted and the cease and desisit letter being sent. Moreover, she also claims she is in contact with another woman who was sexually assulated by the vague male friend (Daniel) seven years prior.
Daneil and the alleged victim had a friendship where he would emotionally cross the boundaries of said friendship and discuss intimiate details about his relationships and issus according to the alleged victim who provided some insight into this (texts, phonecalls and more). Moreover, she repeatedly informed daniel that they were strictly friends and she did not want a relationship further than that. She alleges that she informed him she would be micro dosing (she shows text messages), and asks her if he could bring coffee to sober her up before he came, he acknowledges this and asks her how high she will be by the time he arrives. She detailed her alleged sexual assualt in the video - he arrived in vegas and was in her room around midnight, she was intoxicated by the drugs she has taken and had repeatedly asked Daniel if they could talk in the mourning rather than at then and there. Daniel proceeded, allegedly by the victim, to put his tongue down her throat, stick his penis in her saying "just the tip", and sexually molest her whislt refusing to leave the room.
After the assault occurs, she reaches out to his fiance, Kayla, to inform her of not only the assault but the inappropriate friendship that the alleged vicitm and Daniel had been engaged in. Kayla, wishing for clarity, responds asking for specifics into what exactly occrued between Daniel and the alleged vicitm over the course of two years. The alleged victim had taken time prior to this to write down and express her feelings and details of the assualt totalling six pages and sent it to Kayla. Kayla, responds claiming she has heard both sides of the story (from Daneil and the alleged victim) and come to the conclusion that both Daniel and the alleged victim are disgusting people for what is implied to be cheating. However, the alleged victim is stating that he had sexually assualted her, and she had always, made it abundantly clear that she and daniel were strictly friends.
Daniel get's into contact with the alleged victim and confess that he will always be a cheater, but also profusely apologises to the alleged victim stating that she "didnt deserve this", and his partner "deserved to know" and that he had "fucked up,[and] started like the voices in [his]head". As we are being objective, it must be stated that the rest of the conversation is phased out so Daniel could either be talking about the alleged rape or cheating in general. The next pieces of presented evidence are various texts between the two after the revelation to the partner, in those, both the alleged victim and Daniel exhacnge pleasatries where Daniel appears to still be apologetic and open to discussing the sitation that occured. They had various calls to settle things between the two and seemed to be outwardly civil up unti the vague video the alleged victim made in june.
Seven weeks after the video was made, she receieved a cease and desist letter from daneil's lawyers who made claim "the statements [made] in these videos are highly defamatory and subject you to a claim of libel per se and invasion of privacy"; it must be stated again that the alleged victim, prior to her mosr recent video, neither implied, associated or even had people assuming it was the now openly accused Daniel Greene of sexual assault. Moreover, as stated earlier, this is the second time he had been accused of sexual assualt, the alleged victim also has texts and conversations between the two where daniel states that he would litigate the claims in an attempt to bury them.
Thats everything sort of summed up in an objective way. We need to hear his response, but i would like to discuss why he would sue someone for demation over a sexual assault claim when said person neither implied or made it publically known (prior to this video) of said claim ? The video he is suing her for was so vague and without detail that it is strange he would believe that the claim was even about him or implied ot be about him. Especially so if he is claiming he is not a rapist. Again, the burning question is why he would sue someone for defamation of sexual assualt if said person did not make the accused indiviual knoable to the public AND if you know you are not a rapist. Bizaree and damning.