Daniel Radcliffe

Uncle Ted keeps being re-elected because he has long been #1 in the senate in bringing home the pork, we are soooo proud of the distinction of getting way more than our fair share, we call them tedbucks. I don't remember the exact amount offhand, He appropriated several hundred thousand for the construction of 1 bus stop, it is going to be a verrry nice bus stop. And several hundred million for our 2 famous 'bridges to nowhere'. He makes sure base closures happen only in other people's states. He is a very important factor in the state's economy.

Teddy threatened to resign if money for the bridges to nowhere was sent instead to help victims of Katrina. What an ass...
Uncut. We couldn't really see his nuts from that distance but it was definitely a man's body. Those who are worried about the harry potter thing need not worry, he's grown up a lot since then.
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Isn't the problem here "does the audience own the actor?" In America, when actor Jimmy Stewart tried to shirk his "Everyman, good-guy" persona by being the heavy in several films, it just didn't fly.
I'm afraid that Radcliff is typecast, just was Christopher Reeve (as Superman). But it's his own business that he wants to break out and be an adult. I personally don't think it's good judgement. No matter how rebellious he is -- and he has the right to take his career anywhere he wants to -- he still must remember that he is a role model, whether he likes it or not. He should have thought of that before he made the first Harry Potter movie. I just hope he's not underhung, then no one would think he's no longer a boy. Dennis
He's obviously enjoying the attention

He is ALL over the NEWS!!!

You are right though denis11.." He is messing up BIG time doing this.." It IS sad THAT NOW DAYS kids WANT TO BE so GROWN up.." When I was younger I looked up to my OLDER family members and I also liked a FEW singers. But, I wanted to be like my big brother. That was my true role model..." But, kids are so LOST these days.." They see thie crap on the T.V.." B-Spears with NO UNDIES..." Paris. Hiltion or what ever.. being a huge SLUT making PORN movies and selling them on the NET.." Basketball players raping young college sluts then getting away with it.." DAMN I am glad that I am NOT a child in this day in age...."
I speculate that Radcliffe naively took advice from some rather insular people in theatre circles. They probably gave advice such as, "to be a real actor, you must perform on the theatre, take on serious roles, be an environment where you can't 'redo' a scene". Over the past 20+ years, it's been typical of the hard core theatre types - playrwrights and dramatists - to shock bourgeious convention. Nudity on the stage has become commonplace as a result.

I don't have problems with nudity on the stage, but such advice is utter crap as far as Daniel Radcliffe and his career as "Harry Potter" is concerned. His persona no longer works: psycho stableboy at one moment, innocent pre-teen wizard at the next. He could have found some transitional role to play where his personal could mature to a "young man" yet retained a semblance of innocence.

I know a counter-example of a character from Harry Potter who did make a balanced transition: Moaning Mrtyle. Do you remember the former Hogwart's student, turned ghost who has a crush on Harry and visits him in the school bathrooms? I saw her on an episode of Dr. Who with the 10th doctor (Tennant). She had the same high-pitched, squeally voice as Moaning Mrytle did in the Harry Potter movies, yet she played a girl/victim of ~age 19 with a love interest in Dr. Who. I know that the director of Dr. Who was winking to the audience - "yes, this is Moaning Mrytle" - but she's all grown up now. She's no longer in pigtails, and she has a boyfriend in this episode. I believe this actress has made and will make a series of "transitional" acting roles that will preserve her past as a Harry Potter character and will allow her to be an adult in the future.
There's an excellent article and interview with Daniel Radcliffe in the London Daily Mail, if I remember correctly, which is easily found with a Google search.

His manager and business guide is his father if you wonder who he listens to. Reading his answers to questions, he gives every indication of being a really well grounded lad, level headed, with his nose on the wind screen as it were.

The nude scene in Equus is a very small, brief, part of the play, a serious work which deals with a very dark, complicated, subject. If he were any other actor, other than Harry Potter his self, there'd be no where near the interest in his bits, something which you could glimpse if you were around him when he puts on his swimming costume at the beach, like anyone else in Europe. I guess to us, at least here in the Netherlands, someone going starkers isn't all that big a deal, it can be seen on TV. Everyone who wants to see his bits will, they'll see he's a male, and they'll move on to something else. Certainly not a career ender over here or something to get one's kit in a twist over.

He obviously wants to do a smashing job as an actor and explained going briefly starkers is what the part calls for - that he's not ashamed to have his kit off for it. I really hope he is brilliant in the part. He's obviously, from the interview, a very nice and hard working lad.

God knows, he'll never need to do anything for money again, he's already banked a considerable fortune in the millions of pounds for his Harry Potter work. Good on you, Daniel.
I don't think we're supposed to post that pic on here -- he's not 18 yet.

Yep. There were extensive posts with the moderators position on how LPSG should treat the legal risks of such an image, according to US law. There is an acknowledgement of different cultural perpectives about adolescent nudity, but the site has to be careful to obey US law since this site is hotsed by an American service provider.

It would probably be helpful NOT to comment about the photo publicly, either.