Since the LaVercombe GIFs are basically hidden among a LOT of other distracting images on that thread I linked to, here they are, by themselves.
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The film is "Violation" and it was an indie darling last year, which seems to be exactly where David is doing his best work right now. That film was a revenge fantasy/thriller, but truly a psychodrama about the scars of sexual assault on a woman and the long revenge she plots on her brother-in-law, who has never shown any sign he even thinks he assaulted her. She uses that cluelessness to get him as trusting, literally naked, vulnerable, and distracted as possible and then makes her move.
The realism of his arousal and clueless excitement made the scene so uncomfortably tense as he "got himself ready" unaware she was only saying the right things, but in reality was coldy prepping her revenge, about to hurt him at any moment. It felt like you were peeking in on a real man, unable to warn him, and unsure if you even would want to, given what he'd done. Absolutely top notch creative choice that 100% served the film and made it better than it would have been alone.
I could totally see David doing something like this. I suspect he'd just need to believe in whatever the story or art piece was trying to do.
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