Davy muscle

He has a fascinating insta story today.l, where he talks about women posing in underwear and should save it for their man and how in the 1800's women would show their ankle. He also said he used to show his bulge in underwear pics and glad he woke up and doesn't do that anymore. Sounded a bit mysoginistic but it was entertainment. I don't remember an underwear pic recently.
She’s modest and only sharing it with her husband.
He looks good in white leggings

Dumb as a bag or rocks, medicore dick and from these pics, looks like his hair is receding too. Maybe it's a good thing him and his wife, who is more of an alpha than hs is and probably fucks him in the amazon position, haven't breeded yet. Wouldn't want to pass on those less than stellar genes.
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Davy's no saint. He's getting dragged because he put both feet in his mouth and exposed his asshole. An easy access point for a hookup.

Anyways, if you like his personality good for you. If you like his body, good for you. Enjoy them both as they fade away.

Nude pics and videos are always welcome. Please don't hesitate to share.
Im actually really shocked. After YEARS of nothing coming out, people are coming here and just releasing all this shit lol. But it begs the question, did he send them to someone else and cheat on his wife....or did he just get hacked
Im actually really shocked. After YEARS of nothing coming out, people are coming here and just releasing all this shit lol. But it begs the question, did he send them to someone else and cheat on his wife....or did he just get hacked
Probably a bit of Column A and a bit of Column B