Dean Withers / itsdeaann

Sarcasm or not it’s still a true statement
Girl you know, I just don't think anyone is in a position to exercise tones of moral condescension on a forum called 'Large Penis Support Group' that reinforces some of the most toxic and predatory corporeal behaviours prevalent to the gay community... Dean's allyship (whatever the hell that means) or casual slip of no-no words is neither important nor interesting on a thread literally dedicated to creeping on his hardbody and bulge 😹 Go to bluesky if you want to police the language of political pundits or arbitrate what a gay man should or shouldn't fetishise in another man... In other words, get real and lighten the heck up!
Why couldn’t the leaked sex tape have been Destiny sucking off Dean instead of that walking pile of guano, Nick Fuentes??? I mean a lot of us called Nick being gay a while ago and then we did find out he’s had boyfriends before but cmon!
Unlike a lot of ignorant white people that get canceled, he’s literally doing the work EVERY SINGLE DAY online, deconstructing bigotry and helping these ignorant trump supporters expose themselves for how absolutely racist and disgusting they are in front of hundreds and thousands of people on these live streaming platforms. I’ve watched him change so many people’s minds on this upcoming election.

The phrase “it takes one to know one” works so well in his favor. He knows what’s it’s like to grow up in a conservative republican household and he knows what’s it’s like to educate yourself and grow from the bigotry that you’re taught and grow up around.

Now with that being said, I wanna suck his dick off the bone and put my tongue in his ass.
When did he apologize