Dean Withers / itsdeaann

I always thought that he was rude with all of his followers and the way he creates content by only speaking to Trump supporters it felt like he was campaigning for Trump in a way. He was entitled as fuck and he only cared about having followers and making money so I always knew he was fake and I'm sorry but I was also 15 an 20 and I never said a thing like that about gay people or black people but I really think fooled everyone.
He said nothing about black and gay community are you serious☠️
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Can y'all move your wining n bitching else where? There are threads with real racists and homophobes with less complaining.

Most of us are here for appreciating how pretty he is and not viewing him with a lens of character purity and perfection, but only thru the lens of how hot he is.

On a different note, someone on Twitter was selling his nudes. Does anyone know his nudes are out there?
Someone on Twitter is always claiming to sell nudes of the popular guy of the moment. They are easy scams because horny gay men are dumb and easily conned.