I've decided to write to the Royal Thai, Cambodian and the other consulates of neighbouring countries of our region here in Brisbane regarding their beliefs and understandings of the word Oriental.
After discussing it with a couple of mates from the Southeast Asia region, to which the word deals with, who were a little bemused by my questions
The guys seemed to be more offended being cast under the umbrella of Asian. All of theirs and those of their neighbours are ancient cultures, each with their similarities, but also each with their fierce independence. Which led to other discussion about history, how each culture evolved, spiritual stuff etc.
Overall they saw the word "Asian" by itself refer more to the China mainland. They understood the meaning of the word Oriental and did not find it offensive. Yes, it is hearsay, hence why I am writing to the consulates, (when I get the time, to gain a written response). I myself do not wish to continue to be offensive if this is the case.
Yes, I see where the law has been changed in the US. But the word Oriental was never ever taught here to be offensive in any way at any time, it is an old term, yes.
During my search through the meanings and origins of these couple of words, it was interesting to discover the word "Asia", invented by the Greeks, was used to describe their enemies to the East. Also, during the "European era of expansionism and technical superiority, Europeans virtually invented the catch-all-term "Asians". "The term started with negative connotation, and still has it"
http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/geography/geo_whatis.html The link is dated but mainly deals with historical facts, events and language. Not current events.
Yes I do see many of the countries in Asia as exotic and mysterious. Ancient culture usually is. Like here in Aus we have our Indigenous culture full of mystery and dreamtime. Much of my close, and extended family has Indigenous heritage.
I decided to write to the consulates because it can go down a rabbit hole in forums. When I receive replies, if I do, I am sure I will. I will post them here whether in favour or against. This is what consulates are for I spose.