No. I think they should have a separate league.
I also think that their “corrective” surgeries should not be funded through the taxpayer via the military.
Ok thread derailment time1 : 36 - men : women, ratio for post divorce alimony. Hmmm.
1.One personally in my life...sexual harrassment cases are rare....and in my experences usually the person being complained against is overtly creepy and lacking in social skills to realize to cease and desist .....and often result in moving offending party to different shift......Hmm. Fair treatment of women. Please prove that women are not treated the same or better than men. Women can make any harassment or sexual claim against men and that man's life is ruined whether convicted or not.
Better treatment in the sciences?? Huh?
Also, if you are not up to speed on the wage gap myth, all of this is moot, anyways.
Redirect Notice
Is that a still from True Facts About Koalas? I love the ending theme about koalas in the rain.
Is that a still from True Facts About Koalas? I love the ending theme about koalas in the rain.
Still looks more sexually appealing than any transgender lmao
Is that a still from True Facts About Koalas? I love the ending theme about koalas in the rain.
Nah, that one was good too, but this one's about involuntarily celibate koala bears.
Ah yes. The “anyone who disagrees is a Nazis/fascist/sexist/racist etc etc”. Incel is yet another tired buzzword.
You make it so obvious that you hate everyone because your sad penis gets no play from anyone you want to have play with it.
#Sad! #Weak!
Hahahaha there’s some obvious projection going on here
And lie all you want. If me (or any woman on this site) offered you sex you would shit yourself with excitement.
Hahahahahahahahaha you’re seriously over-valuing yourself and the women on these boards right now.
I’m bi. Even if all the worlds women disappeared tomorrow, I’d still have blokes to go with. You have no power over guys like me and it pisses you off.
Cool beans then. Enjoy not getting fucked by anyone who respects themselves.
What pisses me off has nothing to do with control. If you never fuck another woman the rest of your life I will applaud you. No possible reproduction from you? Wonderful.
Troll along now, bigot.
You say you respect yourself, but you just hypothetically pimped yourself out to form a shitty argument.
I’m not the one who’s being intolerant to others. You are, bigot.
Nope. Twist words all you want.... The bigot here is you. You made that very obvious. Own it, buddy.
Nope. Any impartial person who reads this thread will be able to see otherwise.
Says the guy who posted that a koala is more attractive than transgendered individuals... Da fuck ever bigot.
Oh lol I actually posted that? I thought I deleted it before I hit send.
On second thought, where’s the lie though?