Does Real love in the gay community exist in 2024?

I can see the logic of Open Relationships in that I would never want to be an obstacle or restrain to the happiness of someone I love. But this also entails that you perceive monogamy as some sort of prison. I think Monogamy in its purest form is very liberating.

It's like sobriety. Sobriety can be a holy experience. So monogamy can even be spiritual. You transcend desire. You are not monogamous for your partner, you are monogamous for yourself and they are monogamous for themselves. If you understand monogamy you won't even need discipline to practice it.

The thing is you can't force yourself to be monogamous for another person, before you master yourself. You will eventually feel tethered like animal.

Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with promiscuity, but still feeling the need to be promiscuous in a relationship just sounds bestial to me. As in someone that cannot fully master their urges. Especially if you seek out these extramarital encounters separately instead of together.
And, indeed, they can't, or won't, fully master their urges so rather than admitting a weakness of will and moral character, proponents of open relationships will rationalize their weakness in a myriad of ways.
And, indeed, they can't, or won't, fully master their urges so rather than admitting a weakness of will and moral character, proponents of open relationships will rationalize their weakness in a myriad of ways.

Are you saying that open relationships are a failure of character, not a decision that two consenting adults make together? Monogamy and open relationships are based on the choices you make with someone. Infidelity is a choice you make on your own and tends to be a personal failure. Open relationships don't necessarily imply promiscuity. I've had one hookup this year. Where does one cross the line and become a weak-willed slut who has abdicated control of his life to his genitals? Doesn't that sound just a little ridiculous?
Are you saying that open relationships are a failure of character, not a decision that two consenting adults make together? Monogamy and open relationships are based on the choices you make with someone. Infidelity is a choice you make on your own and tends to be a personal failure. Open relationships don't necessarily imply promiscuity. I've had one hookup this year. Where does one cross the line and become a weak-willed slut who has abdicated control of his life to his genitals? Doesn't that sound just a little ridiculous?
Tbh that’s what most open relationships are . So some people would assume .
Are you saying that open relationships are a failure of character, not a decision that two consenting adults make together? Monogamy and open relationships are based on the choices you make with someone. Infidelity is a choice you make on your own and tends to be a personal failure. Open relationships don't necessarily imply promiscuity. I've had one hookup this year. Where does one cross the line and become a weak-willed slut who has abdicated control of his life to his genitals? Doesn't that sound just a little ridiculous?
Yes, I am, when in the context of a marriage. If in the case of two consenting married adults, then it is a failure of character on both accounts. You didn't think I would stand by my answer, for fear of your judgment, did you? Well, I did.
Yes, I am, when in the context of a marriage. If in the case of two consenting married adults, then it is a failure of character on both accounts. You didn't think I would stand by my answer, for fear of your judgment, did you? Well, I did.

I was asking for clarification of your opinion, but I wasn't the one passing judgment.
I think monogamy works when both people desire monogamy, and doesn't work when people don't desire monogamy. No one is "wrong," people just want different things. I will say, I desired monogamy and finding a partner that did as well was hard. Especially knowing that I wanted someone who matched my other life values as well. I don't want to be single because I hate dating and don't like hookups. I don't think I'm like, brainwashed, I just want someone who wants to be boring with me 😂
I was asking for clarification of your opinion, but I wasn't the one passing judgment.
You say, "passing judgment" like it was a bad thing. It is not. It is a necessary and frequent thing we all do in the normal course of life and an indispensable ingredient for integrity and conviction of opinion. So here's another judgment for all you non-judger's to chew on: those who refuse to pass judgment lack integrity and conviction.
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Oh, self-righteous, too, how exciting. Opinions are based on, as you said, judgments, also personal points of view, morals, or inconclusive statements. Your personal opinion is that people who have open relationships or marriages are weak of character, sluts, and their lives are controlled by their dicks. Here are some irrefutable truths and a little judgment. You don't know me. You don't know my character or values and are not a party to my marriage. You have an opinion on someone and something you don't know anything about; therefore, said opinion is irrelevant to me. Do carry on.
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Oh, self-righteous, too, how exciting. Opinions are based on, as you said, judgments, also personal points of view, morals, or inconclusive statements. Your personal opinion is that people who have open relationships or marriages are weak of character, sluts, and their lives are controlled by their dicks. Here are some irrefutable truths and a little judgment. You don't know me. You don't know my character or values and are not a party to my marriage. You have an opinion on someone and something you don't know anything about; therefore, said opinion is irrelevant to me. Do carry on.
Your representation of my opinion is inaccurate, displaying your bias. I did not use the word "slut" (or any implication of the word) and I did not say "lives are controlled by their dicks. You said that. I said, "If in the case of two consenting married adults, then it is a failure of character on both accounts." If you're going to object to an opinion contrary to your own, at least represent that contrary opinion accurately rather than creating a straw man that doesn't exist that you can attack.
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