- jkc,
Comparing Allerton to a life-size mannequin isn't too far off. I think people are responding to the intentionally impenetrable characterization of Eugene. I was initially frustrated during the first act because I could not peg him down. I had no idea what he wanted or how he genuinely felt about Lee, but as the story unfolded it became clear to me how spiritually empty he was. When he says he's disembodied, it's true. He has no sense of self.Can you please elaborate on these 'almost imperceptible moments' cause I thought he could've been swapped out with a life-size mannequin and we would've gotten a similar performance.
That being said, the only way this character works is if he's alluring. The Southern lilt of his voice, the disarming smile, and his beauty are all believable, if not ultimately superficial, reasons why Lee keeps yearning for this toxic relationship. I think Allerton enjoys the attention and the sex, but can't be honest enough with himself to return Lee's affection. I thought Drew did an admirable job embodying all of this, and is especially heartbreaking his final scene with Leslie Manville when she implies how close he was to self actualizing during his ayahuasca trip.
The film is fucking weird though, so I can understand it not resonating with everyone, but after watching it and mulling it over tonight, that's how it struck me.