Dylan geick

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why the fuck are people so interested in his personal goddamn life.....he can do whatever he wants in his personal life...i just wanna see some shirtless pics...i come here to enjoy his body not pass judgement on his life....some of you are legit stalkers digging up dirt on strangers and judging them...how would you like if someone put all your personal life on some forums and started trashing you without giving you the benefit of the doubt or a place on the table...you all are really fucked up...talk about what he has made public not his personal stuff....respect his goddamn privacy you guys
He (Johnny) literally makes tiktoks making fun of himself on how he’s a drug addict and he posted a video of his grade book with all his grades being under a 70. video was deleted by him (don’t know why he’d take pride in that?) if it pops up again I’ll post it in here.

The thing about this is, Dylan used to make fun of Jackson Kreioch’s ex Aaron Fuller on YouTube for dropping out of highschool and having bad grades but he ended up dropping out of college and started dating highschool dropouts himself????? Make it make sense. Dylan has a very weird, shitty personality.

Dylan just wants a good time in his 48 days before Army. That is all.

It does seem that although Johnny turned 18 in April, he was a sophomore in high school last year. I guess he may have dropped out. Well I hope he has a good time with Dylan, but after 2 months that's where it probably will end. Just hope he understands that.
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This guys living the dream, he’s good looking, fit, getting laid, travelling lots, appears to have money, damn, he’s living my dream life, and he just doesn’t appear to a a fuck what anyone else thinks, and why should he car? He’s smashing life, bet he won’t have many regrets for things he didn’t do when he’s 50 or 60, so many jealous people on here but I bet if they had the same opportunities they would all be doing that same
Actually it’s the opposite. Remember we only see what he post on social media and allows us to see.
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Dylan has not had much contact with the sugar daddies lately and the main sugar daddy Anthony Watson cut him off.

I'm kind of expecting Dylan to make a turn at his fathers place in the US Virgin Islands before he goes to army. One snap he mentioned "Beach body ready"
Maybe Dylan decided to take some entertainment with him?
Why did Anthony cut him off?
Called it.
Yeah he wants "privacy". 5th public IG post today with locations.
I find it odd that he's taking someone he just met to his father's place, but that seems to be Dylan.

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This is a guy who took a drug addict bareback pornstar to his big New York Times photoshoot merely hours after his bf left town. I doubt the bed he shared with Jackson had cooled down before he and Joey Mills jumped into it to have sex.

So him taking a high schooler to his father's villa isn't really a big deal to him:joy:
Why did Anthony cut him off?

It had to do with boycotts of companies who's owners where antigay.
Dylan supported the boycotts of Beverly Hills Hotel and Equinox gym by then. So did Glaad the organisation Anthony is a board member of.
I think Dylan privately called Anthony out the day Anthony checked into Beverly Hills hotel and Anthony blocked him on IG. Days later Anthony posted an angry post about influencers supporting the Equinox boycott.

Weeks later Anthony posted on IG supporting the Chick-fil-A boycott. So it seems Anthony only supports boycotts of places he doesn't want to go to.
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tbf to Dylan that twink is pretty. i'd probably do goofy shit to get in his guts too.
I agree he's very pretty. I actually don't have any beef with Dylan and Johnny boy as a couple. He's of legal age. Dylan does have a type though doesn't he Johnny, Joey Mills, Chase Hudson.
You people are something else. 134 pages of gossip and judgment on a person you have never met and most likely never will. I’ve shared a few thoughts on him based on cursory observations, but some of you people act like you have direct insight into his life.
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