Dylan geick

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It's still doesn't explain why Dylan did what he did? He's relied on this Anthony guy for money and expensive travel for 2 years now and he just pissed it all away all of a sudden to make a point?

I think Dylan just thought his opinion had more influence and was shocked when Anthony just cut him off and blocked him on IG. Anthony it seems blocks anybody who criticizes him.
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If it bothers you so much that people follow him so closely, why do you keep coming back to this thread again and again?
It's not like the people here are going to change for you or the thread is going to change to be what you want it to be...
I just don't understand why, if you hate the way the thread is going so much, you feel compelled to come back here.

Correction, I am not in the slightest bothered and haven’t indicated the same. If anything, I am wholly amused by how much effort is put into this person no one here has ever met.

I, like most people, come here for pictures, not having to sift through endless banter about soap opera-like gossip that tracks every movement on this guy.
I, like most people, come here for pictures, not having to sift through endless banter about soap opera-like gossip that tracks every movement on this guy.

But you can easily see that this is a discussion thread, and surely you're intelligent enough to realize that it's not going to change just because you want it to.
And yet even though you know it's not going to change, you keep coming back to judge others and put them down for judging Dylan.
Surely you can see how laughably hypocritical that makes you look to everyone....
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I don't get all the hate he's getting from all you hypocrites who act all proper and prudent yet desperately want this guy's nudes.

Also - since when is having non-socialist or not far left views a sin? In the USA, you can be a right winger or a left winger or whatever the fuck in between. If you don't like it, go to Venezuela. Again, it's ironic (some) of you rail against whites and republicans yet here you are lusting over Dylan and similar looking guys. By your ultra-PC view of the world, you should be lusting after an asian guy, a black guy and a latino guy. But you're not, so that makes you all RACIST SCUM (and first class hypocrites)!
I don't get all the hate he's getting from all you hypocrites who act all proper and prudent yet desperately want this guy's nudes.

Also - since when is having non-socialist or not far left views a sin? In the USA, you can be a right winger or a left winger or whatever the fuck in between. If you don't like it, go to Venezuela. Again, it's ironic (some) of you rail against whites and republicans yet here you are lusting over Dylan and similar looking guys. By your ultra-PC view of the world, you should be lusting after an asian guy, a black guy and a latino guy. But you're not, so that makes you all RACIST SCUM (and first class hypocrites)!

....you good?
This thread is crazy. Basically sounds like youtuber stans defending haters lol.

I guess his saga is over, he got what he needed and wanted from the rich sugar daddy. And vice versa with him.
Anthony guy is on the hunt and probably has a lot of others in speed dial.
Neither of them are in bad situations. Dylan pretty much lived the pretty woman real life scenario for a while.
Correction, I am not in the slightest bothered and haven’t indicated the same. If anything, I am wholly amused by how much effort is put into this person no one here has ever met.

I, like most people, come here for pictures, not having to sift through endless banter about soap opera-like gossip that tracks every movement on this guy.
I don't get all the hate he's getting from all you hypocrites who act all proper and prudent yet desperately want this guy's nudes.

Also - since when is having non-socialist or not far left views a sin? In the USA, you can be a right winger or a left winger or whatever the fuck in between. If you don't like it, go to Venezuela. Again, it's ironic (some) of you rail against whites and republicans yet here you are lusting over Dylan and similar looking guys. By your ultra-PC view of the world, you should be lusting after an asian guy, a black guy and a latino guy. But you're not, so that makes you all RACIST SCUM (and first class hypocrites)!

There’s lots that could be unpacked here but you’re clearly batshit crazy so...

I don't get all the hate he's getting from all you hypocrites who act all proper and prudent yet desperately want this guy's nudes.

Also - since when is having non-socialist or not far left views a sin? In the USA, you can be a right winger or a left winger or whatever the fuck in between. If you don't like it, go to Venezuela. Again, it's ironic (some) of you rail against whites and republicans yet here you are lusting over Dylan and similar looking guys. By your ultra-PC view of the world, you should be lusting after an asian guy, a black guy and a latino guy. But you're not, so that makes you all RACIST SCUM (and first class hypocrites)!
I really shouldn't reply to this crap but I can't help it.

This thread isn't about politics, but nowhere has anyone advocated for socialism or far left views, so cut the crap.
You can be attracted to both white guys and POC guys you know? thats how being not racist works! No one in here is "railing against whites" either so take those pseudo alt right talking points to some other thread please!
Correction, I am not in the slightest bothered and haven’t indicated the same. If anything, I am wholly amused by how much effort is put into this person no one here has ever met.

I, like most people, come here for pictures, not having to sift through endless banter about soap opera-like gossip that tracks every movement on this guy.
this isn't really a pictures thread so idk why you'd come here for that. there aren't any pictures of Dylan out there or on here that haven't been posted on his social media.
this isn't really a pictures thread so idk why you'd come here for that. there aren't any pictures of Dylan out there or on here that haven't been posted on his social media.

There are plenty of LGBT gossip sites that people can use to post threads on this guy. I still have no idea why he is famous or almost always is on the first page of this site.

This website is supposed to be about nudes not gossip about these e celebs. There are 135 pages on this page and 90% posted by one member who has a real obsession with Dylan Geick. And I still have no idea why Dylan Geick is famous or why the certain member stands by for every Instagram or twitter notification related to this guy.

Can one of you diligent followers of the e-celeb explain why he is 1) famous 2) why are you obsessed with him in such a way that many people would file a restraining order?
There are plenty of LGBT gossip sites that people can use to post threads on this guy. I still have no idea why he is famous or almost always is on the first page of this site.

This website is supposed to be about nudes not gossip about these e celebs. There are 135 pages on this page and 90% posted by one member who has a real obsession with Dylan Geick. And I still have no idea why Dylan Geick is famous or why the certain member stands by for every Instagram or twitter notification related to this guy.

Can one of you diligent followers of the e-celeb explain why he is 1) famous 2) why are you obsessed with him in such a way that many people would file a restraining order?
you have to carefully read all 135 pages to unlock The Understanding.
There are plenty of LGBT gossip sites that people can use to post threads on this guy. I still have no idea why he is famous or almost always is on the first page of this site.

This website is supposed to be about nudes not gossip about these e celebs. There are 135 pages on this page and 90% posted by one member who has a real obsession with Dylan Geick. And I still have no idea why Dylan Geick is famous or why the certain member stands by for every Instagram or twitter notification related to this guy.

Can one of you diligent followers of the e-celeb explain why he is 1) famous 2) why are you obsessed with him in such a way that many people would file a restraining order?

I double checked just to be sure but this forum is actually NOT just photos. There’s a separate section for just photos. Or videos. Or websites.

And sure, let me totally give you that information as there is zero way for you - or anyone frankly - to find it yourself. Here’s a link:

Let Me Google That

Let Me Google That
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It had to do with boycotts of companies who's owners where antigay.
Dylan supported the boycotts of Beverly Hills Hotel and Equinox gym by then. So did Glaad the organisation Anthony is a board member of.
I think Dylan privately called Anthony out the day Anthony checked into Beverly Hills hotel and Anthony blocked him on IG. Days later Anthony posted an angry post about influencers supporting the Equinox boycott.

Weeks later Anthony posted on IG supporting the Chick-fil-A boycott. So it seems Anthony only supports boycotts of places he doesn't want to go to.
AGW is a self-hating gay. No wonder. Guys has mental issues.
This website is supposed to be about nudes not gossip about these e celebs. There are 135 pages on this page and 90% posted by one member who has a real obsession with Dylan Geick. And I still have no idea why Dylan Geick is famous or why the certain member stands by for every Instagram or twitter notification related to this guy.

Can one of you diligent followers of the e-celeb explain why he is 1) famous 2) why are you obsessed with him in such a way that many people would file a restraining order?

This is exactly what I was saying yesterday. There are people on this thread and throughout this site who have never met this person and yet will go through painstaking efforts and jump through hoop after hoop after hoop to find out the most minute details about him to the point where it’s stalker-level.
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