Dylan geick

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It had to do with boycotts of companies who's owners where antigay.
Dylan supported the boycotts of Beverly Hills Hotel and Equinox gym by then. So did Glaad the organisation Anthony is a board member of.
I think Dylan privately called Anthony out the day Anthony checked into Beverly Hills hotel and Anthony blocked him on IG. Days later Anthony posted an angry post about influencers supporting the Equinox boycott.

Weeks later Anthony posted on IG supporting the Chick-fil-A boycott. So it seems Anthony only supports boycotts of places he doesn't want to go to.
Wait. Something doesn't make sense here. Dylan doesn't seem the type to jeopardize money from sugar daddys just to stand on principle.

Wasn't this around the time he was hanging out with Anthony Scaramucci and sons of those billionaires and those TV stars?
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You people are something else. 134 pages of gossip and judgment on a person you have never met and most likely never will. I’ve shared a few thoughts on him based on cursory observations, but some of you people act like you have direct insight into his life.

Well you’re obviously better than all of us. Here, you deserve this.

You people are something else. 134 pages of gossip and judgment on a person you have never met and most likely never will. I’ve shared a few thoughts on him based on cursory observations, but some of you people act like you have direct insight into his life.
I long ago quit coming here for the photos of Dylan, especially since there aren't many anymore. Now I just watch the bigger train wreck of the judgmental posters here in the thread. Sure, we all have opinions, but many of the posts lately border on the psychotic and of the creepy stalker variety.
I long ago quit coming here for the photos of Dylan, especially since there aren't many anymore. Now I just watch the bigger train wreck of the judgmental posters here in the thread. Sure, we all have opinions, but many of the posts lately border on the psychotic and of the creepy stalker variety.
Wait. Something doesn't make sense here. Dylan doesn't seem the type to jeopardize money from sugar daddys just to stand on principle.

Wasn't this around the time he was hanging out with Anthony Scaramucci and sons of those billionaires and those TV stars?

Yes but I don't think that was important. Anthony still follows Michael Gruen.

Check attached.
The Beverly Hills hotel controversy
Anthony checks into BHH and same day blocks Dylan.
4 days later Anthony blows up about Equinox boycott and Dylan responds with a photo of himself in a blanked out Equinox T-shirt.

It's also possible Anthony was getting frustrated with the negative attention he was getting as a result of his association with Dylan.

It should be noted that all 3 boycotts ultimately achieved some of their goals.


Yes but I don't think that was important. Anthony still follows Michael Gruen.

Check attached.
The Beverly Hills hotel controversy
Anthony checks into BHH and same day blocks Dylan.
4 days later Anthony blows up about Equinox boycott and Dylan responds with a photo of himself in a blanked out Equinox T-shirt.

It's also possible Anthony was getting frustrated with the negative attention he was getting as a result of his association with Dylan.

It should be noted that all 3 boycotts ultimately achieved some of their goals.
It's still doesn't explain why Dylan did what he did? He's relied on this Anthony guy for money and expensive travel for 2 years now and he just pissed it all away all of a sudden to make a point?
It's still doesn't explain why Dylan did what he did? He's relied on this Anthony guy for money and expensive travel for 2 years now and he just pissed it all away all of a sudden to make a point?

Why is it so important? I really don’t get the effort put into finding out such minute details.
Why is it so important? I really don’t get the effort put into finding out such minute details.


Why do you feel the need to ask why it’s important to other people? Why do some people obsess over sports? Or stamps? Or politics?

Is this thread like physically harming you in a way? Please let us know.
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That’s real rich asking me that when there are people in this thread who can tell you how many strands of hair he has on his head.
If it bothers you so much that people follow him so closely, why do you keep coming back to this thread again and again?
It's not like the people here are going to change for you or the thread is going to change to be what you want it to be...
I just don't understand why, if you hate the way the thread is going so much, you feel compelled to come back here.
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