Feel guilty about getting with married men?

I don't really have any interest in relationships. I like having my freedom. So instead I prefer just FWB and sometimes a random hookup or two.
I have had (and still do have) FWBs that are married men. Usually they just want a good and quick blowjob but others are more into actual sex (getting naked and playing around in bed, including anal).
Lately I've feeling more and more guilty about the married guys in my life. I hate the idea of causing a family to break up. I understand that it could be I'm providing something he can't or just plain isn't getting at home, but I still make the choice to be with someone married.

Anyone else feel this way?

Ok. First of all, good on you for owning and acknowledging your behaviour. Those feelings of guilt, and your hatred of the idea of breaking up a family ... these are indications to me that you do have a conscience and that it’s still communicating with you. That’s a positive sign that you can change your behaviour if you wish to.

Remember, there are two things that motivate us to do anything. We are either trying to avoid pain or we are trying to seek pleasure. No matter how you slice it, our reasons to change and take action somehow stem back to these two factors. Generally, avoiding pain is the most influential. It sounds like you are feeling conflicted about sleeping with married men due to your own system of values. I get that you have a desire to fuck men without strings attached. But it seems like the choice of picking married men for this might be presenting its own challenges for you.

I’m not going to sit here and judge you and tell you that you’re some kind of home wrecking unpaid prostitute. That’s not my style. I will however say that you might wind up with a real problem on your hands and in your life before you realise what is happening. When you meddle in someone’s marriage, there are no winners. Sure, maybe you have gotten away with it so far. But the guilt is affecting you. And everyone makes mistakes. That doesn’t mean you have to keep making them.

Sometimes people don’t learn unless they experience something extremely painful that teaches them a lesson. I’m hoping that you don’t need a furious jealous wife stalking you and slashing your tires and ruining your personal and professional life before you realise that there are much better options for strings-free sex.
Be well.
I'm bisexual.

I don't cheat.

Excuses smell like actual shit.
bisexual has nothing to do with cheating. I'm talking about (at least in my situation) men who now get virtually no sex at home. Somehow their wife thinks it's OK for them to decide that their husband won't be able to have sexual pleasure ever again...for maybe the rest of their life.
Like I said before, I feel no sympathy for women like that at all.
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bisexual has nothing to do with cheating. I'm talking about (at least in my situation) men who now get virtually no sex at home. Somehow their wife thinks it's OK for them to decide that their husband won't be able to have sexual pleasure ever again...for maybe the rest of their life.
Like I said before, I feel no sympathy for women like that at all.

I feel no sympathy for you when you get that ass beat the fuck down for being a grimey piece of cheating shit.

Re read your posts. Think before you type, fuck boy.
You should just cut it the fuck out then. What the fuck?

And YES. You are just as much of a piece of shit as the person in the relationship who's cheating on their partner.
Those two married guys that I currently get with, I like them and the fun we have. I have no desire to end it.
That's also my original point...I'm not as guilty or as a much of a POS because I never made any kind of commitment to those women.
I honestly don't see how people can't understand that. I owe those women NOTHING. The husbands on the other hand are the ones that made a promise.
Those two married guys that I currently get with, I like them and the fun we have. I have no desire to end it.
That's also my original point...I'm not as guilty or as a much of a POS because I never made any kind of commitment to those women.
I honestly don't see how people can't understand that. I owe those women NOTHING. The husbands on the other hand are the ones that made a promise.
What the fuck ever cheater.

Lie to yourself all you want. You're a piece of shit.
Ok. First of all, good on you for owning and acknowledging your behaviour. Those feelings of guilt, and your hatred of the idea of breaking up a family ... these are indications to me that you do have a conscience and that it’s still communicating with you. That’s a positive sign that you can change your behaviour if you wish to.

Remember, there are two things that motivate us to do anything. We are either trying to avoid pain or we are trying to seek pleasure. No matter how you slice it, our reasons to change and take action somehow stem back to these two factors. Generally, avoiding pain is the most influential. It sounds like you are feeling conflicted about sleeping with married men due to your own system of values. I get that you have a desire to fuck men without strings attached. But it seems like the choice of picking married men for this might be presenting its own challenges for you.

I’m not going to sit here and judge you and tell you that you’re some kind of home wrecking unpaid prostitute. That’s not my style. I will however say that you might wind up with a real problem on your hands and in your life before you realise what is happening. When you meddle in someone’s marriage, there are no winners. Sure, maybe you have gotten away with it so far. But the guilt is affecting you. And everyone makes mistakes. That doesn’t mean you have to keep making them.

Sometimes people don’t learn unless they experience something extremely painful that teaches them a lesson. I’m hoping that you don’t need a furious jealous wife stalking you and slashing your tires and ruining your personal and professional life before you realise that there are much better options for strings-free sex.
Be well.
It's not even so much of a feeling of guilt like I'm hurting some woman I've never met. In the one case, the guy really never has sex anymore with his wife. What does she expect him to do? Just jerk off until he dies? That's not fair for him.
I just sort of fear being partly responsible for ending a family and maybe making some kids' life much more difficult.
Just because you owe those women nothing doesn't mean you have to fuck their husbands.

It's not even so much of a feeling of guilt like I'm hurting some woman I've never met. In the one case, the guy really never has sex anymore with his wife. What does she expect him to do? Just jerk off until he dies? That's not fair for him.
I just sort of fear being partly responsible for ending a family and maybe making some kids' life much more difficult.

It's not your job satisfy him just because his wife won't.

THAT is *his* problem. If he has made a monogamous commitment to that person, and you willingly fuck him anyway, you are just as fucking bad of a person as he is. He has the choice to leave the relationship. Instead, he does what shit people do and lies/cheats on her.

You are shit. You can stop being shit.

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bisexual has nothing to do with cheating. I'm talking about (at least in my situation) men who now get virtually no sex at home. Somehow their wife thinks it's OK for them to decide that their husband won't be able to have sexual pleasure ever again...for maybe the rest of their life.
Like I said before, I feel no sympathy for women like that at all.
How do you know he “gets no sex at home”? Because he told you? All cheaters say that. Duh. What are you? Fucking stupid? No guy is going to say, “yeah, my significant other is ready and willing all the time - I’m just bored with him/her” - it doesn’t sound nearly as good.

You are fucking stupid, believing liars.
How do you know he “gets no sex at home”? Because he told you? All cheaters say that. Duh. What are you? Fucking stupid? No guy is going to say, “yeah, my significant other is ready and willing all the time - I’m just bored with him/her” - it doesn’t sound nearly as good.

You are fucking stupid, believing liars.

One of my best friends, her ex was an example of that. She wanted the rest of her life with him, wanted to have sex with him, including being willing to have threesomes and other such things that he had a thing for, they had a house and pets together, had been together for years. He preferred to fuck other people than her. Their sex life dying for damn sure wasn't her fault.

My partner and I have sex rarely. His libido is low. Very low. Do I fuck other people, even though I could point out that I'm not getting any at home? No. I'm attracted to women, not just men, and I don't try to use that an excuse to break the monogamy that I agreed to. I'm very kinky and he isn't, but I don't try to use that as an excuse to break the monogamy I agreed to.
How do you know he “gets no sex at home”? Because he told you? All cheaters say that. Duh. What are you? Fucking stupid? No guy is going to say, “yeah, my significant other is ready and willing all the time - I’m just bored with him/her” - it doesn’t sound nearly as good.

You are fucking stupid, believing liars.
How do you know he's lying?
One of my best friends, her ex was an example of that. She wanted the rest of her life with him, wanted to have sex with him, including being willing to have threesomes and other such things that he had a thing for, they had a house and pets together, had been together for years. He preferred to fuck other people than her. Their sex life dying for damn sure wasn't her fault.

My partner and I have sex rarely. His libido is low. Very low. Do I fuck other people, even though I could point out that I'm not getting any at home? No. I'm attracted to women, not just men, and I don't try to use that an excuse to break the monogamy that I agreed to. I'm very kinky and he isn't, but I don't try to use that as an excuse to break the monogamy I agreed to.
I got cheated on twice. I’m the highest libido woman I know. Both guys just wanted to fuck other women. Period. I know at lead three other women who were in the same position. All totally sexually open and available, but hubby is telling their others that they aren’t getting any.

Cheaters are liars. Lips are moving and bullshit just falls out.
I got cheated on twice. I’m the highest libido woman I know. Both guys just wanted to fuck other women. Period. I know at lead three other women who were in the same position. All totally sexually open and available, but hubby is telling their others that they aren’t getting any.

Cheaters are liars. Lips are moving and bullshit just falls out.

Same. I fuck like a jackrabbit. I've been cheated on by EVERY MAN I've ever been in a relationship with.
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So if he's not telling his wife the truth, then everything he says is a lie?
I guess by that logic he must not actually be married.
You miss the point. Whether he's lying or truthful, his marriage is none of your business, including getting involved with him.

You're a shit: at least own it. I did the "screw unhappy wives thing a few times, so I know it was wrong. Totally fucking wrong. I had no business there. I finally got hold of my life and fixed it. What's wrong with your life that you can't land a guy who isn't involved with someone? Grow up. I did, so you can too.
So if he's not telling his wife the truth, then everything he says is a lie?
I guess by that logic he must not actually be married.

I don't think you feel "guilty" at all. I'm calling bullshit on your first post in the fuckin thread.

You just wanted a bunch of dick hungry assholes to validate your shitty behavior.

So the promises and commitments a married couple make at the altar, the legal document that they sign is no different than what a complete stranger owes them? I've never met any wife of any man I've been with, I certainly never made any promise to them. Their husband made those promises. Yes I feel bad for being a part of the cheating and lies but it's absolutely not on the same level as what the husband did.
Guilt is not subject to gradation. You are either guilty or not. Ever heard a jury return a verdict of "less guilty"?

You're rationalizing it to excuse it. There's no excuse.
You miss the point. Whether he's lying or truthful, his marriage is none of your business, including getting involved with him.

You're a shit: at least own it. I did the "screw unhappy wives thing a few times, so I know it was wrong. Totally fucking wrong. I had no business there. I finally got hold of my life and fixed it. What's wrong with your life that you can't land a guy who isn't involved with someone? Grow up. I did, so you can too.
I agree...his marriage is none of my business.
Thanks, I totally feel better now and will have no problem blowing loads into his mouth.
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