You are always such a kind soul and a gentleman. So much less cynical than me. I got the impression that this was a humblebrag by the OP about the amount of "straight" married men he bags, because there are a few that would consider those men the holy grail and be impressed by his "prowess".
I don't believe he is genuinely conflicted (he said himeslf above he doesn't respect the partners of the men) and I think the direction the thread went in surprised him. JMO.
Indeed, I can see your point. And I agree with you. However, I also think he's quite conflicted. Whether or not he is ever able to admit it and come to terms with his own truth.
Something internal made him start a thread to tell his story and purposely tell us he felt some guilt. And I still believe he does. Otherwise he'd just have posted his bragging about sleeping with married men like so many other people do. But his thread title tells me he's struggling internally with his thoughts. He knows he's wrong. That's why he feels guilt. I'll give him credit for that much! Cuz I've known too many cheaters who have no morals or scruples at all. And I've witnessed the fallout he's worried could happen to him. And as several folks have tried to communicate to him, such fallout is rarely positive.
What led me to my conclusion was reading all his posts here. And how after getting feedback that seemed to genuinely surprise him, from women AND men, he started to get very defensive and began to dig himself a deeper hole. Because he seemed to flip from feeling guilt to no guilt just a little too quickly; a defense mechanism if you will.
Unfortunately, I know too many people who are unable to admit any type of shortcoming. Admit when they are wrong. That's why I think his OP was disingenuous. IMO, he was simply looking for validation. When that didn't happen, he started lashing out.
And it's why I now feel mostly sadness for him now. Because he's being eaten up inside by confusion: On one hand he loves the physicality of the male on male sex; on the other hand, once he "busts his nut", reality sets in. He's emotionally conflicted because he's written he knows he could potentially negatively impact many lives if he were found out. And that's the source of his internal conflict; the impact on the wife/family if his sexual escapades with their men were discovered.
And IMO, it can be especially hard for some male psyches when such criticism/advice comes from a woman. I say that because I noticed he seemed to zero in or and "converse" with mainly the women who challenged him. But then again, it's all speculation on my part. What I do know is that he's very conflicted. He's struggling.
I do work hard not to judge others; I'm not always successful. Like in this case. Try as I might, I can't help myself that I feel a certain level of contempt for him. But it's not for HIM, per se; it's for him and all the folks like him. All cheaters. Male or female. Because he is knowingly getting with a married person. I will not condone cheating. Regardless of which role one plays; the husband or the male lover on the side. It's wrong.
And he knows deep down it's wrong. But once again, one of my brethren is thinking with the head below his neck rather than the one above. And to be honest, he's just one of many...and that makes me ever sadder.