@ddggg - Dude we’re both black men. Dick size doesn’t complete the total man. For me, I happen to be born with an huge outsized endowment, and I’m the complete opposite of what troubles you with. Having this huge dick that I live with, it truly isn’t what you think of something as to be prized!
For me, most of my life, I actually believed I was a freak of nature! Mostly due to my long flaccid length. In the past when I was in the gym shower rooms, I could see nude men’s soft dicks, and I was always longer than all the men I saw… It confirmed to me that I truly was different. It gave me a serious complex of being abnormal, because I wasn’t like everyone else’s size.
Overall for me on the flip side, I really can’t comprehend what it’s like to live with a small to average sized hard cock? I’ll never known this experience! In 2006 I discovered this LPSG website and joined this great place. I found here a bit of relief because I found some members that had extra large sized dicks similar to me. We would share, and still do, the common problems with our issues of intimacy and sex and living with a large penis.
Let me be clear, I want everyone reading my remarks now, to know that I’m not here display my huge dick to make members here jealous or envious of my size. I want other big men to see what I tell them what my dick size truly looks like. If you have your own ideas of envy or anything that makes you feel inadequate or whatever, it’s not my doing, it’s your thinking. This place has benefited me, more so about me not thinking of being an abnormal man just because of my size.
In my opinion, I truly blame the billion dollar porn industry for this affect, which has caused men everywhere to feel inadequate, simply because they don’t have the bigger dick size. Mainly through the porn videos, and the video creators are subliminally are making men in general feel less than, by targeting to the average to above average penis sized men. I do believe the genesis of this all started with the Huge Cock Master - John Holmes.! - Most men saw his porn films in XXX Theaters during the 1970’s , were amazed and enchanted by his never before seen huge cock! It was something to desire for. However, that industry used this concept to sell thousands of theater tickets then, to see him use his rare sized dick in action!
Decides later, with the advent of the VHS tape and the DVD, plus selling them at thousands of Adult Bookstores across America, that also included pay for Peep Show booths; we men became hooked! Either for seeing the hot babes fucking and/or viewing some huge cock, it is costly! That is how their money is made. Now, we have the streaming platform; it’s never ending.
Today the industry seeks actors that are bigger and larger than life sized cocks, that give men a false belief that you don’t quite measure up, but you never will - Remember it’s for entertainment. Sorta like a slow brainwashing of the need to become bigger like those actor’s sizes are. And after years of viewing porn while masturbating to them, we can come to believe that’s what attracts the hot chicks. You do know they seek and desire a big one, right?
They make tons of money off of us because of this affect I believe - Just look at how much money is spent on: Gadgets to increase your penis size or penis enhancement pills alone… But they never quite work for you because it’s only temporary gains. Even after spending hundreds of your dollars for guaranteed results! On the flip side, men like my size group, can feel like a freak of nature , I felt this way for a long time when I can’t a have a decent sex life without it being too damn BIG! This is why the LPSG acronym is all about,