@ddgggg I have an average 5.5" at most penis (probably only that at peak just post-nut firmness). You have a comfortably above average penis, so I'm not trying to diss you here at all but your level of angst can read as seeming a bit ridiculous from the outside. But I also have no judgment and below I'll wonder if we have a similar background which I'll ask questions on.
So, I can still accept your feelings are valid because personally knowing that envy is a bitch (went through a couple of bad phases in my life including one really bad one late last year) I know 'a lot of people have it worse' is not a comfort when you're stuck in a phase like this. Like, others and even yourself can try and tell you logic (things like just that, 'many are worse-off') and it just doesn't change the feeling at all.
Strangely, I've never thought much about my dick size... but I'm also shorter than you (5'7") and that is my sore point for these feelings if I'm not careful. I had some self-discovery since late last year (at a relatively 'late' age for such of 33), that when I get crushes (of the online sort where the guy doesn't know you) they've tended to be on really tall influencers or athletes well upwards of 6 foot and that's a single trait I find so appealing in other men (that look good generally as well) that when I crush my hardest (which only happened once in my life until again, this late age of 33) it's not so much that I hate my own body, but I admire tallness in other men to the point I wish I had that myself.
When I first crushed hard in my early 20s it was on a really tall cute workmate. The feelings of envy went away eventually, but I didn't learn from the experience that well 'cause it was the first and only time (back then). So now if I find myself crushing on someone of that description, I've learned I have to check myself very early on and find that balance of admiring and enjoying looking at them but avoid becoming too obsessed. But since I've come through that, and know the signs of what to look out for to avoid getting deep into that mess again, I can look back on it as a valuable learning curve.
So, I'm wondering if there's some things we have in common. That is, I was a lonely kid, I always wanted to be seen as like a cool boy, a masculine boy like I think all young boys do but even in the home I didn't get that. It used to be all about how 'cute' and 'funny' (as in quirky) I was and I hated that.
Basically all throughout my life I don't think I've ever felt completely valued. Only one guy has ever told me I was hot, and he was a fuckboy who wasn't fussy as long as he got off. So, I think when you come from a background of sometimes feeling kind of invisible, undervalued, unpopular etc. it's easy to look at dudes who get so much free admiration for stuff they didn't earn (like being hung, tall, or beautiful in general lol) and feel a little sick.
Just wondered if we have that in common. Basically, do you come from a background socially, family etc. that you would've considered often lonely or maybe even a little bit emotionally abusive?