Finally Seeing Someone Naked

I’ve seen this really great looking guy at my gym a few times but usually he is coming in right as I am leaving. Last night after I finished my workout I headed into the steam room. When I walked in there was that guy sitting on the middle bench wearing his boxer briefs. I sat down on the bench next to him and we made some small talk. He wasn’t really talking much so I assumed he was not interested. I left and went to the whirlpool. After a while he came out and went to the showers. When the jets shut off, I also went into the showers. The gym has a communal shower with 4 showers in a row along the wall. No dividers and no curtains or doors. He was on one on the end so I took the one on the other end trying to be respectful. I quickly realized he had removed his underwear. I didn’t want to seem like a perv but I was certainly trying get some quick casual glances in. The first thing I noticed was his great bubble butt which was as tan as the rest of him. Then he turned and I caught sight of a very nice above average cock. Out of nowhere he starts talking to me about showering with cold water to help the vascular system. I asked how cold he liked it and he said “here come feel for yourself”. I walked over to his shower. He took a step back and I stuck my hand under the shower head. He said “go ahead and jump in there”. I did. The water was frigid but exhilarating. He smiles at my reaction. I walk back to my shower and we continue talking about it but now he has turned facing me where I can get a much better look at his dick while we are talking. He turned his shower off and dried off. Nothing happened but I can’t help but think he was flirting a little. The whole thing was a little odd. Since he was wearing his underwear in the steam room, I assumed he was not interested but now I am confused. Whatever the case, I am really glad I saw him naked and hope to see him in the showers again. Do you think I am reading too much into this?

i think you’re reading too much into it. What’s underwear in the steam room vs no underwear in the shower got to do with anything? that’s a totally normal way of doing things,

sounds like a hot encounter though
I reconnected on facebook the other day with a guy I had worked with about 25 years ago.
I was always out at work and he knew it but nothing happened at the time where we would have been naked together. We always got on well together but it was unlikely anything would happen.
Anyway the other day we were chatting away when he said he had moved from my city some years ago. I asked if he was still single or married. He told me that he was in an open relationship with a guy for the past 18 years.
Then, unexpectedly, he sent me a short video, which he told me was him a few days ago, naked and wanking.
He still has a good body and has a really good looking cut cock with a prominent head and bulging veins, which looked especially hot lubed up while he stroked. So I sent him a couple of pics of my body, and hard cock, which he said he would like to see for real.
I think next time he is in town we will be getting more intimate.
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Not sure if this is the right place for this but...
Last week I was getting out of the shower, my wife came in and kissed me good-bye as she was flying out the door late for work. After she left I turned the music up and was dancing around naked and belting out the songs. I went out into the dining room to grab some coffee singing "Sweet Child O' Mine" (putting Axel to shame I will add) at the top of my lungs into my fake microphone and when I turned the corner there was the kitchen workers already starting their day on the cabinets (we are getting our kitchen redone). My wife failed to tell me they were already there and she let them in. They stood there and I broke the silence by laughing and said "good morning." One of the workers said, "looks like a better morning for some of us." I wasn't sure how to take that, but I just told them "I will grab my coffee and go finish up." The other worker replied "Good plan."
I have a personal trainer I've known for years who helps me with my muscle fatigue and is pretty good. He's also not to bad looking as well and I used to imagine him naked all the time.
One day at the gym when it was a hot summer day and the air-conditioner was broken, he was helping me with my shoulder muscles and we were sweating like crazy. He took off his top and we continued while he was shirtless. (I'll describe him more later)
We worked for about 40 minutes and by then we were spent. I thanked him and went off to have a shower, he told me to hold up and we went to the locker room together.
I stripped down to my underwear and went to go off to the shower and he stopped me, standing there completely naked. He told me to take off my undies and we walked into the showers.
He is tall, about 6ft4, with an athletic body and toned pecs and abs. He's hairless except for his pubic hair which is quite neat and dense black. His dick is pretty nice, about 5" cut.
As we showered I noticed his dick getting aroused and grew a few inches, he looked down and laughed. We finished off and dried off and he complemented me on my dick, I told him that his was perfect. We chuckled and he told me that he'd been looking for an excuse to see me naked for ages. Likewise I said.
So what happened after that?
Not sure if this is the right place for this but...
Last week I was getting out of the shower, my wife came in and kissed me good-bye as she was flying out the door late for work. After she left I turned the music up and was dancing around naked and belting out the songs. I went out into the dining room to grab some coffee singing "Sweet Child O' Mine" (putting Axel to shame I will add) at the top of my lungs into my fake microphone and when I turned the corner there was the kitchen workers already starting their day on the cabinets (we are getting our kitchen redone). My wife failed to tell me they were already there and she let them in. They stood there and I broke the silence by laughing and said "good morning." One of the workers said, "looks like a better morning for some of us." I wasn't sure how to take that, but I just told them "I will grab my coffee and go finish up." The other worker replied "Good plan."
@BillnotWill "Unconventional, but effective." Alan Arkin, "Get Smart"
I'd say you were complimented, not chided, and if you were really feeling cheeky, you could have replied, "yes it is!" rather than shirking off with your tail between your legs.
Yes. My wife. I’ve known her since we were both very young. I teased her and held her hand. She didn’t pull away.
As she got older she became very attractive and curvy. I felt she was far out of my league. I was best friends with her brother as well so I felt she was also not touchable. But I’d see her at all our get togethers in swimsuits and a few times less, but never naked.
She ended up dating another of our friends when we all became adults in our late 20s and 30s. He would talk about her and it drove me insane. They got married a few years after I married also. We would all still go to outings together and her and I would always spend time talking alone as good friends.
Fast forward about 5 years and we are both in the middle of divorces. She was also 3 month pregnant. We began to talk and ended up sleeping together….
She was far sexier than I ever expected and spectacular In bed. We’ve been married now for 6 years and have a daughter of our own
Many years ago I really had a crush on a brewery truck driver. He really was Adonis personified. He was 21 and a very well trimmed body from hard work. Met him once a week when he brought drincks to shop. We were talking some and once I kind of threw a wild card, asked him to join me for a fishing trip to my cabin. To a bit of a surprise to me he accepted and next week when he came he had tools with him, so we jump in my boat and go. We didn't have that good fishing luck, but I had prepared for our dinner. A nice beef and some wine. I'd put fire in sauna, so after dinner we undressed for sauna and I got to see him in all his naked glory! I had to fight not to have a boner. We sit side by side and almost skin to skin in sauna. I got the chance to sope him and scrub his back and same in return. I didn't dare to go close to his private parts. It still was a dream come true to have the chance to touch his naked body. I'll never know what'd happened if I'd proceeded with sopping and also soaped his cock. Hi didn't have the biggest, but would've probably been about 18 cm at erection. Nice smooth foreskin covering 2/3 and cock-head partly visible. I'd loved tho skin him back and suck him of there in the shower! But unfortunately no sexual. Slept in my bed, he up and I down. I still wish I'd got the chance to feel him shoot his man juice in my mouth to get the taste of him. He's now married with kids! :)
Ok so i wouldn't call this seeing this person fully naked but its close....

There's a hot guy i normally see that jogs around the block where i live. Id say his about between 20-23 years old maybe?
Yesterday was nice weather, decided to wash my car and as normally what i do once im done i drive around the block for the remaining water to run off the car and then i head to my local recreation centre car park so i can dry off the car.

I get into the parking lot (which was almost empty), and i see that particular guy jogging and he goes up to his Mercedes A45 AMG.
Opens the rear door and he begins to take off his t-shirt & shorts (which i assume where drenched in sweat being a hot day yesterday).
He is standing there facing his car in just a pair of black CK trunks, drinks some water and then puts on some fresh clothes from inside his car.

I was just amazed.
His got a real amazing body as well. Muscled just perfect.
If i was like 1 min earlier or later i would have missed it all.

I dont think he saw me that i was sitting in my car and like i said the rest of the car park was empty being a Sunday.

If only i had my phone out ready i could have taken some snaps of him. Im so angry i didnt think of it but i was just gobsmacked seeing him un-change in a parking lot! LOL
I won’t lie I wasn’t super popular in high school. I had friends and everyone knew me, and I know them, including all the popular kids but my friendships with them was nothing more than saying hello in the hallways or asking for last nights homework the class before. I never loved high school but if there was one big pro, my high school had a fuck ton of hot guys. All of them played football and I played soccer so I never got the chance to be in the locker room with them and since I never hung out with them outside of school I never got anything more than the occasional shirtless insta photo.

Well one day on my senior year only a couple of months before graduation my entire class went on this retreat for a couple days since we were a private Catholic school. I didn’t think anything of it or the opportunities that would come but the first morning there I had to shower. I went down where the showers were and by a stroke of luck I went down when about 5 or so of the hottest popular guys who I had been lusting on for four years were showering too. The shower room was a giant circle of single showers all with curtains, but because all these guys were super good friends and loved to talk when we got down there, they all just stripped totally naked and showered with the curtains wide open. They all went to FOUR showers next to each other (two went into the same shower to be funny which was even hotter) and I went into the shower across the circle. So for 10-15 minutes I got a view of five of my biggest crushes who I had never seen more than shirtless all casually naked together talking like it was no big deal. Needless to say after my shower I went back to my room and jacked off multiple times. I regret never somehow sneaking a photo of the five of them since I had such a perfect view but we had to leave our phones at home. I also in that moment regretting saying fuck soccer and joining the football team because with how easy it was for all of them to strip naked I know they say each other naked everyday in the football locker rooms.
I’m lucky enough to have had some incredibly hot mates over the years. I think with all of them I’ve engineered situations where I knew, or was hoping, there would be a good chance of seeing them naked. I’ve managed to see all of them, on more than one occasion. Even after a few times of seeing the very very hot ones naked, I would still go weak at the knees and almost be shaking at the thrill of it. In my mind I can still picture some of the scenes like it was yesterday.
I’m lucky enough to have had some incredibly hot mates over the years. I think with all of them I’ve engineered situations where I knew, or was hoping, there would be a good chance of seeing them naked. I’ve managed to see all of them, on more than one occasion. Even after a few times of seeing the very very hot ones naked, I would still go weak at the knees and almost be shaking at the thrill of it. In my mind I can still picture some of the scenes like it was yesterday.
What were the situations? !!
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Yep, a guy in the gym. He was the sort you always bump into because they’re there ar r the same time as you. Big guy, about 21 I’d guess. Lifted heavy, wore tight joggers and baggy vests. I used to wonder if he had the huge cock to go with the huge muscles, and whether like most young bodybuilders he went for the hairless look, but he never took a shower after workouts, and went straight home, unlike me.

One day I finished my workout and went to the locker rooms. I went into the communal shower and did my usual. Then to my surprise, he strolled in butt naked. I had to restrain myself, but I couldn’t help but stare. He was amazing, with a decent sized dick, and completely hairless below the neck. Best of all he wasn’t shy. I desperately fought back a boner while drinking in the sight. I definitely lingered a little longer than I should have in the showers ;)
I won’t lie I wasn’t super popular in high school. I had friends and everyone knew me, and I know them, including all the popular kids but my friendships with them was nothing more than saying hello in the hallways or asking for last nights homework the class before. I never loved high school but if there was one big pro, my high school had a fuck ton of hot guys. All of them played football and I played soccer so I never got the chance to be in the locker room with them and since I never hung out with them outside of school I never got anything more than the occasional shirtless insta photo.

Well one day on my senior year only a couple of months before graduation my entire class went on this retreat for a couple days since we were a private Catholic school. I didn’t think anything of it or the opportunities that would come but the first morning there I had to shower. I went down where the showers were and by a stroke of luck I went down when about 5 or so of the hottest popular guys who I had been lusting on for four years were showering too. The shower room was a giant circle of single showers all with curtains, but because all these guys were super good friends and loved to talk when we got down there, they all just stripped totally naked and showered with the curtains wide open. They all went to FOUR showers next to each other (two went into the same shower to be funny which was even hotter) and I went into the shower across the circle. So for 10-15 minutes I got a view of five of my biggest crushes who I had never seen more than shirtless all casually naked together talking like it was no big deal. Needless to say after my shower I went back to my room and jacked off multiple times. I regret never somehow sneaking a photo of the five of them since I had such a perfect view but we had to leave our phones at home. I also in that moment regretting saying fuck soccer and joining the football team because with how easy it was for all of them to strip naked I know they say each other naked everyday in the football locker rooms.
wow, this is so hot. so you showered with your curtain open too? did they notice you looking?
Have you ever fantasized about someone and lusted after them for a really long time and what they would look like naked - and then (through whatever circumstances) had the opportunity to see them naked? Be it a neighbor, classmate, coworker? Maybe a first crush? Were you disappointed or did it seem like the holy grail was revealed?
This has happened to me many, many times over the years with classmates, coworkers, friends... Not once was I ever disappointed. On the contrary, I was always thrilled by what I got to see. Several holy grail moments, but the number one by far would be a classmate from high school. Unfortunately we're not supposed to talk about that sort of thing on here, so...
I won’t lie I wasn’t super popular in high school. I had friends and everyone knew me, and I know them, including all the popular kids but my friendships with them was nothing more than saying hello in the hallways or asking for last nights homework the class before. I never loved high school but if there was one big pro, my high school had a fuck ton of hot guys. All of them played football and I played soccer so I never got the chance to be in the locker room with them and since I never hung out with them outside of school I never got anything more than the occasional shirtless insta photo.

Well one day on my senior year only a couple of months before graduation my entire class went on this retreat for a couple days since we were a private Catholic school. I didn’t think anything of it or the opportunities that would come but the first morning there I had to shower. I went down where the showers were and by a stroke of luck I went down when about 5 or so of the hottest popular guys who I had been lusting on for four years were showering too. The shower room was a giant circle of single showers all with curtains, but because all these guys were super good friends and loved to talk when we got down there, they all just stripped totally naked and showered with the curtains wide open. They all went to FOUR showers next to each other (two went into the same shower to be funny which was even hotter) and I went into the shower across the circle. So for 10-15 minutes I got a view of five of my biggest crushes who I had never seen more than shirtless all casually naked together talking like it was no big deal. Needless to say after my shower I went back to my room and jacked off multiple times. I regret never somehow sneaking a photo of the five of them since I had such a perfect view but we had to leave our phones at home. I also in that moment regretting saying fuck soccer and joining the football team because with how easy it was for all of them to strip naked I know they say each other naked everyday in the football locker rooms.
This almost exactly happened to me too and was my life. The only difference is that it was a different sport, and they were just fooling around taking their clothes (pants/underwear and mostly shirts) off, not even in the shower.
I've had this happen many times. One of the first was when I was working at one of my earliest jobs during high school and this guy who I thought was really cute with blonde hair and pale blue eyes was adjusting sweat shorts he was wearing and he pulled the band out really far without realizing what he was doing. I got a good look at everything. He had a thick blond bush (I think it was the first time I'd ever seen one) and a thick average size cock with a pink head on it. I'm pretty sure I popped a boner but obscured it somehow. I rubbed one out thinking about it as soon as I got home that night.
This almost exactly happened to me too and was my life. The only difference is that it was a different sport, and they were just fooling around taking their clothes (pants/underwear and mostly shirts) off, not even in the shower.
would love to hear more about it
There used to be this super hot personal trainer in my local gym. He was about thirty years old, I never got to see him naked. He would also host these classes at the gym at certain hours. One day, I started talking about him with a friend. This friend told me that he is famous for his big cock and how much he likes walking around naked through the lockerroom for everyone to see. I was surprised, as I went to the gym around the same times as the trainer was there and never saw him after showering.
One day, it happened that he finished his class and came into the lockerroom and started undressing to go to the showers. He indeed had a very hot body and thick cock, which he paraded in froont of everyone. He would stop and talk to other guys just bare ass naked, with his cock on full display. He would later always do that every time he had the chance.
Yes, this guy I worked with and was going to the gym at the same time of morning that I go. Finally one day he came into the lockerroom as I was getting dressed after taking my shower and he walked over to the shower in his undershorts and for some reason or another I just happened to turn around right when he dropped his shorts and there he was in all his glory. Needless to say when I arrived at work I immediately went to the restroom and had to stroke one out. He has or had one heck of a body, all muscles and I was not disappointed in what I saw between his legs. Shame he wasn't gay and last I heard he was pretty much an alcoholic.
Maybe he was gay but kept it quite & drank a lot to cover up his inner feelings.