Finn/jack harries

unless the lawyer is being paid from jack's own pocket, i seriously doubt his parents will be paying a lawyer to represent a bunch of anarchists. and since i doubt jack has the money to pay for his own lawyer, i find it unlikely
Are they being tried as a group? I know he was arrested with others, but either way, he’d still have his own counsel.
Not sure but they were all at court at the same time etc... but im sure the org has very good lawyers and Jack has a lot of money from marketing deals and filmmaking for corporate clients etc
No, I meant their attitude/lifestyle. They went from these fun YouTubers, to the generic hippy world traveler type. I mean, it's nice that for the most part, a lot of the traveling and stuff is for a good cause, but I won't deny I was really disappointed we went from this:

to this:

You mean they changed from being GENERIC youtubers. Too bad they grew up and you didn't.
You mean they changed from being GENERIC youtubers. Too bad they grew up and you didn't.

Yeah, Jack grew up alright. He got arrested and is being thrown in court, what an adult :joy:

Meanwhile, generic and basic bitch YouTubers are making millions by doing stuff like playing video games or literally just living their lives.
Now I've made cynical jokes about him and his participation in Extinction Rebellion, but suggesting it's childish to take part in a form of non-violent demonstration about one of the biggest threats facing the world (can't quite say the biggest as long as Trump is in the Oval Office) is just pathetic.
unless the lawyer is being paid from jack's own pocket, i seriously doubt his parents will be paying a lawyer to represent a bunch of anarchists. and since i doubt jack has the money to pay for his own lawyer, i find it unlikely

His mom is environmental activist also since when he was young.


on the right hand side, that his mother and Finn or Jack I'm not sure. But I believe it was Finn.
Thing with Jack is it not about what he is saying it’s the way he is saying it. He has money to make money and lives a privilege lifestyle. This makes it hard to relate to him and believe he a man of the people. It’s about photo opportunity and making sure his name out there so he can validate himself. If he was a good filmmaker he would make a film show how the world is being damaged by climate change without any political message just facts. He hasn’t been able to do that so far. He makes content to telling you how you should live your life and coming from a rich kid who not had to start from the bottom it comes across badly. People think only one type of person can be radical but that not true and Jack is an example of this. He so far in this bubble he does not have a middle ground. Climate change is important but this is not the way to fight it. You need to be more clever than that. No one likes been told or have things shoved down people’s throats.

Jack and Finn were cute but they are very average nowadays. You don’t want to be a cute kid because the cute kid always grows up the worst.
Thing with Jack is it not about what he is saying it’s the way he is saying it. He has money to make money and lives a privilege lifestyle. This makes it hard to relate to him and believe he a man of the people. It’s about photo opportunity and making sure his name out there so he can validate himself. If he was a good filmmaker he would make a film show how the world is being damaged by climate change without any political message just facts. He hasn’t been able to do that so far. He makes content to telling you how you should live your life and coming from a rich kid who not had to start from the bottom it comes across badly. People think only one type of person can be radical but that not true and Jack is an example of this. He so far in this bubble he does not have a middle ground. Climate change is important but this is not the way to fight it. You need to be more clever than that. No one likes been told or have things shoved down people’s throats.

Jack and Finn were cute but they are very average nowadays. You don’t want to be a cute kid because the cute kid always grows up the worst.

I agree with you, they come from a well background family already. His dad is a film maker. He can keep continue with Youtube as he want if he think about money and his content is very successful back at that time.

For example, all his friends that still continue being Youtuber. The UK gang (Joe, Zoella, Elfie etc) all those people makes very good money by YouTube. I heard that 1 million view is equally approximately 1,000 dollar in 2nd or 3rd country rank such as Asia and thinking about Zoella who's live in UK in 1st rank, have almost 4 million view in a month nowadays, compare to before where she upload almost every day in vlog and every week in main channel which is almost 10 million every month for viewer. that makes approximately $20,000+ a month. $240,000+ a year.

However, I remember Jack suffering with mentality time at some point when he feel like he could done something better because the money is not actually the most in his concernt. plus that time his twin brother move to study in different area which makes him lost the direction. and seem like he found what he love to do the most now. he looks happy than 2-3 year before.
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Thing with Jack is it not about what he is saying it’s the way he is saying it. He has money to make money and lives a privilege lifestyle. This makes it hard to relate to him and believe he a man of the people. It’s about photo opportunity and making sure his name out there so he can validate himself. If he was a good filmmaker he would make a film show how the world is being damaged by climate change without any political message just facts. He hasn’t been able to do that so far. He makes content to telling you how you should live your life and coming from a rich kid who not had to start from the bottom it comes across badly. People think only one type of person can be radical but that not true and Jack is an example of this. He so far in this bubble he does not have a middle ground. Climate change is important but this is not the way to fight it. You need to be more clever than that. No one likes been told or have things shoved down people’s throats.

Jack and Finn were cute but they are very average nowadays. You don’t want to be a cute kid because the cute kid always grows up the worst.

That’s exactly what people said to the suffragettes. And to black people. And to us.
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Considering they were fighting for basic human rights and Jack is not you can’t compare the two.
Considering they were fighting for basic human rights and Jack is not you can’t compare the two.
but jack is fighting for the survival of our planet which is, in my opinion, just as important as any civil right
but jack is fighting for the survival of our planet which is, in my opinion, just as important as any civil right

Pretty sure that's been the tagline for, what, 30 years? "Only 10 years to save X". It comes and goes and using such language doesn't win you any supporters, at least from a British perspective. It just makes you look silly.

He wants to "save the planet" by taxing the poorest and ruining their quality of life. Industrialisation creates prosperity and opportunity, as we've seen in Europe, the USA and now Asia. How long before people like Jack fly off to Africa to protest governments engaging in industrialisation to lift their people from poverty?

There's a reason the left are losing elections all over the world. You're annoying. Be less annoying.
Except they actually want to tax the wealthiest, and even then just want them to pay their fair share. But hardly a shock that the right resorts to lies and strawmen arguments rather than facts.
Except they actually want to tax the wealthiest, and even then just want them to pay their fair share. But hardly a shock that the right resorts to lies and strawmen arguments rather than facts.

They want to ban using coal and gas power stations, so the country can be covered in wind turbines on land owned by already rich people, who are then paid a subsidy, on top of the wind turbines themselves being subsidised. All those subsidies go on to your energy bills.

It's already illegal to engage in tax evasion. If you're whining about tax avoidance, which is legal, then complain to the EU Commission and your MP.

Also, I'm a civil servant that's worked at the DWP, MOJ, Treasury and now MOD. It may be you that needs to check your facts.
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And another strawman. And you know what, even if we pretend what you say is true about the wind farms - how does that all compare to the poorly negotiated deal over a new nuclear power plant? Oh that's right - an estimated £50-60 per megawatt hour for onshore wind vs £92.50 per megawatt hour for Hinkley C. And the government itself says onshore wind is the cheapest form of electricity generation.

You really should try getting your information from somewhere other than The Daily Mail. And I fail to see how exactly you being a civil servant is relevant. Are we meant to be impressed that you worked at departments that caused suicides of the most vulnerable people in the country, that has helped slash legal aid to further increase inequality in the justice system, that has blocked EU reforms which would've helped tackle tax havens, and finally a department full of such incompetents that it spunks money up the wall whenever BAE tells it to because seemingly no-one in the MOD knows how to properly negotiate a contract?

What Extinction Rebellion are actually calling for is a people's assembly so action can be taken against climate change and ensure this is done without vested interests getting in the way. You know, vested interests like large landholders trying to game the system to their benefit. But hey, the idea of taking power away from Whitehall? No wonder a civil servant is scared of them.
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And another strawman. And you know what, even if we pretend what you say is true about the wind farms - how does that all compare to the poorly negotiated deal over a new nuclear power plant? Oh that's right - an estimated £50-60 per megawatt hour for onshore wind vs £92.50 per megawatt hour for Hinkley C. And the government itself says onshore wind is the cheapest form of electricity generation.

You really should try getting your information from somewhere other than The Daily Mail. And I fail to see how exactly you being a civil servant is relevant. Are we meant to be impressed that you worked at departments that caused suicides of the most vulnerable people in the country, that has helped slash legal aid to further increase inequality in the justice system, that has blocked EU reforms which would've helped tackle tax havens, and finally a department full of such incompetents that it spunks money up the wall whenever BAE tells it to because seemingly no-one in the MOD knows how to properly negotiate a contract?

What Extinction Rebellion are actually calling for is a people's assembly so action can be taken against climate change and ensure this is done without vested interests getting in the way. You know, vested interests like large landholders trying to game the system to their benefit. But hey, the idea of taking power away from Whitehall? No wonder a civil servant is scared of them.

I like how you talk about "facts" and then just spout off fabricated nonsense. You're the type of person that spends far too much time on Twitter that it warps your view of the real world. The "you disagree with me so you must read The Daily Mail and must be a nasty Nazi". The "OMG YOU KILL DISABLED PEOPLE!!!". Honestly, seek help.

You're not attracting anyone to your cause acting so petulant.
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