What movie or tv show lines are on your mind today?
They don’t have to be connected. Just a movie line of dialogue or quote or a tv show quote/ line of dialogue.
Bonus if you can think of both at the same time.
Just thought it would be a fun way to get all our favourite lines of dialogue from shows and movies shared and logged.
I’ll go first
Wallace and Gromit The Curse of the Warerabbit- Hutch: Ah the bounce has gone from his bungee.
This line never fails to make me cackle.
The Golden Girls- Dorothy in response to a question of where she’s going- To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I’ll decide in the car.
I would love to be able to use this response someday but I’ve yet been presented with an opportunity to do so.
So this is the basic outline of the format
Name of show/ movie or if both like how I have done it.
Character and the line.
If the line makes more sense in context write it out like I have with a brief summary to explain why the line was said.
Explain why you thought of the line
But most importantly have fun.
Next line of dialogue or quote please, let’s get going.
They don’t have to be connected. Just a movie line of dialogue or quote or a tv show quote/ line of dialogue.
Bonus if you can think of both at the same time.
Just thought it would be a fun way to get all our favourite lines of dialogue from shows and movies shared and logged.
I’ll go first
Wallace and Gromit The Curse of the Warerabbit- Hutch: Ah the bounce has gone from his bungee.
This line never fails to make me cackle.
The Golden Girls- Dorothy in response to a question of where she’s going- To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I’ll decide in the car.
I would love to be able to use this response someday but I’ve yet been presented with an opportunity to do so.

So this is the basic outline of the format
Name of show/ movie or if both like how I have done it.
Character and the line.
If the line makes more sense in context write it out like I have with a brief summary to explain why the line was said.
Explain why you thought of the line
But most importantly have fun.
Next line of dialogue or quote please, let’s get going.