First Movie/TV show quote or a random line of dialogue that comes to mind


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Jan 3, 2025
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What movie or tv show lines are on your mind today?
They don’t have to be connected. Just a movie line of dialogue or quote or a tv show quote/ line of dialogue.
Bonus if you can think of both at the same time.
Just thought it would be a fun way to get all our favourite lines of dialogue from shows and movies shared and logged.
I’ll go first
Wallace and Gromit The Curse of the Warerabbit- Hutch: Ah the bounce has gone from his bungee.
This line never fails to make me cackle.
The Golden Girls- Dorothy in response to a question of where she’s going- To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I’ll decide in the car.
I would love to be able to use this response someday but I’ve yet been presented with an opportunity to do so. 😂

So this is the basic outline of the format
Name of show/ movie or if both like how I have done it.
Character and the line.
If the line makes more sense in context write it out like I have with a brief summary to explain why the line was said.
Explain why you thought of the line
But most importantly have fun.
Next line of dialogue or quote please, let’s get going.
Pets to the Rescue -Hyper- in response to the boss asking what he’s doing. -I smudged me lipstick!
This is a children’s comedy film. The context of this particular line is 3 guys have just hijacked an armoured truck filled with gold. Hyper was in drag and during the get away while they are being chased by the police. He decided to reapply his makeup. 😂
This segment of the film is full of great one liners and quips.
I always laugh when I saw porkys .. and Ms baubreaker ( they called her ballbreaker) was in office with three students.. and she’s telling the principle “ give her two students and Tommy turner and she’d identify who it was with his penis through the hole in girls shower room..

The principle say.. you mean to tell me you want me to let three students show you their taliwhacker .. and please let’s call it a taliwacker ..

That line always kept in my mind then as scene goes to fading it shows picture of guy smiling
Now I might get some of this wrong as I haven’t seen the movie for years, but growing up there was this direct to video movie of the sorcerer’s apprentice.
Set in modern times in which the people of legend time travel to the present or something like that.
The villain Morgana has a great line that always made me chuckle.
Right I’m going to take a shower and then I’m going to conquer the world.
This is definitely a quote to live by is it not.
DOROTHY: Oh, I'm tired of being Cindy Peeples.

Her life is almost as boring as mine.

BLANCHE: Oh, let's go home, Dorothy, Rose.

DOROTHY: Okay, okay, Blanche.

EMCEE: And now, the king and queen of the prom, Danny Farrell and Cindy Lou Peeples!



DOROTHY: (Stops in her tracks, stunned silence. she can’t believe she’s Queen of the Prom) I'm queen!

I'm queen!

Oh, Ma, Ma, I'm queen of the prom.

SOPHIA: I'm proud of you, Cindy Lou.

DOROTHY: I'm queen.

SOPHIA: This is sad.

This is so sad.

GUEST: Hold it.

You're not Cindy Lou Peeples.

DOROTHY: I don't know what you're talking about.

I brought my mother.

She'll vouch for me.


GUEST: That...

That's Mrs. Gonzales.

SOPHIA: Uh, si.

GUEST: They're both impostors.

DOROTHY: Run, Ma, run!


ROSE: (Rose grasping her arm and collapsing to the floor) Dorothy!

DOROTHY: Do you see what you've done?

You've upset Kim Fung-Toi.
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DOROTHY: Oh, I'm tired of being Cindy Peeples.

Her life is almost as boring as mine.

BLANCHE: Oh, let's go home, Dorothy, Rose.

DOROTHY: Okay, okay, Blanche.

EMCEE: And now, the king and queen of the prom, Danny Farrell and Cindy Lou Peeples!



DOROTHY: (Stops in her tracks, stunned silence. she can’t believe she’s Queen of the Prom) I'm queen!

I'm queen!

Oh, Ma, Ma, I'm queen of the prom.

SOPHIA: I'm proud of you, Cindy Lou.

DOROTHY: I'm queen.

SOPHIA: This is sad.

This is so sad.

GUEST: Hold it.

You're not Cindy Lou Peeples.

DOROTHY: I don't know what you're talking about.

I brought my mother.

She'll vouch for me.


GUEST: That...

That's Mrs. Gonzales.

SOPHIA: Uh, si.

GUEST: They're both impostors.

DOROTHY: Run, Ma, run!


ROSE: (Rose grasping her arm and collapsing to the floor) Dorothy!

DOROTHY: Do you see what you've done?

You've upset Kim Fung-Toi.
Golden girls quote .. good one
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Another good one from The Golden Girls
When the girls are going away for the weekend with some guys and Blanche suggests they take protection and Rose does not understand what she means. Dorothy quips two armed Pinkerton guards and then Dorothy subtly tries to tell her what Blanche is talking about by indicating she looks at the shelf in front of them.
Rose A nestlies crunch?
Dorothy One over
Rose enema bag?
Dorothy to the Right.
Rose Dentrgrip ?
Dorothy loses patience with Rose and yells a now iconic line.
To which the male cashier replies, calm down lady you just get outta prison?
North By Northwest Cary Grant to Leo G. Carrol as Roger Thornhill and the Professor talking about Eva Marie Saint (Eve Kendall)

  • The Professor: If I thought there was any chance of changing your mind, I'd talk about Miss Kendall, of whom you so obviously disapprove.
  • Roger Thornhill: Yes, for using sex like some people use a flyswatter.

Another great line from Joe Pesci in the movie "Casino"... However, I will have to partially censor it. IF you have seen the movie, you will know the line: "Every wiseguy will take a piece of your fucken J-- ass!"
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North By Northwest Cary Grant to Leo G. Carrol as Roger Thornhill and the Professor talking about Eva Marie Saint (Eve Kendall)

  • The Professor: If I thought there was any chance of changing your mind, I'd talk about Miss Kendall, of whom you so obviously disapprove.
  • Roger Thornhill: Yes, for using sex like some people use a flyswatter.

Ohh that’s brilliant. I’ll have to look up this film
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