First video/scene/photos that made you realize you were attracted to men

I grew up in the late 50's and 60"s and had no access to hard porn, only soft porn so I never saw a cock cum in porn until I was already well on my way to bisexuality. I discovered I liked cocks the natural way. I started eating my cum for clean up purposes (to keep my masturbating secrete from family) as soon as I started producing cum way back when I was 12. Back then, as a horny 12 yo, I would masturbate a LOT and so was eating a LOT of cum. I realized I liked cum pretty quickly and so when my best friend asked me if I was willing to exchange BJ's, I jumped at the chance. I loved that 1st expereince and have love sucking cock ever since. I realized that I loved cocks from then on, no porn was needed. So bottom line, never had a porn crush but definitely had a crush on my friend's cock - actually still do to this day.
We get it - you like eating cum. You’ve told us a hundred times now
I got curious about men long after I had discovered women. I had a friend come out to me as gay and it obviously bothered me, as I remember him telling me that he was the same person he was before. In any case, it struck me that I had noticed guys and found them attractive before although it didn't really make me curious about them. Not long after I met a group of his gay mates and fell into easy conversation with one guy; my mate noticed and baled me up about it during a drinking session. I admitted that I liked this friend. He asked me if I had ever considered sex with a man, and I honestly told him I had never contemplated it. I was really confused about what I felt when I did consider it but was curious enough to look online at gay porn because that might explain it; I had never looked at straight porn before because my girlfriends kept me well satisfied (in my mind at least).
I was totally blown away, not only by what I found but how it made me respond; I was too timid to look at hardcore stuff but my response was definite- my heart was in my throat; my pulse raced and my ears thumped, and my cock responded like it did with my first girlfriend. I really liked the images of cocks but was so confused about how I felt: this wasn't normal?
I asked my friend about it during another heavy session and he laughed; define normal? he asked, and explained that plenty of guys liked gay porn. He passed out not long after, I went home and looked at gay porn until daybreak- I was quite intoxicated, but really liked one I found:

I watched it multiple times and couldn't get it out of my head; these guys loved giving and receiving head, my girlfriends to that date had never made me cum that way.
I spent several days thinking about the video and went back to it daily, eventually finding more and more gay porn that I liked. My responses to what I found were the same or stronger and I eventually discovered that wanking to what I saw was intensely pleasurable! and that I was attracted to men at a sexual level. I was quite confused about it and it took me nearly 7 years to sort that out in my own mind, and I never discussed it with my friend although I know he knew.
I got curious about men long after I had discovered women. I had a friend come out to me as gay and it obviously bothered me, as I remember him telling me that he was the same person he was before. In any case, it struck me that I had noticed guys and found them attractive before although it didn't really make me curious about them. Not long after I met a group of his gay mates and fell into easy conversation with one guy; my mate noticed and baled me up about it during a drinking session. I admitted that I liked this friend. He asked me if I had ever considered sex with a man, and I honestly told him I had never contemplated it. I was really confused about what I felt when I did consider it but was curious enough to look online at gay porn because that might explain it; I had never looked at straight porn before because my girlfriends kept me well satisfied (in my mind at least).
I was totally blown away, not only by what I found but how it made me respond; I was too timid to look at hardcore stuff but my response was definite- my heart was in my throat; my pulse raced and my ears thumped, and my cock responded like it did with my first girlfriend. I really liked the images of cocks but was so confused about how I felt: this wasn't normal?
I asked my friend about it during another heavy session and he laughed; define normal? he asked, and explained that plenty of guys liked gay porn. He passed out not long after, I went home and looked at gay porn until daybreak- I was quite intoxicated, but really liked one I found:

I watched it multiple times and couldn't get it out of my head; these guys loved giving and receiving head, my girlfriends to that date had never made me cum that way.
I spent several days thinking about the video and went back to it daily, eventually finding more and more gay porn that I liked. My responses to what I found were the same or stronger and I eventually discovered that wanking to what I saw was intensely pleasurable! and that I was attracted to men at a sexual level. I was quite confused about it and it took me nearly 7 years to sort that out in my own mind, and I never discussed it with my friend although I know he knew.
Huge fucking dongs!