Froy (teen wolf)

If you're going to be a kept boy, why wouldn't you aim higher? A twink like him probably can get older, hotter, more famous guys.

No offence to Richard, but hardly A-list. I mean that might change if his Marvel gig goes well, but for now, Froy could do a lot better if he wanted to be a kept boy.
If you're going to be a kept boy, why wouldn't you aim higher? A twink like him probably can get older, hotter, more famous guys.

No offence to Richard, but hardly A-list. I mean that might change if his Marvel gig goes well, but for now, Froy could do a lot better if he wanted to be a kept boy.
not everyone wants their sugar daddies to be wrinkly old men
Froy is now living with Richard Madden and people are obsessing about it
damn i’m out of the loop. i didn’t even know richard was connected to brandon flynn. love how every article i read just calls them friends & roommates.
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damn i’m out of the loop. i didn’t even know richard was connected to brandon flynn. love how every article i read just calls them friends & roommates.
Both Froy and Richard have been really quiet about it. I wonder what they will come up with when they address the matter, if they ever do
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Maybe I don't get it but why do you keep harping on Froy's level of success? Being cast as a regular for the first time in a TV series - how is that anything but positive? That's an upward turn in anyone's performing career. Acting and music aren't stable or predictable. Mendes, Chalamet, Charlie Puth were nobodies not too long ago too.
Someone said jealousy and I explained the reasons why it’s not.
You don’t need to sell fries when you have a sugar daddy. I doubt his success as an actor can pay what Madden is paying for Emilia’s house.
He's not selling fries. He's working as an actor. Only 2٪ of all actors earn a living doing it. He moved in with his boyfriend who was living in a mansion.
Both Froy and Richard have been really quiet about it. I wonder what they will come up with when they address the matter, if they ever do

I doubt very much they will address anything. During the time Madden was living with/dating Flynn he never formally acknowledged Brandon was his boyfriend but when a reporter asked if they were dating his response was, “I don’t talk about my relationships.” Which some people thought was dodging the question but to everyone but the very dense it seemed pretty obvious that was his way of saying we’re dating now leave us alone.
So many famous guys lost the public interest when they came out. But I understand...a huge part of their public are women, and if you're a woman and you find out the guy you're fantasising is actually attracted to twinks, why even bother? It's a turn off for many of them.
I know there are fangirls who likes to ''ship'' gay guys, but they still a minority.
Jesus. Christ. Some of these comments are so stupid. They treat Froy as some God and Madden as some old fat guy. Madden, is more attractive to most people (gays included) then Froy (personally I like Froy). Madden is a leading man and well respected actor. Madden's worth many millions and Froy, while wealthy, is nowhere near Madden. This seems like a good balance and if anything a win for Froy.
I love it. I say good for Froy.

Nothing wrong with being with an 'older' man, and again, Richard ain't even old. And here's a novel thought...maybe the two genuinely like each other. Or maybe the sex is just really great. Then again, I've never had issues with age, so...
Considering Froy's never had a truly public relationship, this is the closest we've seen to that. And for it to be with another man, let alone a slightly older man... I love it! Good for him.

As for his career, boy is barely, what, 22? Got plenty of time to develop a career. Considering the things on his resume, not any different than any other young actor building up a career with bit parts. For his looks, demographic, and what talent we've seen, these cable show parts are par for the course.
I am surprised the press picked it up already though. "Quarantine-buddies"... :joy: Yeah, sure.

Somebody had to tip them off, though, as Froy isn't high profile enough to get headline coverage like this on his own. My guess, Madden's own team trying to essentially set the narrative early on. Now, what I wonder is how Froy's team thinks of their client in this situation. Probably not thrilled. :laughing:
I am surprised the press picked it up already though. "Quarantine-buddies"... :joy: Yeah, sure.

Somebody had to tip them off, though, as Froy isn't high profile enough to get headline coverage like this on his own. My guess, Madden's own team trying to essentially set the narrative early on. Now, what I wonder is how Froy's team thinks of their client in this situation. Probably not thrilled. :laughing:
i think this is one of those any publicity is good publicity type of situations.
if his camp wasn't the one leaking the story, they'd be dumb to be pressed about it. froy's getting lots of public attention, which is great for his career