Froy (teen wolf)

If froy and Richard are gay or are friends or bisexual or are a couple in the end it is their business, stop arguing, they went out to protest the racial problem that the United States has, and that is what matters stop looking for small details to fight, PLEASE STOP
Have you ever read the Cameron Dallas thread? People have been arguing about if he's gay or not for 330 pages. And it's a lot bitchier than this one.
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Have you ever read the Cameron Dallas thread? People have been arguing about if he's gay or not for 330 pages.
Maybe he does have a "gay" appearance but he is a model and it is his job to look like that sometimes, and the truth is, I have not seen his thread since he is not even of my interest, also with him they have always been very hard at time to judge it
Maybe he does have a "gay" appearance but he is a model and it is his job to look like that sometimes, and the truth is, I have not seen his thread since he is not even of my interest, also with him they have always been very hard at time to judge it
My friend, I'm sorry if you didn't understand what I was trying to say. It was just my way of saying other threads also discuss if someone is gay or not. And that we are usually pretty nice on this thread.
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My friend, I'm sorry if you didn't understand what I was trying to say. It was just my way of saying other threads also discuss if someone is gay or not. And that we are usually pretty nice on this thread.

Is that a joke? Because I always see you fighting and arguing with everyone, since apparently you love that lol
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Hahaha! Really? Well you really scrolled all the way back to get that little nugget didn’t you, but to answer your question yeah I still don’t think they are shagging/dating. They are staying in the same house and hanging out. Nothing about that suggests that they are anything but pals. Have no reason to thing Froy is gay or bi and the same can be said for Richard Madden. Maybe just keep your opinions to yourself if you can’t actually formulate a point of view without think it’s a bit of column A, B and a bit of C. You clearly don’t think they are genuine in what they are doing if you even questioned it in the first place.

Madden dated Brandon Flynn for a year, but I suppose you think they were just pals, too.
Madden dated Brandon Flynn for a year, but I suppose you think they were just pals, too.

Adding to my thought above: Froy did his live Shakespeare reading from the guest room of the house he’s staying in — a room that was clearly unused. No TV remote, no phone chargers, no books, nothing in the background. The room was as sparse and generic as a hotel room. That house only has two bedrooms. If he’s not occupying the guest bedroom, where do you suppose Froy sleeps? On the couch? In a tent in the yard?