Froy (teen wolf)

hollering @ y'all acting like Froy in these nude pics is obese... he looks like what a regular guy that works out looks like. I know guys with 6-pack abs that when they're sitting down it kind of looks like they have a gut, but you fucking KNOW they're chiseled. lol
That dick is obese aha his body isn't, people are just vile

A bit higher res if anyone wants it -

The TV pilot Froy shot with Kat Dennings and Tim Allen has been picked up to series…the creators and writers have exited the series and they are also recasting Froy.
Well then fuck them. I hope it’s a complete failure, Tim Allen is scum.
"The official logline for the series states that Allen stars as Matt, “the stubborn, widowed owner of a classic car restoration shop. When Matt’s estranged daughter (Dennings) and her teenage kids move into his house, the real restoration begins.”

This sounds like the kind of shows that will air for 6 seasons but you don't know about a single person who watches this in real life