Froy (teen wolf)

Why do you call it an affair? Neither person was cheating on anyone else. It was a relationship. Call it that.
I get why that would be the go to definition, but it has a couple other meanings that don’t mean cheating that could apply to their relationship.
To be fair, I think Madden could afford a housekeeping boyfriend :joy: I don't know Zane's financial status but Madden was getting at least £400k/year during his affair with Froy.
So you're telling me that froy was a trad wife?
i really hope people stop thinking they've broken up after not seeing them together for a bit. like I said, they're fine. they've just been more private this past year and will most likely continue to be. but i'm sure another "omg we havent seen them in a long time, they broke up??" post will pop up in a few weeks even though this pattern of assuming they broke up and then being proven wrong has been going on for the past year
i really hope people stop thinking they've broken up after not seeing them together for a bit. like I said, they're fine. they've just been more private this past year and will most likely continue to be. but i'm sure another "omg we havent seen them in a long time, they broke up??" post will pop up in a few weeks even though this pattern of assuming they broke up and then being proven wrong has been going on for the past year
Everything on LPSG happens in cycles. Its just... unavoidable. :joy: