Gay sex scenes from movies/tv series

It's on gaytorrent but has no audio. It'll likely be uploaded again with sound soon.
Thanks for the heads up and looking very forward when the audio version gets released now :D
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Prisma (Season 2) with Mattia Carrano & Lorenzo Zurzolo.​

Its a very short and sweet sex scene, not very explicit but the showrunners did everything right with this ship, especially with the queer guy falling for a str8 guy trope when there's a dozen shows out there that ends with them bringing a new gay love interest bc the str8 guy ends up just being str8. They really said we're gonna give the gays everything they want. Anyways yall should really watch this show on Amazon.
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yeah so glad with where the show-runner decided to take their story. One of the best queer tv shows imo. I'm scared if it will get season 3 or not bc Amazon fucked up the international release unlike season 1 where it was released worldwide at the same time on Amazon. Season 2 is being released by another company and they still haven't sold the rights to any streaming sites for the international release. But most people, like myself would've already watched it online which means fewer people watching it when its officially releases, which sucks.

The show/writing/acting/chemistry/overall aesthetic is so good, I just need more season of them.

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Lorenzo Zurzolo







