Gay sex scenes from movies/tv series

Scenes from Birder
This must be my biggest 2024 disappointment / turn off.

The actors were off point, the sex scenes was a total lame, you don't need to show the whole thing if you don't want, that's fine, but prosthetic? wtf.

I was so ancious to watch this movie but I'll pass. Let's give the crown for:

The Summer with Carmen

A movie I was not expecting to be that good with such hot sex scenes well directed. USA really lost the track when it comes to gay erotic films, lets just put our faith in the europeans / latin americans. They sure knows what they're doing. ;);)
There have been previews for it that the cast have attended. But from what I can tell there haven’t been any screeners so we won’t get any leaks yet :( so looks like we’re going to have to wait for the official release next month.
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yeah so glad with where the show-runner decided to take their story. One of the best queer tv shows imo. I'm scared if it will get season 3 or not bc Amazon fucked up the international release unlike season 1 where it was released worldwide at the same time on Amazon. Season 2 is being released by another company and they still haven't sold the rights to any streaming sites for the international release. But most people, like myself would've already watched it online which means fewer people watching it when its officially releases, which sucks.

The show/writing/acting/chemistry/overall aesthetic is so good, I just need more season of them.

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OMG. Lorenzo :heart_eyes:
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