Gay sex scenes from movies/tv series


Nicolas Maupas cock size
Keeping an eye on the new Merli Italian copy show Un Professore. Not sure if it will be as explicit as the original (first season was very good if you have not watched).

Italian version has the lead characters son Simone (Nicolas Maupas) question his sexuality and begin to have a crush on Manuel (Damiano Gavino), similar to the Bruno and Pol storyline that was on fire season 1.

Not seen episodes myself as first episodes aired or if we will get good content but it is something worth watching as a good show.
"Alexander: The Making of a God" on Netflix with Buck Braithwaite & Will Stevens. This was really sensual and the guy that played Hephaestion was really cute.

Not really a sex scene tho and the bare minimum tbh but still posting it bc this little scene of showing Alexander's bisexuality is really making the straggots clutch their pearls in twitter lmao.
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so mad we didnt get a sex scene
yeah so glad with where the show-runner decided to take their story. One of the best queer tv shows imo. I'm scared if it will get season 3 or not bc Amazon fucked up the international release unlike season 1 where it was released worldwide at the same time on Amazon. Season 2 is being released by another company and they still haven't sold the rights to any streaming sites for the international release. But most people, like myself would've already watched it online which means fewer people watching it when its officially releases, which sucks.

The show/writing/acting/chemistry/overall aesthetic is so good, I just need more season of them.
The rights are Amazon’s. And in Italy is out on Prime too.
I'm not sure where this is from but found it hot, seems the couple seduce the younger guy until eventually the guys fuck. No subtitles, no clue where its from. If anyone knows that be great but if not, enjoy!

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What’s the name of this movie?
Keeping an eye on the new Merli Italian copy show Un Professore. Not sure if it will be as explicit as the original (first season was very good if you have not watched).

Italian version has the lead characters son Simone (Nicolas Maupas) question his sexuality and begin to have a crush on Manuel (Damiano Gavino), similar to the Bruno and Pol storyline that was on fire season 1.

Not seen episodes myself as first episodes aired or if we will get good content but it is something worth watching as a good show.

I too have developed a crush on Damiano Gavino. The thing I'm afraid of is that they just don't develope Nicole e Manuel's relationship. It already diverged from the original, as Nicole (Bruno) didn't leave to live abroad and started dating a different character. I hope they show Manuel being jealous. I really liked the original characters, but if there is one thing I felt was that Pol never really wanted Bruno that hard. He fell in love with everything that moved except Bruno, and then they end up together (in the epilogue of the first show) without explanation. At first I thought it was wholesome, but after expanding on Pol's story in Sapere Aude (which started sidelining, and then forgot Bruno existed altogether), it just felt like Bruno was not his first choice.
Birder 2024 but with no sound tho.
A lot of sex scenes but most of the actors were NOT giving tbh (atleast for me personally). There was like one hot guy but he was wasted on sucking the main character's dick, while the other two were fucking in the the same room.

