Guess who's back... back again... daley's back... tell your friends

I think this news only adds to the theory that they have an open relationship, which is nothing scandalous in the gay community, but mainstream straight media probably won't understand that, and I doubt Tom and DLB wanted that knowledge public.
OH not this again.....don't you just get that Dustin is using Tom to plug a TV show and no leaks will happen..

In two minds about this.

Dustin likes them young, and Tom's a lusted after young athlete with a great body. Either Dustin will turn a blind eye to Toms infidelity or they're in an open relationship. Either way, Dustin's the lucky one here, it's not like he'd ever do better.

You have a point about the publicity though. Dustins TV show airs in 7 days now. Seems like whenever these two want some publicity a sex-related story leaks (funnily enough the pics never leak though!). All seems suspicious to me.
I think this story has more to do with the "sexting" story from last month than anything else. When stuff like this starts to leak out it's like a dam that starts to crack. I wouldn't be surprised if more things start to come out in the next few months, as more of the guys that Tom (or DLB) has hooked up with/sexted/whatever feel emboldened to speak up. It's a shame that it's being marketed as a scandal, since I really think they have a consentual understanding about seeing other people. BUT if you try and sell your fairy-tale romance to the press on a regular basis then stuff like this does have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass.
  1. Dustin gets publicity for his show (which is being trashed by the alt right before it's even aired, go check the disproportionate dislikes on YouTube).
  2. Narcissist Tom gets his headlines.
  3. And this Edward "model" who appears to be unsigned/never done an actual campaign gets a few more Instagram followers.
Think we're being played lads! Don't hold your breath for photos anytime soon.
Totally agree...

  1. Dustin gets publicity for his show (which is being trashed by the alt right before it's even aired, go check the disproportionate dislikes on YouTube).
  2. Narcissist Tom gets his headlines.
  3. And this Edward "model" who appears to be unsigned/never done an actual campaign gets a few more Instagram followers.
Think we're being played lads! Don't hold your breath for photos anytime soon.
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I tend not to view things this way. The simplest explanation is usually the best one. They hooked up, and someone's talking to the press about it. People generally don't divulge explicit details about their personal lives to the press just to promote their TV shows.