Guess who's back... back again... daley's back... tell your friends

Tom's starting to look that way too tbh. I dunno, it's a difficult look to describe. Sometimes it's the result of too much botox or surgery, sometimes it's just people looking far too...scrubbed and clean than is normal, if that makes sense? I know from his comments in interviews that Tom is very vain and absolutely terrified of aging, so I fully expect him to get way too much work done, way earlier than he should even consider it.
Tom's starting to look that way too tbh. I dunno, it's a difficult look to describe. Sometimes it's the result of too much botox or surgery, sometimes it's just people looking far too...scrubbed and clean than is normal, if that makes sense? I know from his comments in interviews that Tom is very vain and absolutely terrified of aging, so I fully expect him to get way too much work done, way earlier than he should even consider it.

I really hope not. He's got a perfect ken doll look at the moment. Men getting face work done can look dreadful in my opinion. Especially if it involves their lips. A bit of botox can be complimentary but it can also look terrible. Maybe Dustin could do with some facial hair, that might butch him up a bit.

I'm not surprised Tom is vain, he is objectified, mainly down to his profession. He relishes it now, but maybe it will be a slippery slope to bad surgery choices, especially with his money.
tom's at the age young rich gays start doing botox. mostly to get rid of things like frown lines. i saw a youtuber say he did it also because it helps prevent certain future facial marks, since those areas are frozen, it won't be leaving any lines for when you're old.
as long as they just get botox to get rid of lines it's all good. but that stuff usually leads to the person wanting more cosmetic changes and next thing you know they're looking like a real life ken doll
Yes don't let this happen to you Tom

seems like the classic case of a young guy who comes out, really wants a relationship and falls for the older gay guy... but soon realizes that he is young and wants to experience sex and life with different people. he wont marry this guy..he will just realize it is too soon to marry..let alone marry a guy that much older.
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If Tom hadn't gotten with DLB he might've done something like CBB, but I think his career ambitions are now a little higher than the trajectory that would put him on. Unless other things start to go badly, of course.
Yeah he would have to be in a pretty bad way to go on Big Brother. The people that go on it tend to do it when their fame is in decline or dormant, or they are in retirement and need the money. And of course the ones that are hardly even known to the public and want to raise their profile. For Tom to do it would be career suicide. It would have to be a last resort for him, and I don't think he's there yet. They are both talented and successful, but have unfortunately been dragged into the celebrity vacuum, partly through their own doing. My advice to them would be to keep their heads down for a bit.
Trying to be the gay version of the Beckham's but oblivious a lot of their target market can't stand them as individuals.

Also Dustin Black's sex tape was the most disappointing thing I've seen. Tom Daley looks like he has as small a dick as his husband.
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Trying to be the gay version of the Beckham's but oblivious a lot of their target market can't stand them as individuals.

Also Dustin Black's sex tape was the most disappointing thing I've seen. Tom Daley looks like he has as small a dick as his husband.

Do you have his actual sex tape video?